

单词 而过
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-lined〕a line from Shakespeare's Othello: 'one that loved not wisely but too well'. 莎士比亚剧作《奥赛罗》中的一句台词:“一个在恋爱上不智而过于深情的人”柯林斯高阶〔beneath〕aeroplanes roaring above, subways rattling beneath. 飞机在上面呼啸而过,地铁在下面隆隆疾驰柯林斯高阶〔bomb〕a clapped-out Mercedes that went like a bomb一辆飞驰而过的破旧奔驰车外研社新世纪〔brush〕the trauma of a brush with death. 和死神擦肩而过的心灵创伤柯林斯高阶〔drive-by〕be gunned down in a drive-by shooting 被飞车而过的人用枪撂倒英汉大词典〔eel〕eel through a small door 一扭身穿小门而过英汉大词典〔fleet〕a fleet imagination 一闪而过的想象英汉大词典〔foam〕ravines with foaming rivers rushing through them. 泛着白沫的河水奔腾而过的沟壑柯林斯高阶〔foam〕ravines with foaming rivers rushing through them河水泛着白沫从中奔腾而过的沟壑外研社新世纪〔fordable〕a fordable river 可以涉水而过的河流韦氏高阶〔gingerbread〕star-studded Mustique with its quaint gingerbread buildings明星云集、建筑古雅而过分雕琢的马斯蒂克岛外研社新世纪〔glancing〕a glancing blow to the head 对头部斜擦而过的一击剑桥高阶〔glimpse〕a brief glimpse of a figure hurrying by对一闪而过的人影的匆匆一瞥外研社新世纪〔greengrocer〕while wandering past the local greengrocer在溜达时与当地的果蔬商擦肩而过外研社新世纪〔heave〕heave a stone through a window 掷石穿窗而过 英汉大词典〔heave〕heave the shot; heaved a brick through the window. 推掷铅球;掷砖块穿窗而过美国传统〔hurtle〕an express train that hurtled past. 一辆特快列车呼啸而过美国传统〔lazy〕a valley of rolling farms spread out along a lazy river山谷里的农田起伏绵延, 旁边一条溪水缓缓而过外研社新世纪〔machismo〕the powerful machismo of the Hollywood hero 那位好莱坞英雄的强烈而过分的男人气概文馨英汉〔overdevelop〕muscles overdeveloped by weightlifting 由于举重而过于发达的肌肉英汉大词典〔overdevelop〕muscles that were overdeveloped by weightlifting. 由于举重而过于发达的肌肉美国传统〔plough〕plough through the snow 涉雪而过英汉大词典〔prance〕as the carriage horses pranced through the bustling thoroughfares. 当几匹马拉着车在熙熙攘攘的大道上疾驰而过时柯林斯高阶〔prance〕as the carriage horses pranced through the bustling thoroughfares当几匹马拉着车在熙熙攘攘的大道上疾驰而过时外研社新世纪〔recognition〕give sb. a passing recognition 向某人颔首招呼而过英汉大词典〔repass〕repass the desert 回头再穿沙漠而过英汉大词典〔repass〕repass the needle through the cloth 使缝衣针再穿布而过英汉大词典〔rootless〕people who refused to integrate within society and instead lived rootless, jobless lives. 那些不愿意融入社会而过着漂泊不定、没有工作的生活的人柯林斯高阶〔scrape along〕to scrape along the wall擦墙而过21世纪英汉〔scrape〕scrape along a wall 擦墙而过英汉大词典〔scuttle〕scuttle across the street 急匆匆地穿街而过英汉大词典〔skate〕skate over (或round) a delicate problem 把一个微妙问题一带而过英汉大词典〔skate〕to skate the floor从地板上一滑而过21世纪英汉〔sky〕sky a ball miles over the bar 踢高球使球飞越球门横木而过英汉大词典〔squeeze〕squeeze a comfortable living from the people 靠压榨人民而过舒适的生活英汉大词典〔streak〕a jet streaking across the sky 划空而过的喷气式飞机英汉大词典〔unfordable〕an unfordable river 不能蹚水而过的河英汉大词典〔wadable〕a wadable stream 可涉水而过的小河英汉大词典〔wave〕waved as she drove by. 她开车而过时挥手示意美国传统〔whiz〕whizzed past on a ten-speed bike; as the days whizzed by. 骑着十速自行车飞驶而过;飞逝而过的日子美国传统




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