

单词 科迪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Afognak Island〕An island of Alaska in the western Gulf of Alaska north of Kodiak.阿福革纳克岛:美国阿拉斯加一岛屿,位于北科迪亚克的阿拉斯加湾西部美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕A mountain range of central Dominican Republic.中科迪勒拉山脉:多米尼加共和国中部的一个山区美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕A mountain range of northern Luzon, Philippines.中科迪勒拉山脉:菲律宾吕宋岛北部的一列山脉美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕A range of south-central Puerto Rico.中科迪勒拉山脉:波多黎各中南部的一区美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕A range of the Andes extending northwest and southeast in north-central Peru.中科迪勒拉山脉:秘鲁中北部向西北和东南延伸的安第斯山的一段山脉美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕The central of three ranges of the Andes in western Colombia.中科迪勒拉山脉:哥伦比亚西部安第斯山脉三个区的中心地段美国传统〔Cordillera Occidental〕A range of the western Andes with branches in western Colombia and along the Pacific coast of Peru.西科迪勒拉山脉:安第斯山西部一脉,其分支在哥伦比亚西部和秘鲁的太平洋沿岸美国传统〔Cordillera Real〕A range of the Andes with branches in western Bolivia and central Ecuador.里尔科迪勒拉山脉:安第斯山脉的一支,分支在玻利维亚西部和厄瓜多尔中部美国传统〔Cordilleras〕The entire complex of mountain ranges in western North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America, extending from Alaska to Cape Horn.科迪勒拉山脉:包括从北美洲西部、墨西哥、中美洲和南美洲并从阿拉斯加延伸至合恩角的整个山脉群美国传统〔Passamaquoddy〕A member of this people.帕萨马科迪人:这个民族中一员美国传统〔Passamaquoddy〕The Algonquian language of the Passamaquoddy, dialectally related to Malecite.帕萨马科迪语:帕萨马库迪所讲的阿尔冈金语,与马莱西特的方言有联系美国传统〔Shelikof Strait〕A strait of southern Alaska between the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak and Afognak islands. Cook Inlet is at its northern end.雪利科夫海峡:美国阿拉斯加南部的一个海峡,位于阿拉斯加半岛与科迪亚克和阿福纳克群岛之间,库克入海口在其北端美国传统〔TOWN〕Johnson lived in Seattle for ten years before returning to his home town of Cody, Wyoming. 约翰逊在西雅图住了十年后回到了故乡怀俄明州的科迪。朗文写作活用〔friendly〕Moscow Dynamo came and played Walsall in a friendly match.莫斯科迪那摩队来和沃尔索尔队踢了一场友谊赛。麦克米伦高阶〔nearness〕That victory put the Ukrainians beyond the reach of their nearest challengers, Dynamo Moscow.本场胜利使乌克兰人甩开了最强有力的对手,莫斯科迪那摩队。柯林斯高阶〔otherwise〕William Frederick Cody, otherwise known as Buffalo Bill.威廉·弗雷德里克·科迪,也叫水牛比尔麦克米伦高阶〔real〕Her real name is Cordelia.她的真名叫科迪莉亚。外研社新世纪〔run〕Cody, get out, run for it.科迪, 出去, 撒腿快跑。外研社新世纪〔run〕Cody, get out, run for it.科迪,快出去,快跑。柯林斯高阶〔surgery〕Doctor Corday will be in surgery all morning.科迪大夫整个早上都会在手术室里。麦克米伦高阶




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