

单词 粗暴
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕There can be no excuse for the mistreatment of people seeking asylum in this country. 没有理由粗暴对待在这个国家里寻求避难的人。朗文写作活用〔FGM〕FGM is a fundamental abuse of human rights.女性割礼是对人权的粗暴践踏。剑桥高阶〔OBEY〕My father was a violent, demanding man, who expected my mother to be completely submissive. 我父亲是个粗暴苛刻的男人,他希望母亲对他千依百顺。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕I know you're upset, but there's no need to be rude to your mother. 我知道你很烦恼,但也没必要对你母亲这么粗暴无礼呀。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕She was shocked at how unpleasant the children were to their mother. 孩子们对自己的母亲竟然这么粗暴,她很是震惊。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕With a violent drunkard for a husband, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. 有这么一个粗暴的醉鬼丈夫,他想,那个可怜的女子一定是活在惶恐之中。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The police have been criticized for their rough handling of the demonstrators. 警察被批评对待示威者太粗暴。朗文写作活用〔abrasive〕Harsh and rough in manner.生硬粗暴的:态度无礼且粗暴的美国传统〔abrasive〕He can sometimes be abrasive in meetings.他开会时有时会变得相当生硬粗暴。剑桥高阶〔abrasive〕His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔abrasive〕She has a rather abrasive manner.她的态度相当粗暴。剑桥高阶〔antisocial〕Disrespectful of others; rude.无礼的,粗暴的:不尊重他人的;粗暴的美国传统〔asperity〕Harshness of manner; ill temper or irritability.粗暴:态度粗暴;脾气暴躁或易怒美国传统〔asperity〕His reply was supercilious and sharp to the point of asperity.他的回答傲慢尖刻, 几近粗暴。外研社新世纪〔asperity〕We were hurt by the asperity of his manner.他态度粗暴,叫我们不快。牛津同义词〔asperity〕We were surprised by the asperity of her reply.我们对她答语之粗暴感到惊奇。英汉大词典〔ballsy〕Very tough and courageous, often recklessly or presumptuously so.有胆量的:非常粗暴和有胆量的,通常不顾后果或放肆地美国传统〔beast〕He was a beast to her throughout their marriage.结婚后,他一直对她很粗暴。剑桥高阶〔bilious〕His speech was a bilious, rancorous attack on young people.他的讲话是对年轻人满怀恶意的粗暴攻击。外研社新世纪〔bromide〕A tiresome person; a bore.令人讨厌的人;粗暴的人美国传统〔brushoff〕An abrupt dismissal or snub.拒绝:粗暴的摈弃,不理睬美国传统〔brusque〕The teacher was brusque and impatient.这位老师态度粗暴又缺少耐心。韦氏高阶〔brutal〕The security guards are notoriously brutal.保安人员的粗暴臭名昭著。麦克米伦高阶〔brute〕A brutal, crude, or insensitive person.残忍的人,粗暴的人,麻木不仁的人美国传统〔camera〕They were caught on camera as they brutally attacked a man.他们粗暴打人的场景被拍了下来。剑桥高阶〔caveman〕Are you going to give me the macho caveman act? 你打算用大男子主义的粗暴方式来对待我吗?朗文当代〔clemency〕She was granted clemency after killing her violent husband.她杀死粗暴的丈夫后得到了宽大处理。朗文当代〔conscious〕His rudeness was conscious, not accidental.他的粗暴无礼是故意的,不是偶然的。英汉大词典〔contend〕Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients.护士经常不得不应付粗暴的或喝醉酒的病人。牛津高阶〔cover〕All that toughness is just a cover for his inability to show affection.那些粗暴的行为都只是为了掩盖他缺乏表达爱的能力。朗文当代〔curt〕Andy was very curt with him.安迪对他很是粗暴无礼。剑桥高阶〔death〕The brutal attack resulted in the man's death.粗暴的殴打导致这个人死亡。牛津搭配〔digest〕Her rudeness is more than I can digest.她的粗暴无礼我实在无法忍受。21世纪英汉〔dispose〕His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindlyto/towards him.我们首次会面时他粗暴的态度使我对他没产生什么好感。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕Underneath that gruff exterior is a very kind person.这是一个表面上说话粗暴但心地非常善良的人。麦克米伦高阶〔go round〕You can't go round being rude to people.你不能老是对人这样粗暴。剑桥高阶〔gruffly〕His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。柯林斯高阶〔gruff〕Try to cultivate a less brusque manner.尽量去培养不那么粗暴的举止。美国传统〔handle〕Many of the prisoners were roughly handled; some were killed.很多囚犯受到了粗暴的对待;有些被整死了。牛津搭配〔hard case〕A tough, unsentimental person.冷血的人:一位粗暴、不具任何感情的人美国传统〔hell-raiser〕A rowdy, troublesome, or unruly person.地狱创造者:指粗暴、令人讨厌、或是不守规矩的人美国传统〔hit back〕Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back.一些粗暴的人对自己的儿子大打出手,直到他们有了还手之力才肯罢休。柯林斯高阶〔hostile〕Drinking may make a person feel relaxed and happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, or depressed.饮酒能使人放松、快乐, 但也可能让人变得充满敌意、粗暴或沮丧。外研社新世纪〔indignation〕Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable.遭受如此粗暴的待遇,她大为光火是可以理解的。朗文当代〔inquisition〕A rigorous, harsh interrogation.严厉的,粗暴的质问美国传统〔intimidate〕Dissidents were physically intimidated, threatened, and harshly interrogated.持不同政见者受到了人身恐吓和威胁,并遭受了粗暴的审讯。牛津搭配〔justify〕Your state of anxiety does not justify your being so rude to me.你心情焦急不能成为你对我如此粗暴的理由。英汉大词典〔make〕His tough handling made him many enemies.他待人处事粗暴,因而树敌很多。英汉大词典〔manhandle〕Foreign journalists were manhandled by armed police, and told to leave.外国记者受到武装警察的粗暴对待, 并被命令离开。外研社新世纪〔manhandle〕He says he was manhandled by the police.他说他受到了警察粗暴的对待。韦氏高阶〔mishandle〕To treat roughly; maltreat.粗暴地对待;虐待美国传统〔not last long〕You won't last long in your job if you carry on being so rude to the customers.如果你继续这样粗暴地对待顾客,那么你这份工作就快干到头了。剑桥高阶〔probing〕It wasn't as if his probings were particularly vicious or rough.他的调查不像是颇有恶意或非常粗暴的样子。外研社新世纪〔push〕He opened the door with a violent push.他粗暴地一下把门推开。麦克米伦高阶〔push〕The woman had been pushed violently to the ground.那个女人已被粗暴地推倒在地。牛津搭配〔rambunctious〕Boisterous and disorderly.粗暴的,粗野的:狂乱且无秩序的美国传统〔report〕Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported two Leeds United players for violent conduct.波兰裁判理夏德‧沃耀克告发利联队的两名队员行为粗暴。朗文当代〔roughly〕He grabbed her roughly.他粗暴地抓住她。朗文当代〔roughly〕He pushed her roughly.他粗暴地推了她一把。韦氏高阶〔roughly〕He pushed the children roughly to one side.他粗暴地将孩子们推到一边。剑桥高阶〔roughly〕He shoved me roughly aside.他粗暴地把我推到一边。文馨英汉〔roughly〕The guard told us roughly that we had to stand back.警卫粗暴地叫我们必须往后站。韦氏高阶〔rough〕Aren't you are being a little rough on him? He is only a child.你别对他那么粗暴,行吗?他只是个孩子。麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕Don't be too rough – she's only little.别太粗暴 — 她还小。朗文当代〔rough〕He's too rough with the girls.他对女孩们太粗暴了。外研社新世纪〔rough〕I grabbed her by the shoulders. Maybe I was too rough.我一把抓住了她的肩膀。或许是我太粗暴了些。外研社新世纪〔rough〕In a rough manner; roughly.粗暴地;粗野地美国传统〔rough〕The referee won't allow any rough stuff (=violent behaviour) .裁判不允许出现任何粗暴行为。朗文当代〔rough〕They have complained of rough treatment.他们抱怨受到了粗暴无礼的对待。外研社新世纪〔rudely〕They brushed rudely past us.他们粗暴无礼地与我们擦身而过。牛津高阶〔sadden〕It saddened her to watch him speak rudely like that.看到他那样粗暴无礼地说话,她感到十分痛心。21世纪英汉〔shove〕He shoved me roughly aside.他粗暴地把我推到一边。牛津搭配〔smile on〕Can you smile on people who are rude to you?对你粗暴的人,你能否报以微笑?21世纪英汉〔stomp〕To tread or trample heavily or violently.重蹋,重践:沉重地或粗暴地踏或践美国传统〔stunning〕Sometimes people were quite stunningly rude to him.有时人们对他非常粗暴。柯林斯高阶〔style〕His management style is abrasive.他的管理方式生硬粗暴。韦氏高阶〔style〕His style is abrasive.他的作风生硬粗暴。英汉大词典〔surly〕Sullenly ill-humored; gruff.傲慢的;粗暴的美国传统〔sustain〕How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?对你上司的粗暴无礼你还能忍受多久?21世纪英汉〔thrust〕He thrust me roughly towards the door.他粗暴地把我推到门口。朗文当代〔truculent〕He's a truculent and quarrelsome man.他是个粗暴而争吵的人。文馨英汉〔tussle〕To struggle roughly; scuffle.扭打,争斗:激烈而粗暴地争斗美国传统〔unceremoniously〕He had to be bundled unceremoniously out of the way.他只能被粗暴地撵出去。外研社新世纪〔unceremoniously〕The team unceremoniously dumped him at the end of the season.球队在本赛季结束时粗暴地抛弃了他。韦氏高阶〔unceremonious〕He was bundled out of the room with unceremonious haste.他被粗暴地轰出屋外。牛津高阶〔underneath〕Gary is a typical Highlander – tough on the outside but with a heart of gold underneath.加里是个典型的苏格兰高地人,看上去很粗暴,但却有一颗金子般的心。麦克米伦高阶〔undo〕A heavy-handed approach from the police could undo that good impression.警方的粗暴手段可能会抹去之前留下的良好印象。外研社新世纪〔violation〕He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.他声称他们如此对待他是对他的公民权/宪法所赋予的权利/人权的粗暴侵犯。剑桥高阶〔violent〕Her husband was a violent man.她丈夫是个粗暴的人。牛津高阶〔want〕That rude man wants good manners!那个粗暴的人缺少礼貌! 牛津同义词〔wrong〕To treat dishonorably; violate.亵渎:粗暴地对待,亵渎美国传统〔yob〕A rowdy, destructive youth; a hooligan or ruffian.粗鲁的年轻人,小流氓:粗暴的、搞破坏的年轻人;流氓或无赖美国传统〔yob〕Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up.粗暴危险的愣小子就该关起来。外研社新世纪Do not treat a naughty child rough. 不要粗暴地对待顽皮的孩子。译典通He treated me roughly. 他待我粗暴。译典通He was rough and barbaric, but she found him very attractive.他既粗暴又野蛮,可她却觉得他很有吸引力。剑桥国际She gruffly ordered him out of the house.她粗暴地命令他滚出房子。剑桥国际She has been addicted to sadomasochism ever since she was manhandled by her boyfriend. 自从她被男友粗暴地对待之后,她就对虐恋上了瘾。译典通The taxi driver was so rude to her that she didn't tip him.这个出租车司机对她很粗暴,她没有给他小费。剑桥国际Years ago in England, villagers used to clang pots and pans to shame a violent man (= cause him to feel ashamed).多年以前,英格兰的村民们用敲打盆盆罐罐的方式来使粗暴的人感到难为情。剑桥国际




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