

单词 粗嘎
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔gruff〕He gruffed:“This is the first time I've ever been called a rogue.” 他粗嘎地说:“这还是第一次有人叫我流氓。”英汉大词典〔guttural〕Having a harsh, grating quality, as certain sounds produced in the back of the mouth.粗嘎的:尖利的,刺耳的,象某种从嘴后部发出的声音美国传统〔guttural〕Joe had a low, guttural voice with a midWestern accent.乔说话声音低沉粗嘎,带着中西部地区的腔调。柯林斯高阶〔hoarse〕Penguins' voices sound hoarse.企鹅的叫声粗嘎。英汉大词典〔rasp〕In a rasping voice, she told of her long and agonising battle.她用粗嘎的声音讲述了自己长期而痛苦的抗争。柯林斯高阶〔rasp〕Some sounds rasp the ear.有些声音粗嘎刺耳。英汉大词典〔raucous〕He burst into raucous laughter .他突然发出粗嘎的笑声。朗文当代〔scrabbly〕A scrabbly little scratching sound came out of her throat.从她喉咙里发出一种低微粗嘎的声音。英汉大词典I heard the raucous call of the crows.我听到乌鸦粗嘎的叫声。剑桥国际Raucous laughter came from the next room.隔壁房间传来粗嘎的笑声。剑桥国际She's got one of those very harsh/rasping voices that goes right through your head.她的声音是很刺耳/粗嘎的一种,直刺你的脑门。剑桥国际Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.两个埃及人在房间外面争吵,他们的声音响亮而粗嘎。剑桥国际




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