

单词 纹章学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔argent〕Abbr. arg.Heraldry The metal silver, represented by the color white.缩写 arg.【纹章学】 金属银,以白色表示美国传统〔armorial〕Of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms.纹章学的,纹章盾徽的:纹章学或纹章盾徽的有关纹章学或纹章盾徽的美国传统〔arm〕Heraldry Bearings.【纹章学】 图案美国传统〔azure〕Heraldry The color blue.【纹章学】 蓝色美国传统〔bar sinister〕Heraldry A bend or baton sinister held to signify bastardy.【纹章学】 纹章斜条:表示私生子的纹章对角线或纹章斜条美国传统〔bar〕Heraldry A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield.【纹章学】 盾形纹章上的横条纹:画在盾形纹章上的两条水平的平行线美国传统〔base〕Heraldry The lower part of a shield.【纹章学】 盾牌的底部美国传统〔baton〕Heraldry A shortened narrow bend, often signifying bastardy.【纹章学】 缩短的弯曲窄条,常表示私生子地位美国传统〔bearing〕Heraldry A charge or device on a field.【纹章学】 徽章底色上的图案标记美国传统〔bend〕Heraldry A band passing from the upper dexter corner of an escutcheon to the lower sinister corner.【纹章学】 盾带:从饰有章纹的盾徽的右上角到左下角的带子美国传统〔camelopard〕Heraldry A bearing resembling a giraffe but represented with long, curved horns.【纹章学】 带长弯角的长颈鹿图案:一种象长颈鹿但带有长而曲的触角的图案美国传统〔canton〕Heraldry A small, square division of a shield, usually in the upper right corner.【纹章学】 纹章右上角的方形部分:盾上的一块小方角,通常位于右上角美国传统〔charge〕Heraldry A bearing or figure.【纹章学】 纹章,图记美国传统〔charge〕Heraldry To place a bearing on.【纹章学】 将纹章挂上美国传统〔chevron〕Heraldry A device shaped like an inverted V.【纹章学】 人字形图记:一种形似倒V字的纹章图案美国传统〔chief〕Heraldry The upper section of a shield.【纹章学】 纹章上段:盾牌的上面部分美国传统〔cognizance〕Heraldry A crest or badge worn to distinguish the bearer.【纹章学】 纹章:戴上以区别随从仆人的纹饰或标志美国传统〔crest〕Heraldry A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms.【纹章学】 饰章:一种放在盾形纹章上方的饰物美国传统〔dexter〕Heraldry Situated on or being the side of a shield on the wearer's right and the observer's left.【纹章学】 右边的:位于或处在徽章佩戴者的右侧,观看者的左侧美国传统〔escutcheon〕Heraldry A shield or shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms.【纹章学】 盾状徽章:表层带有武器的盾或盾状徽章美国传统〔field〕Heraldry The background of a shield or one of the divisions of the background.【纹章学】 徽章底色:徽章的背景或背景的一部分美国传统〔fillet〕Heraldry A narrow horizontal band placed in the lower fourth area of the chief.【纹章学】 筋鞘:刻在纹章底子上部四分之一处的狭窄水平带美国传统〔fleur-de-lis〕Heraldry A device consisting of a stylized three-petaled iris flower, used as the armorial emblem of the kings of France.【纹章学】 百合花饰:图案由特定的三瓣鸢尾花构成的一种设计,用作法国王室的象征美国传统〔heraldic〕Of or relating to heralds or heraldry.纹章学的:纹章官员的或纹章的,与其有关的美国传统〔heraldry〕A branch of knowledge dealing with the history and description in proper terms of armorial bearings and their accessories.纹章学:一门关于纹章及其附件的历史和描述的学问美国传统〔heraldry〕He taught us very little about English Lit, but was fascinating on the subject of heraldry.他教给我们的英国文学知识很少, 但却热衷于讲授纹章学知识。外研社新世纪〔issuant〕Heraldry Designating an animal with only the upper part depicted.【纹章学】 半身的:仅显露上方部位来代表动物的美国传统〔label〕Heraldry A figure in a field consisting of a narrow horizontal bar with several pendants.【纹章学】 纹章的纹饰:纹章盾面的纹饰,由一个水平的横条和一些垂饰组成美国传统〔leopard〕Heraldry A lion in side view, having one forepaw raised and the head facing the observer.【纹章学】 狮像:前爪抬起而且头面向观众的狮子侧像美国传统〔martlet〕Heraldry A representation of a bird without feet, used as a crest or bearing to indicate a fourth son.【纹章学】 无足鸟:无足鸟徽章,用作饰章或饰章图案,表明佩戴者为第四子美国传统〔ordinary〕Heraldry One of the simplest and commonest charges, such as the bend and the cross.【纹章学】 普通级:图形最为简单且最为普遍的纹章之一,例如中斜线纹和十字形美国传统〔pale〕Heraldry A wide vertical band in the center of an escutcheon.【纹章学】 垂直宽条:在一个饰有纹章的盾的中心部分的一条较广的垂直嵌条美国传统〔pile〕Heraldry A wedge-shaped charge pointing downward.【纹章学】 楔形普通图记:一种头朝下的楔形图章美国传统〔quarterly〕Heraldry Having four sections. Used of a shield.【纹章学】 有四层的,用来指盾牌美国传统〔quarter〕Heraldry Any of four equal divisions of a shield.【纹章学】 盾牌上四等分中的一等分美国传统〔quarter〕Heraldry To divide (a shield) into four equal areas with vertical and horizontal lines.【纹章学】 分成四等份:用纵线和横线将(盾牌)分成四块相等的区域美国传统〔rampant〕Heraldry Rearing on the left hind leg with the forelegs elevated, the right above the left, and usually with the head in profile.【纹章学】 跃立的:用左后腿站立,前腿抬起,右前腿高于左前腿的,通常头部呈侧面美国传统〔ramp〕Heraldry To stand in the rampant position.【纹章学】 用后腿立起:以后腿站立的姿态站立美国传统〔sable〕Of the color black, as in heraldry or mourning.黑色的:(如纹章学或服丧之)黑色的美国传统〔sable〕The color black, especially in heraldry.黑色:(尤指纹章学中的)黑色美国传统〔scroll〕Heraldry A ribbon inscribed with a motto.【纹章学】 刻有格言的饰带美国传统〔sinister〕Heraldry Situated on or being the side of a shield on the wearer's left and the observer's right.【纹章学】 在盾牌左边的:位于或属于纹章盾形左侧的和观察者右侧的美国传统〔supporter〕Heraldry An animal or a figure that supports a shield in a coat of arms.【纹章学】 (文章中站立一旁的)扶持盾牌的人形(或兽形)美国传统〔tincture〕Heraldry A metal, color, or fur.【纹章学】 金属、颜色或皮毛美国传统〔vair〕Heraldry A representation of fur.【纹章学】 代表毛皮美国传统〔vert〕Heraldry The color green.【纹章学】 绿色美国传统〔volant〕Heraldry Depicted with the wings extended as in flying.【纹章学】 展翅的:用象飞翔的展开翅膀勾画的美国传统




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