

单词 舅舅
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARRY〕My uncle and his wife were married for 65 years. 我舅舅和舅母的婚姻长达65年。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕Uncle Maury laughed until he was rocking back and forth. 莫里舅舅笑得前仰后合。朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕He was horrified by the vulgarity of his uncle's house. 他舅舅那布置庸俗的房子让他感到讨厌。朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕My uncle wore a flannel suit, a spotless white shirt and a tasteful but sombre tie. 我舅舅穿了一套法兰绒西装,一件洁白无瑕的衬衫,戴了一条有品味但色调暗淡的领带。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕Your uncle rang up about an hour ago. 你舅舅大约一小时之前打了电话来。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕I don't remember Uncle Bob. I don't think he was at the funeral. 我不记得鲍勃舅舅,我想他没有参加葬礼。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕It's just like Uncle Roy to invite us all to lunch and then forget to tell Aunt Sarah. 罗伊舅舅就是这样,邀请我们所有的人去吃午餐,然后却忘了告诉萨拉舅母。朗文写作活用〔auntie〕My auntie and uncle are coming to visit.我舅舅舅妈将来看我。剑桥高阶〔aunt〕The wife of one's uncle.舅妈,婶娘:叔叔或舅舅的妻子美国传统〔bequeath〕His uncle bequeathed him £6,000.他舅舅死后留给他6000英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔cousin-german〕A child of one's aunt or uncle; a first cousin.嫡堂兄弟(或姐妹),嫡表兄弟(或姐妹):姑母、姨妈、叔叔、伯伯或舅舅的孩子;堂兄弟,堂姐妹,表兄弟,表姐妹美国传统〔fair〕My mother's brother lives a fair distance away so we don't see him and his family very often.我舅舅住在相当远的地方,所以我们很少见到他和他的家人。柯林斯高阶〔for years〕I haven't seen my uncle for/in years.我很长时间没见到我舅舅了。剑桥高阶〔kibitz〕My uncle likes to kibitz when I play poker with my cousins.我和表兄弟玩扑克的时候,我舅舅喜欢在一旁指手画脚。韦氏高阶〔lavish of〕My uncle is never lavish of endearments.我舅舅从不过分表示亲热。21世纪英汉〔leave〕His uncle left $10 000 in the will.他舅舅在遗嘱中留下10 000美元。21世纪英汉〔live at〕His uncle lives at 307 Huaihai Road.他舅舅住在淮海路307号。21世纪英汉〔live with〕The child lives with his uncle.孩子和舅舅住在一起。21世纪英汉〔lodge with〕He lodged with his uncle.他寄宿在舅舅家里。21世纪英汉〔mumble〕His uncle was mumbling to himself.他舅舅喃喃自语。21世纪英汉〔right〕They gave me my uncle's money, on condition that I waived all rights to his property.他们把舅舅的钱给了我,条件是我放弃对他房产的一切权利。牛津搭配〔shred〕Uncle Earl was exhausted and his shirt hung in shreds.厄尔舅舅精疲力竭,他的衬衫也破破烂烂了。朗文当代〔side〕He's an uncle on my mother's side.他是我舅舅。外研社新世纪〔side〕Which side of the family is the uncle from? 是舅舅还是叔叔?麦克米伦高阶〔tinker〕My uncle tinkered about in the kitchen.我舅舅在厨房里瞎忙。21世纪英汉〔tipple〕My uncle tipples brandy.我舅舅常饮白兰地。21世纪英汉〔uncle〕A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived.弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。柯林斯高阶〔uncle〕I have lots of uncles and aunts.我有很多叔叔、舅舅、姑姑和姨妈。剑桥高阶〔uncle〕I was very excited about becoming an uncle (=your sister or your brother's wife has a child) .要做舅舅了,我很激动。朗文当代〔uncle〕I'm going to visit my uncle.我要去看我舅舅。牛津高阶〔uncle〕I've just become an uncle(= because your brother/sister has had a baby).我刚当上叔叔(或舅舅)。牛津高阶〔uncle〕The brother of one's mother or father.舅舅,叔伯:父亲或母亲兄弟美国传统〔uncle〕Uncle, pa wants to see you.舅舅,我爸爸想见你。柯林斯高阶〔week〕He will meet his uncle in Geneva next week.他将于下星期去日内瓦见他舅舅。麦克米伦高阶〔yet〕His uncles weren't married even yet.他的舅舅们甚至到现在还没有结婚呢。英汉大词典Her uncle spent two years on a warship as a yeoman. 她舅舅在军舰上当了两年文书军士。译典通I never heard anyone mention my uncle -- I think he was a bit of a black sheep.我从没有听谁提起过我的舅舅---- 我认为他是有点有辱门庭。剑桥国际I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.我觉得我舅舅仍把我看成是四岁的小孩子。剑桥国际




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