

单词 紫罗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bouquet〕The woman carried a bouquet of dried violets.这个女人拿着一束干枯的紫罗兰。柯林斯高阶〔gesneriad〕Any of numerous, mostly tropical herbs or shrubs of the family Gesneriaceae, including African violets, the Cape primrose, and gloxinia.苦苣苔类:一种大量的、主要长于热带的苦苣苔科草本植物和灌木,包括非洲紫罗兰、好望角樱草和大岩桐美国传统〔heliotrope〕Color A moderate, light, or brilliant violet to moderate or deep reddish purple.【色彩】 淡紫红色:轻淡、适度或明亮的紫罗兰色,适度或深红紫色美国传统〔just〕In order to raise healthy African violets you must treat them just so.要种好非洲紫罗兰你一定要细心料理。英汉大词典〔lavender〕Color A pale to light purple to very light or very pale violet.【色彩】 淡紫色:一种从浅白到亮紫再到非常亮或白的紫罗兰色美国传统〔lilac〕All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable.所有木槿紫、丁香紫、薰衣草紫和紫罗兰紫的色调都是很时尚的。外研社新世纪〔royal purple〕A moderate or strong violet to deep purple or dark reddish purple.深紫色:中等或深紫罗兰色与深紫或暗红紫色之间的颜色美国传统〔shot〕The chill air was shot with the fragrance of violets.寒冷的空气中透出紫罗兰花香。英汉大词典〔tease〕Sunshine teases violets into flowering.阳光照得紫罗兰花儿怒放。英汉大词典〔violet〕Any of several similar plants, such as the African violet.紫罗兰,非洲紫罗兰:几种类似植物之一,如非洲紫罗兰美国传统〔violet〕The light was beginning to drain from a violet sky.光线开始从紫罗兰色的天空渐渐消退。柯林斯高阶〔willowy〕She was pale and willowy, with violet eyes.她脸色苍白,身材修长,有一双紫罗蓝色的眼睛。朗文当代The appearance of bunches of violets in the shops provides intimations (=an intimation) of spring in the wettest and darkest weeks of the year.在一年中最阴暗潮湿的日子里,商店里一束束紫罗兰花的出现提示人们春天即将来临。剑桥国际




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