

单词 而言
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FIT/NOT FIT〕to be the right size for a particular space 对某一空间而言尺寸正合适朗文写作活用〔IN GENERAL〕when something is true about most situations, people, or events 在大部分情况下,对大多数人或事而言是事实的朗文写作活用〔apropos〕apropos some sayings and doings at Connell就康奈尔的某些言行而言21世纪英汉〔as〕romanticism as contrasted with classicism 与古典主义相对而言的浪漫主义英汉大词典〔a〕in a word 一言以蔽之,总而言之文馨英汉〔body〕the body of the thesis, as opposed to the footnotes相对于脚注而言的论文正文外研社新世纪〔briefly〕to put it briefly 简而言之文馨英汉〔central〕values which are central to our society 对我们的社会而言至关重要的价值观朗文当代〔comparatively〕comparatively speaking 比较而言文馨英汉〔comparative〕a comparative success 相对而言的成功英汉大词典〔conservation〕habitats of considerable interest in terms of nature conservation 就自然保护而言意义重大的栖息地麦克米伦高阶〔content〕the content of a poem as distinguished from its form 与其形式相对而言的诗的内容英汉大词典〔deviation〕a compass deviation of 5°(= from true north) 罗盘偏差 5 度(相对正北而言)牛津高阶〔dominance〕television's dominance over other media 相对其他媒体而言电视拥有的优势朗文当代〔ecologically〕ecologically (speaking) 以生态学的观点(来说),在生态学上(而言)文馨英汉〔general〕as a general rule. 一般而言美国传统〔happy hunting ground〕a film festival that was a happy hunting ground for producers looking for new talent. 电影节对许多制片家而言是寻找未来明星的好地方美国传统〔host〕a host plant 主木,寄主植物(对寄生木而言)文馨英汉〔housewife〕a particularly heavy chore for housewives对家庭主妇而言尤其沉重的家务外研社新世纪〔humanly〕humanly speaking 就人类智慧或知识[人力]而言文馨英汉〔intrinsic〕his personal intrinsic value to the company他对于这家公司而言的个人内在价值外研社新世纪〔merit〕the relative merits of a Stradivarius and an Amati斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴和阿马蒂小提琴相对而言的优点外研社新世纪〔meum〕meum and tuum 我的和你的(指财产所有权而言)英汉大词典〔minor〕a relatively minor error 相对而言不很严重的错误朗文当代〔obligation〕our moral obligations with respect to the law 就法律而言我们在道德上的责任牛津搭配〔observer〕a system that makes sense to any independent observer一个对任何独立旁观者而言都有意义的系统外研社新世纪〔of〕give of one's time; two of her friends; most of the cases. 对某人的时间而言;两个她的朋友;大多数的情况美国传统〔question〕one of the crucial questions for the jury 对陪审团而言至关重要的问题之一牛津搭配〔real-life〕textbook problems as opposed to real-life problems 与实际问题相对而言的教科书中的问题英汉大词典〔recalcitrant〕a recalcitrant Congress (从行政当局立场而言)难对付的国会英汉大词典〔reference〕with reference to; in reference to. 关于;就…而言美国传统〔relative〕the relative merits of coffee and tea 咖啡与茶叶比较而言的优点英汉大词典〔school leaver〕the lack of job opportunities, particularly for school-leavers. 工作机会少,尤其是对应届毕业生而言柯林斯高阶〔trifling〕a comparatively trifling 360 yards. 相较而言咫尺距离的 360 码柯林斯高阶〔tuum〕meum and tuum 我的和你的 (指财产所有权而言)英汉大词典〔untouched〕a relatively untouched cottage within only an hour or so's drive of London. 相对而言未受破坏的小屋,距伦敦仅一个小时左右的车程柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕a relatively untouched cottage相对而言保持原貌的小屋外研社新世纪〔watershed〕a watershed year for Japan 对日本而言具有转折意义的一年牛津搭配




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