

单词 粉红
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕His face went from pink to bright red. 他的脸由粉红变得通红。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕Her dress is pale pink, with a small flowery pattern. 她的裙子是淡粉红色的,有小花卉图案。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕I like nice bright colours like yellow and pink 我喜欢黄、粉红等好看鲜艳的颜色。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕As the sun sank lower and lower, the sky first turned pink and then orange. 太阳渐渐下沉,天空先是呈现出一片粉红色,接着又变成了橙红色。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕The grey suit has been replaced in some instances with pink trousers and sandals. 灰色套装有几次被更换为粉红色的裤子和凉鞋。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕In the summer, blue and pink flowers predominate, but there are white flowers, too, for contrast. 夏天时候蓝色和粉红色的花占绝大多数,但也有白色的花作对比。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕She won't be difficult to spot -- she's got pink hair and weighs about 300 pounds. 她不难找—她有一头粉红色的头发;体重在300磅左右。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕Their house has a pink door. You can't miss it. 他们的房子有一道粉红色的门,你不会看不到的。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕She wears short skirts and dyes her hair pink, which looks ludicrous on a woman her age. 她穿着很短的裙子,把头发染成了粉红色,对她这个年龄的女人来说是很可笑的。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕Pink and purple don't usually go very well together. 粉红色和紫色一般很难配得好。朗文写作活用〔astonishingly〕He was wearing, astonishingly, a frilly pink apron over shirt and trousers.他穿着衬衫、裤子, 外面却套着一件镶褶边的粉红围裙, 看上去真奇怪。外研社新世纪〔bathe〕In the afternoon the sun bathes the city in shades of pink and gold.午后,城市沐浴在粉红色和金黄色的阳光里。剑桥高阶〔billow〕Her pink dress billowed out around her.她粉红色的连衣裙鼓了起来。柯林斯高阶〔boogie〕At night, a good place to boogie through till sunrise is the Pink Panther Bar.在晚上, 粉红豹酒吧是一个能够通宵尽情跳舞的好地方。外研社新世纪〔boogie〕At night, a good place to boogie through till sunrise is the Pink Panther Bar.在晚上,粉红豹酒吧是一个能够通宵尽情跳舞的好地方。柯林斯高阶〔brighten up〕David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would brighten up the room.戴维在一家商店里发现了这个粉红色丝绸灯罩, 觉得它会让房间亮丽起来。外研社新世纪〔claret〕Color A dark or grayish purplish red to dark purplish pink.【色彩】 暗紫红色:一种黑或灰紫红到黑紫的粉红色美国传统〔colour〕Judi's favourite colour is pink.朱迪最喜欢的颜色是粉红色。柯林斯高阶〔colour〕There was a pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。牛津高阶〔confection〕His makeover of her living room is a sickly sweet confection of pink.他把她的起居室改装成了俗丽甜腻的粉红色。外研社新世纪〔describe〕The shirt was variously described as 'pink', 'salmon' and 'rose'.这件衬衫的颜色有不同的说法,有的说是粉红色,有的说是浅橙色,还有的说是玫瑰红。牛津搭配〔drip〕He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.他正拿着一块布,布上粉红色的水滴落在地板上。柯林斯高阶〔dusty〕The curtains had faded to a dusty pink.窗帘的颜色已经褪成了暗粉红色。朗文当代〔echo〕Pinks and beiges were chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling.选用了粉红色和米色来搭配天花板的颜色。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕In some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.在一些村子里,房屋外墙被漆成粉红色。剑桥高阶〔fancy〕I fancied I saw pink elephants.我以为自己看见粉红色的大象。牛津同义词〔fever〕The usual symptoms are a pink rash with a slight fever.一般症状为出粉红色疹子并伴有低热。朗文当代〔flash〕She leaned over and I caught a flash of pink underwear.她屈身过来,我一眼瞥见了粉红色的内衣。剑桥高阶〔flush〕The sky flushed pink at dawn.黄昏时分天空一片粉红的亮丽美国传统〔glorious〕The beetroot had turned the soup a glorious pink.甜菜使汤呈现出极为诱人夺目的粉红色。剑桥高阶〔habit〕She was habited in a pink dress.她穿着粉红色的连衣裙。21世纪英汉〔match〕The cream and pink quilt was made to match the decor.淡黄和粉红相间的被褥是为了与装饰格调相配。麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕I meant the pink dress, not the red one.我指的是那条粉红色的裙子,不是那条红的。朗文当代〔mince〕He minced across the room in a pair of tight pink trousers.他穿着紧身粉红色裤子,扭扭捏捏地迈着小碎步穿过那间房间。剑桥高阶〔mingle with〕I think I'll mingle some of these red flowers with the pink ones.我想在这些红花中拿一些和粉红花搀在一起。21世纪英汉〔move〕These pink dresses are moving slowly.这些粉红色的衣服卖得不快。21世纪英汉〔neon〕She painted her nails neon pink.她把指甲涂成鲜亮的粉红色。外研社新世纪〔old rose〕A dark pink to grayish or moderate red.老玫红:深粉红色到略带灰色的或温和的红色美国传统〔out〕This year pink is definitely out.今年粉红色绝对过时了。麦克米伦高阶〔pageboy〕The little pageboys were dressed in kilts and the bridesmaids in pink dresses.小男傧相们身着苏格兰式短裙,伴娘们则穿着粉红色礼服。剑桥高阶〔pink lady〕A cocktail of gin, brandy, lemon or lime juice, egg white, and grenadine, shaken with cracked ice and strained.粉红佳人:一种鸡尾酒,由杜松子酒、白兰地、柠檬汁或石榴汁、鸡蛋蛋白和石灰水带碎冰摇匀并过滤后形成美国传统〔pink-collar〕Of or relating to a class of jobs, such as typist or telephone operator, once traditionally filled by women.粉红领阶层的:属于或关于一种传统上是由妇女工作的工作阶层的,如打字员或接线员美国传统〔pinken〕The eastern sky pinkened.天空东方变成了粉红色。21世纪英汉〔pinkish〕Businesses are now more aware of the importance of the 'pink pound'.现在商家更加意识到同性恋族群消费力、即所谓“粉红英镑”的重要性。柯林斯高阶〔pinkish〕Her nostrils were pinkish, as though she had a cold.她的鼻孔略带粉红,好像患了感冒似的。柯林斯高阶〔pinkish〕Somewhat pink.略带粉红色的美国传统〔pink〕Her room was decorated in bright pinks and purples.她的房间装饰成明亮的粉红色和紫色。朗文当代〔pink〕Pink is my favorite color.粉红是我最喜欢的颜色。文馨英汉〔pink〕She was dressed in pink.她穿着粉红色的衣服。牛津高阶〔pink〕She was dressed in pink.她穿著粉红色的衣服。文馨英汉〔pink〕She was wearing a bright pink dress.她穿着一件鲜艳的粉红色连衣裙。麦克米伦高阶〔pink〕She's very fond of pink.她很喜欢粉红色。剑桥高阶〔prat〕He looked a right prat in that pink suit.他穿着那套粉红色的西装看起来很傻。剑桥高阶〔prawn〕Prawns are grey when they're raw, and turn pink when they're cooked.对虾生的时候是灰色的,做熟了就变成粉红色。剑桥高阶〔recognize〕This is the only species of flamingo in the region, easily recognized by its pink plumage.这是那个地区唯一一种火烈鸟,很容易凭粉红色的羽毛辨认出来。牛津搭配〔rhodolite〕A rose-red or pink variety of garnet, a silicate mineral used as a gem.镁铁榴石:不同的玫瑰红或粉红色的石榴石,作为宝石使用的硅酸盐矿美国传统〔ribbon〕She had a pink ribbon in her hair.她的头发上扎着一条粉红色的丝带。牛津搭配〔ribbon〕She was wearing a pink hair ribbon.她扎着一条粉红色的发带。牛津搭配〔ribbon〕She wore pink ribbons in her hair.她在头发上扎了粉红丝带。韦氏高阶〔rose quartz〕A pinkish variety of the mineral quartz, used as a gemstone or as an ornamental stone.蔷薇石英:矿物石英的一种可用作宝石或装饰性石头的粉红色品种美国传统〔rose〕The houses were painted various shades of rose.房屋被粉刷成了色泽深浅不同的粉红色。剑桥高阶〔run〕The T-shirt ran and made all my other clothes pink.? T 恤衫渗色,把我其他的衣服都染成粉红色了。朗文当代〔shell pink〕A pinkish white to strong yellowish pink, including grayish and light yellowish pinks.贝壳粉红色:一种带有粉红色的白色到有浓浅黄色的粉红色,包括带褐色或浅黄色的粉红色美国传统〔some〕He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa.他在距离那座粉红色的大别墅约 80 到 100 码的地方等候着。柯林斯高阶〔stucco〕We live in that pink stucco house on the corner.我们住在拐角处那幢粉红色的拉毛粉饰的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔thick〕The meat is done when the thickest part turns from pink to white.肉最厚的部分从粉红色变成白色,就说明熟了。朗文当代〔tinge〕There was a faint pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。牛津高阶〔tint〕As the sun set, it tinted the snow pink.落日让雪略显粉红色。剑桥高阶〔tint〕The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.傍晚的天空呈深粉红色,夹杂着淡淡的紫色和红色。剑桥高阶〔toenail〕She had painted her toenails pink.她把脚趾甲涂成了粉红色。麦克米伦高阶〔weather〕This brick weathers to a warm pinkish-brown colour.这块砖经日晒雨淋褪成了带粉红的暖褐色。牛津高阶〔what an idea!〕I can't turn up at a funeral in a pink jacket. What an idea! 我不能穿粉红色的夹克去参加葬礼。多可笑的建议!剑桥高阶After a day in the sun, their skin had a slightly pink tinge.在太阳下晒了一天以后,他们的肤色呈淡淡的粉红色。剑桥国际Finally, she decided on a pink dress. 最后,她选定了一件粉红色的洋装。译典通He came to the party dressed in a yellow suit and pink bow tie, which caused great hilarity among the other guests.他穿着一套黄色的衣服,带着粉红色的领结来到了聚会,这身打扮引起了其他客人的哄笑。剑桥国际He looked a right prat in that pink suit.穿着那件粉红色的衣服他看起来很傻。剑桥国际He minced across the room in a pair of tight pink trousers.他穿着紧身粉红色的裤子扭扭捏捏地迈着小步子穿过那间屋子。剑桥国际He was a bit of a rebel when he was a teenager and dyed his hair pink and had his nose pierced.他十几岁时是个叛逆者,把头发染成粉红色,鼻子穿孔。剑桥国际I got out my sewing machine and ran up a pink skirt for the wedding.我拿出缝纫机,为婚礼赶制了一条粉红色的裙子。剑桥国际In that size we have red, pink or white/red or pink or white.那种尺寸我们有红色、粉红色和白色的。剑桥国际It comes in an enormous pink box with bows on the top.它装在一只顶上有着蝴蝶结的巨大的粉红色盒子里。剑桥国际Lobsters are grey in colour when they're alive, but turn pink when they're cooked.龙虾活着的时候呈灰色,煮熟之后变粉红色。剑桥国际She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.她穿亮丽活泼的衣服最好看,比如红色的和粉红色的。剑桥国际She was wearing a dreadful pink flouncy skirt.她穿着一条难看的镶荷叶边粉红色的裙子。剑桥国际She wears bright pink lipstick.她涂鲜艳的粉红色口红。剑桥国际She's the one in pink standing at the bar/sitting at the table in the corner.她就是站在酒吧那儿/坐在角落里的桌旁的那个穿粉红色衣服的女子。剑桥国际She's wearing that horrible pink frock again.她又穿上了那件难看的粉红色连衣裙了。剑桥国际The bridesmaids wore dresses of a delicate pastel shade of pink.伴娘们身着清淡柔和的粉红衣服。剑桥国际The curtains are a purplish pink colour.窗帘的颜色是种略带紫色的粉红色。剑桥国际The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.傍晚的天空是带着紫色和红色的深粉红色。剑桥国际The floor is covered by a dusty pink carpet.地上铺着略带灰色的粉红色地毯。剑桥国际The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.房间漆成暗淡的粉红色调。剑桥国际The walls were painted sort of pink.墙被粉刷成带点粉红色的。剑桥国际The young lady at the window was in a white dress with a touch of pink chiffons at her neck and wrists. 窗边的年轻女士穿著一件领口和袖口都镶有粉红花边的白连衣裙。译典通These plants have pale pink flowers and deeply veined leaves.这些植物长有浅粉红色的花和粗叶脉的叶子。剑桥国际They're such a conventional family--they must have been horrified when their son dyed his hair pink.他们是一个很传统的家庭----看到他们儿子把头发染成粉红色肯定会感到骇然。剑桥国际Trust me--it's not comme il faut to wear a pink tie to a funeral.相信我,在葬礼上戴一条粉红色的领带是不合适的。剑桥国际We stock a wide range of beachwear in dayglo pink, orange and green.我们储有各式各样的沙滩装,有荧光的粉红色、桔红色和绿色。剑桥国际Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts--go on, I dare you! 穿上那件低胸衬衫和粉红色的短裤----你敢不敢!剑桥国际Wild carnations have pink, strongly-scented flowers.野生的康乃馨有着粉红色的、香味浓郁的花朵。剑桥国际




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