

单词 等候
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔WAIT〕to wait 等候朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕when someone is waiting for something to happen 某人等候某事发生朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕when you stand in a line of people waiting 排队等候朗文写作活用〔airport〕waiting in the airport lounge 在机场候机厅等候牛津高阶〔arrive〕a small group of commuters waiting for their train, which arrived on time. 几个通勤者等候的列车按时到达了柯林斯高阶〔bespeak〕to bespeak the waiter's patience要求等候者耐心21世纪英汉〔bide〕past tense bided To await; wait for. 【过去时态】 bided 等待;等候…美国传统〔busy〕a busy waiting room 挤满了人的等候室麦克米伦高阶〔camp out〕reporters who had camped out in anticipation of her arrival. 苦苦等候她到来的记者们柯林斯高阶〔crowded〕a crowded bar/lobby/waiting room 拥挤的酒吧/大厅/等候室韦氏高阶〔expectation〕patient expectation 耐心的等候英汉大词典〔ferry〕wait at the ferry 在渡口等候英汉大词典〔for〕wait for a bus 等候公共汽车英汉大词典〔gelid〕wait with gelid calm 不动声色地等候英汉大词典〔induct〕a draftee waiting to be inducted into the army. 等候被应召入伍的士兵美国传统〔lengthen〕lengthening waiting lists 越来越长的等候者名单剑桥高阶〔line〕supermarket checkout lines 超市付款处等候的队列牛津搭配〔line〕to stand/wait in line for sth 站队╱排队等候某事物牛津高阶〔line〕wait in a long line 排长队等候英汉大词典〔long〕a long wait.长久的等候。牛津同义词〔meantime〕spend much of the meantime waiting 将其间的许多时光用来等候英汉大词典〔medical〕wait for medical attention 等候医疗英汉大词典〔overheated〕an overheated waiting room 过热的等候室朗文当代〔platform〕wait on Platform 14 在14号站台等候英汉大词典〔ply〕a taxi driver plying for hire 等候载客的出租车司机英汉大词典〔queue〕a bus/taxi queue 排队等候公共汽车/出租车的人韦氏高阶〔queue〕a long line of fans queueing up for tickets 排着长队等候买票的球迷麦克米伦高阶〔queue〕a queue to get into the museum 等候进博物馆的一队人麦克米伦高阶〔queue〕the bus queue 排队等候公共汽车的人牛津高阶〔ride〕waiting for her ride to come. 她等候自己的车子开来美国传统〔run〕keep the engine of the car running while waiting 在等候的时候不让汽车引擎熄火英汉大词典〔step〕waiting at the foot of the cellar steps 在地下室台阶下面等候麦克米伦高阶〔tell〕told the customers to wait in line. 指示顾客排队等候美国传统〔tension〕the tension of waiting for an answer.等候答覆时的紧张心情。牛津同义词〔time〕measures to reduce waiting times 缩短等候时间的措施牛津搭配〔train〕a lone commuter waiting for a train late at night 深夜在等候列车的一个孤独的通勤者朗文当代〔turn〕wait one's turn 等候轮到自己 英汉大词典〔wait〕a queue of people waiting for a bus 等候公共汽车的队伍朗文当代〔wait〕a wait before taking action.采取行动前的等候。牛津同义词〔while〕shoes mended while you wait 在你等候的时候修的鞋牛津高阶




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