

单词 等候
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕I wasted an entire day waiting at the airport. 我在机场等候,浪费了整整一天的时间。朗文写作活用〔ARRIVE〕Would passengers awaiting the arrival of flight 405 from Honolulu please make their way to Gate 14. 等候从火奴鲁鲁到达本港的405号航班的乘客,请前往14号门登机。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕The driver had been drinking when he rammed into a car waiting at a red light. 司机喝了酒,把车撞向了一辆正在红灯处等候的汽车。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Hungry shoppers waited in line at the food counters. 饥肠辘辘的购物者在食品柜台前排队等候。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕A spokesperson for the company read to waiting reporters from a prepared statement. 公司的一位发言人向等候的记者们宣读一份事先准备好的声明。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕I saw the silhouette of someone waiting under the streetlight. 我看到街灯下面有个黑影在等候。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕The judge ruled that Borkin should remain in jail until his case is heard. 法官判博尔金待在狱中等候听证。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Hundreds of cars are lined up outside the factory, awaiting shipment to France and Holland. 工厂外面有几百辆车排队等候装运货物去法国和荷兰。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The guards escorted them to a waiting helicopter. 警卫护送他们走向等候着的直升机。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Somebody must have tipped off the police. They were already waiting at the house. 肯定有人向警察告密了,他们已经在房子前等候了。朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕Students were queuing up at the bus-stop. 学生在公共汽车站排队等候。朗文写作活用〔abide〕To wait patiently for.耐心等候美国传统〔adjourn〕The inquest was adjourned pending further investigations.审理暂缓,等候进一步调查。牛津搭配〔aforementioned〕The aforementioned was/were seen waiting outside the building.有人看到前面提到的这个/这些人在楼外等候。剑桥高阶〔appearance〕He is awaiting his appearance before a judge.他正在等候出庭受审。韦氏高阶〔area〕Visitors should wait in the reception area.来访者应在接待处等候。麦克米伦高阶〔arrival〕Hundreds gathered to await the boxer's arrival at the airport.数百人聚在机场等候拳击手的到来。剑桥高阶〔atmosphere〕The waiting room's stuffy atmosphere made me feel a little sick.等候室的闷热空气让我感到有点恶心。韦氏高阶〔await〕We awaited the arrival of the chairman.我们等候主席的到来。外研社新世纪〔bate〕I bated my breath and waited by the phone.我屏住呼吸并等候在电话机旁。21世纪英汉〔be on the books〕The nursery has 30 babies on the books and 13 on the waiting list.托儿所的名册上有30个婴儿,等候入托的名单上还有13个。剑桥高阶〔beat〕Making reservations beats waiting in line.预先定座胜过排队等候。英汉大词典〔bevy〕A bevy of girls waited outside.有一群女孩在外面等候。韦氏高阶〔blind〕The shop assistants didn't take a blind bit of notice of the queue of customers waiting to be served.店员们无视等候服务的顾客排起的长龙。外研社新世纪〔bundle〕Tourists bundled into the waiting buses.观光者匆匆上了等候的巴士汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔calmly〕The gunmen calmly walked away and escaped in a waiting car.持枪歹徒不慌不忙地走开,坐上一辆等候的汽车逃走了。柯林斯高阶〔carhop〕One who waits on customers at a drive-in restaurant.“免下车”餐馆的服务员:在“免下车”餐馆等候顾客的人美国传统〔casual〕A soldier temporarily attached to a unit while awaiting permanent assignment.暂编人员,分遣员:暂时编入某一单位等候固定任命的军士美国传统〔catch〕Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a glimpse of their idol.歌迷们在机场等候多时,想一睹他们偶像的风采。朗文当代〔checkout〕He hates waiting at the checkout.他讨厌在收银台等候。牛津搭配〔content〕I was content to wait.我愿意等候。牛津高阶〔counter〕There was a line of people waiting at the checkout counter.收款台前有一队等候结账的人。牛津搭配〔crouch〕A sprinter crouched and waited for the gun.一个短跑运动员蹲下等候枪声。英汉大词典〔dejectedly〕Passengers queued dejectedly for the increasingly dirty toilets.乘客沮丧地排队等候使用越来越脏的厕所。柯林斯高阶〔discussion〕The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue.总统告诉等候的记者,刚才进行了一次富有建设性的对话。牛津高阶〔disrobe〕She was asked to disrobe and wait for the doctor.要她脱去衣服等候医生检查。21世纪英汉〔fusillade〕He faced a fusillade of questions from the waiting journalists.正在等候的记者们向他发出连珠炮似的提问。牛津高阶〔good〕There was a good-sized crowd at the airport waiting for the plane to land.机场里有很多人在等候飞机降落。剑桥高阶〔group〕A large group of people were waiting for him at the airport.一大群人在机场等候他。韦氏高阶〔heel〕The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport.当局不允许我们直飞旧金山, 所以我只好在突尼斯机场百无聊赖地等候。外研社新世纪〔helicopter〕They crowded onto a roof to board a waiting helicopter.他们挤上屋顶去乘坐等候中的直升机。牛津搭配〔hooded〕A hooded figure waited in the doorway.一个戴兜帽的人在门口等候。牛津高阶〔house〕The house loomed over him as he waited at the front door.他在前门等候时,看到那所房子隐隐呈现。牛津搭配〔in line〕We waited in line for more than an hour to get tickets.为了买到票,我们排队等候了一个多小时。韦氏高阶〔instruction〕He remained under cover and waited for further instructions from headquarters.他继续潜伏,等候总部的进一步指示。牛津搭配〔instruct〕She instructed us to wait outside.她吩咐我们在外面等候。外研社新世纪〔kick-off〕People stood waiting for the kick-off of the parade.人们站着等候游行的开始。柯林斯高阶〔lay〕Muggers lay for the unsuspecting pedestrian in the dark alley.拦路抢劫者等候在黑暗的小巷中准备袭击那些毫无防范的行人美国传统〔line〕I joined the line and waited.我排队等候。外研社新世纪〔line〕We waited on line for more than an hour.我们排队等候了一个多小时。韦氏高阶〔list〕Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints.在投诉当中,最多的是抱怨等候时间太长。牛津高阶〔long〕We had to wait all day long.我们不得不整天等候着。牛津高阶〔lost〕Of the funeral he remembered only the cold, the waiting, and feeling very lost.关于葬礼,他只记得那冷冷的天,那久久的等候和那种茫然若失的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔lounge〕A public waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal, often having smoking or lavatory facilities.休息室:一间公共的等候室,比如在宾馆里或飞机终点,经常有吸烟或卫生设备美国传统〔mill〕People were just milling around while they waited.人们等候时就在周边溜达。韦氏高阶〔move〕The line of people waiting to get on the bus begin to move up a little.等候上公共汽车的队伍开始向前挪动。 英汉大词典〔on〕She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their arrival from London.她在宾馆里等候,准备第一时间迎接孩子们从伦敦过来。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕Could you wait outside please.请你在外面等候,好吗?朗文当代〔outside〕We waited outside the store.我们在商店外面等候。韦氏高阶〔passel〕A passel of children waited in the hall.一大群孩子在大厅里等候。韦氏高阶〔patience〕He waited for her with patience.他耐心地等候她。文馨英汉〔perspire〕The journalists and camera crews began to perspire in the heat as they stood waiting for the president to appear.记者和摄影师们在酷热中站着等候总统出现,热得都开始出汗了。剑桥高阶〔queue〕We are queuing up to buy tickets for the concert.我们正在排队等候买音乐会的入场券。21世纪英汉〔queue〕We were forced to stand/wait in a queue.我们被迫站成一队/排队等候。韦氏高阶〔quote〕He quoted the example of a forty-year-old man who has been waiting nearly two years for an operation.他引用了一个40岁男子的例子,这个男子等候手术已经快两年了。麦克米伦高阶〔relativistic〕Time in a period of waiting, too, had its relativistic possibilities, expanded or contracted, according to how you were feeling at the time.在等候中度过的时间也有它的相对可能性,即或可扩延或可缩短,全由你当时感觉如何而定。英汉大词典〔rise〕He stood backstage, nervously awaiting the rise of the curtain.他站在后台,紧张地等候着幕布的升起。麦克米伦高阶〔rock〕He rocked back and forth while he stood waiting.他站在那儿等候时,身体来回摆动。韦氏高阶〔ropey〕Their health-care system suffers from queues, shortages and ropey equipment.他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。柯林斯高阶〔scan〕He waited while the X-ray machine scanned his luggage.当X射线机扫描检查他的行李时他在一边等候着。麦克米伦高阶〔soul〕The poor souls had to wait ages for a bus.那些可怜的人等候公共汽车要等上好半天。牛津同义词〔spectator〕Spectators lined the route of the president's walkabout.围观群众在总统要经过的路上列队等候。牛津搭配〔square〕Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists.布鲁诺挺起胸膛面对等候的记者。牛津高阶〔squat〕They squatted down to wait in the shade.他们蹲在阴凉处等候。英汉大词典〔stand〕The car stood and waited for the light to change.汽车停下,等候红绿灯变换。英汉大词典〔stay〕To wait; pause.等候;暂停美国传统〔straighten〕The three men straightened and stood waiting.3 个男人挺直身体,站着等候。柯林斯高阶〔suspense〕We waited in great suspense for the result.我们万分焦虑地等候结果。文馨英汉〔tense〕I spent a tense few weeks waiting for the results of the tests.等候测试结果的这几个星期里我寝食不安。牛津高阶〔text message〕I text-messaged him to say we were waiting in the pub.我发短信告诉他我们在酒吧里等候。牛津高阶〔thumb through〕I thumbed through a magazine while I waited.在等候时,我翻了翻杂志。。韦氏高阶〔thumb〕For the next half hour I was twiddling my thumbs,waiting for my friends to arrive.接下去的那半小时里,我闲着无事,等候朋友们到来。英汉大词典〔tick away〕The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting.火车站的时钟滴答作响,等候的时间在一点一点过去。21世纪英汉〔trial〕He was awaiting trial for murder.他因杀人正等候审判。英汉大词典〔trial〕He was awaiting trial for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀在等候审判。外研社新世纪〔wait list〕She was on a wait list for a liver transplant.她的名字当时在肝移植等候者名单上。牛津高阶〔wait〕To postpone going to bed in anticipation of something or someone.熬夜等候:为等待某事或某人而推迟睡觉美国传统〔wait〕We waited for a signal.我们等候信号。牛津同义词〔wait〕You might have to wait a while before you get an answer.你可能要等候一段时间才能得到答案。牛津搭配A few bedraggled passengers stood in the rain, waiting for the train.几名浑身湿透的乘客站在雨中等候列车。剑桥国际He settled himself down with a newspaper, and waited for the train to arrive.他舒适地坐下来看报纸,等候火车到来。剑桥国际He was bailed to appear at the Magistrates’Court next month.他被取保释放等候下月在地方法庭受审。剑桥国际He was held on remand in Brixton prison for 18 months before his trial began.审判开始前,他被还押在布里克斯顿监狱中等候了18个月。剑桥国际Hundreds gathered to await the boxer's arrival at the airport.数百人聚集在机场,等候着拳击家的到来。剑桥国际In this hospital, the median wait for treatment is 198 days.这家医院中等候治疗的平均时间为198天。剑桥国际Just get in line and wait your turn like everyone else.排到队伍里面去和别人一样依次等候。剑桥国际There was such a long queue for the toilets that I couldn't be bothered to go.等候上厕所的有那么长一队人,我干脆不去了。剑桥国际They were already waiting at the gate when I got there. 当我到达那里时,他们已等候在门口了。译典通Waiting times at supermarket checkouts have been reduced by the introduction of bar code scanners.条形码扫描器的运用缩短了超市结帐台前的等候时间。剑桥国际You'll see breadlines outside many New York churches at lunchtime.午饭时间许多纽约教堂外面都会看到等候领施舍食物的队伍。剑桥国际




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