

单词 clamp down
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕If we don't clamp down on these troublemakers now, the situation could get out of control. 如果我们现在不对这些肇事者采取严厉措施,事态可能会失控。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The new, tougher laws are intended clamp down on the carrying of knives and other weapons. 这些新的、更严厉的法律旨在打击携带刀具等武器的行为。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕New laws will clamp down on the illegal smuggling of cigarettes and tobacco. 新的法律将严厉打击非法走私香烟和烟草。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Recently the courts have clamped down on joy-riding. 最近法庭对偷车兜风的行为进行了严惩。朗文写作活用〔clamp down on sth〕The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.政府严禁青少年饮酒。剑桥高阶〔clamp down on〕If the government clamps down on the protestors, that will only serve to strengthen them in the long run.如果政府镇压抗议者, 从长远来看, 只会让他们更加坚决。外研社新世纪〔clamp down on〕The authorities have got to clamp down on these trouble-makers.当局必须制止这些闹事者。外研社新世纪〔clamp down on〕The school should clamp down on students who cut classes.学校应当严惩逃课学生。韦氏高阶〔clamp down〕Banking regulators failed to clamp down until earlier this month.银行监管机构直到本月初才开始严格管制。柯林斯高阶〔clamp down〕If the government clamps down on the protestors, that will only serve to strengthen them in the long run.如果政府镇压抗议者,从长远来看,这将只能使他们更加坚决。柯林斯高阶〔clamp down〕Our school clamped down on smoking.我们学校严禁吸烟。21世纪英汉〔clamp down〕We must clamp down now,before it's too late to stop the trouble.我们必须现在就加以制止,免得将来再想解决纠纷就来不及了。21世纪英汉〔clamp〕The government plans to clamp down on illegal militant groups.政府拟采取措施强行压制非法的暴力团伙。麦克米伦高阶〔clamp〕The police are clamping down on drink-driving offenders.警方正在严厉打击酒后驾车者。朗文当代〔clamp〕The police are clamping down on speeders.警察正在严厉取缔违法超速驾驶者。英汉大词典〔department〕The Tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.东京的警察部门正严厉打击有组织犯罪。牛津搭配〔ineffectually〕The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.市长打击毒品的努力未见成效。柯林斯高阶〔litter〕The local council has pledged to clamp down on litter louts.当地议会保证要严厉惩治乱扔垃圾者。牛津搭配〔mere〕The team manager has been quick to clamp down on the merest hint of complacency.球队主教练很快就消除了自满的小苗头。柯林斯高阶〔welfare〕The new government promised to clamp down on welfare fraud.新政府许诺要严厉打击诈骗福利金的人。牛津搭配Drugs companies are clamping down on illegal re-exports of cut-price medicines.医药公司正严厉打击削价药物的非法再出口。牛津商务Plant behaviour is often adaptive (=shows the ability to change to suit different conditions) --some turn their leaves towards the sun, others clamp down on insects, preventing their escape.植物行为常显示出它们的适应力----有的将叶片朝向太阳,有的将昆虫紧紧夹住,以防它们逃跑。剑桥国际The Treasury has clamped down on public expenditure.财政部限制了公共事业开支。剑桥国际The government has promised to clamp down on tax cheats.政府已承诺打击逃税者。牛津商务The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.政府正在禁止青少年饮酒。剑桥国际They clamp down on pickpockets. 他们严禁扒窃。译典通They clamped down on drug pushers. 他们严厉取缔贩毒。译典通




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