

单词 纹理的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔crepe rubber〕Rubber with a crinkled texture, used especially for shoe soles.绉胶:有绉状纹理的橡胶,尤指用于制作鞋底美国传统〔diorite〕Any of various dark, granite-textured, crystalline rocks rich in plagioclase and having little quartz.闪长岩:一种黑色花岗岩的纹理的结晶质火岩石,富有斜长石,含有少量石英美国传统〔grainy〕Resembling the grain of wood.类似木头纹理的美国传统〔grain〕Brush the paint in the direction of the grain.沿着纹理的方向刷漆。外研社新世纪〔grain〕Saw against the grain.逆着纹理的方向锯。外研社新世纪〔orangewood〕The fine-grained wood of the orange tree, used in fine woodwork.柑桔木材:桔树的具有较好纹理的木材,用于精美的木制品美国传统〔rhyolite〕A fine-grained extrusive volcanic rock, similar to granite in composition and usually exhibiting flow lines.流纹岩:一种精细纹理的喷出火山岩,在成分上类似于花岗岩并通常显现流线美国传统〔saccharoid〕Having a texture similar to that of granulated sugar. Used of rocks and minerals.砂糖的:具有与颗粒状的糖有相似纹理的。用于指岩石和矿物美国传统〔schist〕Any of various medium-grained to coarse-grained metamorphic rocks composed of laminated, often flaky parallel layers of chiefly micaceous minerals.片岩:任一种变质岩,由分裂的、通常是以云母矿为主的平行片层构成的各种中等纹理及粗纹理的变质岩美国传统〔tiger-eye〕A yellow-brown, semiprecious chatoyant gemstone consisting of quartz with parallel veins of silicified altered crocidolite.虎眼石:一种由石英和水平纹理的硅化变异青石棉构成的不太珍贵的黄褐色猫眼状闪光宝石美国传统〔trap〕Any of several dark, fine-grained igneous rocks often used in making roads.暗色岩:任一种用于修路的暗色纹理的细密火成岩中美国传统〔veined〕Having veins or showing veinlike markings.叶脉的、静脉的、纹理的:有静脉或叶脉等的;显示出静脉或叶脉状标识的美国传统〔veiny〕Full of or exhibiting veins; veined.静脉的、叶脉的、纹理的:充满或显示出静脉或叶脉、纹理的;静脉的、叶脉或纹理的美国传统




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