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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔engrailed〕an engrailed coin 边上有一圈突起小点的硬币英汉大词典〔knobbly〕knobbly knees 突起的膝盖骨韦氏高阶〔obtrusive〕an obtrusive rock formation. 一块突起的岩石的构成美国传统〔process〕the alveolar process 齿槽突起文馨英汉〔projection〕an oddly-shaped projection on the roof of the cave洞顶上一块形状古怪的突起外研社新世纪〔protrusion〕a protrusion on the rock face 岩石表面的突起部份牛津高阶〔protrusion〕bony protrusions on the outside of the elbow 肘部外侧突起的骨头韦氏高阶〔raised〕a raised swelling on the shoulder 肩胛上的突起肿块 英汉大词典〔ridge〕the bony ridge of the eye socket眼窝四周突起的骨骼外研社新世纪〔ripped〕ripped, bulging muscles. 强壮且突起的肌肉美国传统〔sculptured〕her sculptured cheekbones 她那突起的似雕塑而成的颧骨麦克米伦高阶〔style〕a cartilaginous style. 软骨质突起美国传统〔styliform〕a styliform projection of rock 岩石的尖笔状突起英汉大词典〔supraorbital〕the supraorbital ridge. 眶上突起美国传统〔trunk〕the gnarled trunk of a birch tree桦树具瘤状突起的树干外研社新世纪




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