

单词 窗户
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔angle〕angled the chair toward the window. 把椅子转向窗户美国传统〔bar〕houses with bars across the windows 窗户上钉有铁条的房屋朗文当代〔blacked-out〕blacked-out windows 严密遮蔽的窗户英汉大词典〔break〕to break a cup/window 打破杯子╱窗户牛津高阶〔brick up〕to brick up a doorway (或window) to prevent draughts用砖把门口(或窗户)堵住以防进风21世纪英汉〔broken〕a broken window/plate 破碎的窗户╱盘子牛津高阶〔by〕the window by the door. 靠近门的窗户美国传统〔close〕a closed window 关着的窗户牛津高阶〔condensation〕the condensation of water on cold windows 天冷时凝结在窗户上的水珠英汉大词典〔convenient〕a convenient method/way/means of cleaning windows 擦拭窗户的简便方法韦氏高阶〔face〕a window that faces the south. 朝南的一个窗户美国传统〔ghoulish〕the ghoulish apparitions at the window. 在窗户边游荡的食尸鬼的幻影柯林斯高阶〔height〕thrown out of a window from a great height从很高处的一个窗户扔下外研社新世纪〔inwardly〕a window opening flared inwardly. 向里开的窗户美国传统〔leaded〕leaded windows 镶有铅框的窗户韦氏高阶〔low〕a window set low in the wall 窗台低的窗户牛津高阶〔observe〕unaware that she was being observed from the window 不知道别人正透过窗户观察她牛津搭配〔opaque〕the opaque windows of the jail监狱的不透明窗户外研社新世纪〔oversell〕overpriced and oversold home 'improvements' such as uPVC windows定价过高、推销过度的家庭“改善型产品”, 如uPVC窗户外研社新世纪〔paint〕to paint the window油漆窗户21世纪英汉〔pelt〕children who pelted stones at the neighbors' windows. 孩子扔石头砸碎了邻居的窗户美国传统〔rearward〕the rearward window. 后边的窗户柯林斯高阶〔rear〕front and rear windows 前面和后面的窗户牛津高阶〔replacement〕replacement windows 新换的窗户朗文当代〔scrape through〕to scrape out through the window从窗户爬出21世纪英汉〔shelving〕the shelving on the long, windowless wall. 长长的一面没有窗户的墙上的一组架子柯林斯高阶〔shoot〕shot out the window. 打碎了窗户美国传统〔shutter〕locked the doors and shuttered the windows. 锁上门并拉下窗户上的百叶窗板美国传统〔shutter〕to shutter a new window给新窗户装百叶窗21世纪英汉〔smoked〕smoked glass/windows 烟色玻璃/窗户韦氏高阶〔steamy〕steamy windows 蒙着一层水汽的窗户牛津高阶〔suck〕the airline pilot who was almost sucked from the cockpit of his plane when a window shattered. 飞机的一处窗户破碎时差点被从驾驶舱里吸出去的飞行员柯林斯高阶〔through〕climbed in through the window. 从窗户爬进去美国传统〔tinted〕tinted glasses/lenses/windows 有色玻璃/镜片/窗户韦氏高阶〔topmost〕the topmost branches/window 最上面的树枝/窗户麦克米伦高阶〔to〕their faces pressed to the windows. 他们的脸贴着窗户美国传统〔uppermost〕the uppermost windows of the house 房子最上面的窗户朗文当代〔wall〕wall up an opening(a window,a crevice) 砌墙堵洞(窗户,裂缝) 英汉大词典〔wash〕wash the windows 清洗窗户韦氏高阶〔web〕the spider's web in the window窗户上的蜘蛛网外研社新世纪




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