

单词 突袭
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blitz〕a blitz on passengers who avoid paying fares 对逃票乘客的突袭检查牛津高阶〔bust〕police success in busting UK-based drug factories警方对大本营在英国的毒品加工厂的成功突袭外研社新世纪〔commando〕a commando raid/force 突击队的突袭;突击队韦氏高阶〔foray〕a foray into enemy territory 对敌军领地的突袭韦氏高阶〔foray〕a quick foray into enemy territory对敌境的快速突袭外研社新世纪〔foray〕go on a foray 去进行突袭英汉大词典〔foray〕make a foray on a town 对一城镇进行突袭英汉大词典〔foray〕their nightly forays into enemy territory 他们每晚对敌区的突袭朗文当代〔guerrilla〕guerrilla warfare/raids/attacks 游击战/突袭/进攻韦氏高阶〔hit-and-run〕hit-and-run warfare 突袭战剑桥高阶〔incursion〕a combined British and French incursion into China in 1857 1857 年英法联军突袭中国朗文当代〔party〕a raiding party. 突袭队美国传统〔raid〕a police raid upon a gambling house 警方对赌场的突袭查抄英汉大词典〔raid〕a raiding party(= a group of soldiers, etc. that attack a place) 突袭小分队牛津高阶〔raid〕bombers carrying out daylight raids over the city 对该城市进行日间突袭的轰炸机牛津搭配〔surprise〕a surprise attack at midnight 午夜的突袭朗文当代〔unwary〕the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise 没有戒备的动物遭突袭时的尖叫声 英汉大词典




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