

单词 窗口
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔at〕sit at the window 坐在靠窗口的地方英汉大词典〔burst〕burst out of the window 从窗口冲出英汉大词典〔drive-in〕the convenient drive-in window at the bank 银行“免下车”服务窗口英汉大词典〔drive-up window〕a bank with a drive-up window 设有“免下车”服务窗口的银行韦氏高阶〔drive-up〕a drive-up window at the bank. 银行的“免下车”窗口美国传统〔hatch〕a hatch to the dining room 朝向餐厅的小窗口牛津搭配〔hatch〕a serving hatch 上菜窗口剑桥高阶〔hatch〕a serving hatch 传递饭菜的窗口牛津高阶〔hatch〕shop through a hatch in the wall 通过墙上的小窗口购买东西英汉大词典〔lineup〕the lineup at a ticket-office window 在售票处窗口排队的人们英汉大词典〔march〕march sb. over to the ticket window 把某人一路推往售票窗口英汉大词典〔outline〕the outline of someone passing the window.从窗口经过的某人的身影。牛津同义词〔pop up〕software to block pop-ups 阻止弹出窗口的软件剑桥高阶〔replant〕replant a window box. 在窗口花坛中种植新的花草美国传统〔step〕take a few steps toward the window 向窗口走几步英汉大词典〔viewless〕a viewless window 看出去没什么景色的窗口英汉大词典〔window box〕window boxes full of brightly coloured geraniums 长满鲜艳夺目的天竺葵的窗口花坛剑桥高阶〔window〕a bank teller's window 银行柜员的服务窗口韦氏高阶〔window〕a ticket (cashier's) window 售票(出纳)窗口英汉大词典〔window〕a ticket window 售票窗口韦氏高阶〔window〕sit by a window 坐在窗口英汉大词典〔window〕to create/open a window 建立╱打开窗口牛津高阶




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