

单词 而闻名
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔academic〕a school with a reputation for academic and sporting excellence 以学术和体育成绩优异而闻名的学校麦克米伦高阶〔allegory〕a writer known for his use of allegory 因善用寓言而闻名的作家韦氏高阶〔ancestry〕be famous by title and ancestry 以官衔和门第的显赫而闻名英汉大词典〔bohemian〕an artist known for his bohemian way of life 因不羁的生活方式而闻名的艺术家韦氏高阶〔chalybeate〕possibly from Khalups [sing. of] Khalubes [Chalybes, people of Asia Minor famous for their steel] 可能源自 卡里贝斯人 Khalubes的单数 [卡里贝斯人,小亚细亚的一个以炼钢而闻名的民族] 美国传统〔charisma〕a television news program famed for the charisma of its anchors. 以主持人的魅力而闻名的一个电视新闻节目美国传统〔charlatan〕inhabitant of Cerreto [a city of Italy once famous for its quacks] 塞利托 [意大利一城市,一度以其江湖医生而闻名] 美国传统〔chauvinism〕after Nicolas Chauvin , a legendary French soldier famous for his devotion to Napoleon 源自尼古拉斯 沙文 ,传说中以对拿破仑忠诚而闻名的法国士兵 美国传统〔combativeness〕a lawyer known for his combativeness 因好争论而闻名的律师韦氏高阶〔come through〕an athlete who is known for coming through in the clutch 以在关键时刻获胜而闻名的运动员“韦氏高阶〔deal-maker〕a chairman with a reputation for deal-making. 以擅长进行交易而闻名的主席柯林斯高阶〔devastating〕a writer known for his devastating wit 以聪明机智而闻名的作家韦氏高阶〔exclusiveness〕a company with a reputation for exclusivity. 因奢华而闻名的公司柯林斯高阶〔explore〕scientists who have been known to explore in this region of the earth. 以考察这一地域而闻名的科学家们美国传统〔feat〕a performer known for her astonishing acrobatic feats 因技艺惊人而闻名的杂技表演者韦氏高阶〔fecund〕an island famous for the profusion and fecundity of its bird life. 以鸟类资源丰富、繁殖能力强而闻名的小岛柯林斯高阶〔goodness〕a man known for his wisdom and goodness 因智慧和善良而闻名的人麦克米伦高阶〔high roller〕a high roller known for his lavish parties 以举办奢华派对而闻名的富人韦氏高阶〔histrionics〕a tennis player known for his histrionics on the court 一个以在场上过分情绪化而闻名的网球选手韦氏高阶〔hotbed〕a state now known worldwide as a hotbed of racial intolerance如今作为种族排他主义的温床而闻名于世的国家外研社新世纪〔interviewer〕an interviewer who is known for asking tough questions 以提问刁钻而闻名的采访者韦氏高阶〔known〕a plant known for its healing properties因其药用价值而闻名的植物外研社新世纪〔lip-smacking〕a restaurant famous for its lip-smacking steaks 一家以美味牛排而闻名的餐馆剑桥高阶〔mordant〕a writer famous for her mordant humor/wit 以其尖刻的幽默/妙语而闻名的女作家韦氏高阶〔notorious〕a notorious gangster; a district notorious for vice. 臭名昭著的匪徒;因恶行而闻名的地区美国传统〔penetrating〕an author famous for her penetrating social commentary 以其犀利的社会评论而闻名的女作家韦氏高阶〔persevere〕a school with a reputation for persevering with difficult and disruptive children. 因对捣乱难管的学生不离不弃而闻名的学校柯林斯高阶〔renowned〕an island renowned for its beauty 以风景美丽而闻名的一个岛朗文当代〔repartee〕be noted for one's repartee 以有机敏应答的才能而闻名英汉大词典〔thrashing〕a school renowned for handing out 10-goal thrashings in association football. 以在足球赛中多次踢进 10 球大获全胜而闻名的学校柯林斯高阶〔tolerant〕an area known to be religiously tolerant 以宗教宽容度高而闻名的地区牛津搭配




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