

单词 突然袭击
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Heavily armed and masked gunmen stormed an ammunitions store in Co. Mayo. 一群全副武装的蒙面持枪歹徒突然袭击了梅奥郡的一个军火库。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕The rebels raided the tiny mountain town early on Tuesday. 星期二清早,叛军突然袭击了这个山区小镇。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕The enemy took him at advantage.敌人突然袭击他。英汉大词典〔ambush〕A sudden attack made from a concealed position.伏击:从隐蔽地点进行的突然袭击美国传统〔assassinate〕To murder (a prominent person) by surprise attack, as for political reasons.暗杀:因政治原因,以突然袭击方式暗杀(某名人)美国传统〔assassin〕One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.刺客:以突然袭击方式杀人者,尤指为为实现阴谋而刺杀名人美国传统〔break in on〕The police broke in upon the robbers.警察突然袭击了那伙强盗。21世纪英汉〔dart on〕They darted on their enemy.他们突然袭击敌人。21世纪英汉〔defend〕The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.哨兵守卫大门以防突然袭击。21世纪英汉〔diplomacy〕The raid followed years of failed diplomacy.多年外交失败后发生了这场突然袭击。牛津搭配〔dismay〕The surprise attack dismayed the enemy troops.突然袭击使敌军丧胆。21世纪英汉〔foray〕To make inroads, as for profit or adventure.突然袭击:作突然袭击,如为利益或冒险美国传统〔fury〕She turned on him in a fury.在暴怒中,她突然袭击他。牛津搭配〔go about〕We were simply going about our business when we were pounced upon by these police officers.我们像往常一样正干得好好的,却遭到这些警察的突然袭击。柯林斯高阶〔incursion〕Guerillas made military incursions into their territory.游击队向他们的领地发动突然袭击。外研社新世纪〔jump on〕A week later, the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn.一周以后, 同一伙人在我家的前院草坪上又突然袭击了我。外研社新世纪〔jump〕He was jumped by a mugger while he was walking home from the store.他从商店走回家时遭到一名拦路抢劫者突然袭击。韦氏高阶〔jump〕Muggers jumped him in the park.抢劫犯在公园里向他突然袭击美国传统〔jump〕The cat jumped on the mouse.猫突然袭击老鼠。牛津同义词〔jump〕The thugs jumped him in a dark alley.歹徒们在一条黑乎乎的胡同里向他突然袭击。英汉大词典〔jump〕They were just walking home when a bunch of guys jumped (on) them.他们正往家走,一帮人突然袭击了他们。剑桥高阶〔jump〕Thieves jumped the old man as he walked through the park.在老人步行穿过公园时, 小偷突然袭击了他。外研社新世纪〔jump〕Two guys jumped me with clubs in the car park.有两个家伙在停车场用棍棒突然袭击了我。外研社新世纪〔masterstroke〕This sudden, unexpected attack was a masterstroke.这次出其不意的突然袭击是一个高招。英汉大词典〔portion〕The enemy has surprised a large portion of the air force grounded on the airfields.敌人突然袭击了停在机场上的大批空军飞机。英汉大词典〔pounce〕We hid himself behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.我们藏在灌木丛后,准备向来犯者发起突然袭击。21世纪英汉〔raid〕A surprise attack by a small armed force.突然袭击,奇袭:由小股部队进行的急袭美国传统〔raid〕The rebels attempted a surprise raid on the camp.叛乱分子对营地发起了一次突然袭击。外研社新世纪〔reduce〕The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack.村口的堡垒遭到突然袭击而被攻陷。21世纪英汉〔rush〕A group of prisoners rushed an officer and managed to break out.一伙囚犯突然袭击狱警,越狱了。牛津高阶〔rush〕A sudden attack; an onslaught.突然袭击;猛攻美国传统〔savagely〕The animal then turned on him and he was savaged to death.接着野兽突然袭击了他,最后把他咬死了。柯林斯高阶〔spring a surprise〕The teacher sprang a surprise on us and gave a quiz.老师搞突然袭击,对我们进行了一次小测验。韦氏高阶〔storm〕An angry crowd stormed the embassy.愤怒的人群突然袭击大使馆。朗文当代〔strike〕The killer might strike again.凶手可能会再次突然袭击。朗文当代〔surprise〕They mounted a surprise attack at dawn.他们在拂晓时分发动了突然袭击。剑桥高阶〔swoop down on〕They swooped down on a night club and made 5 arrests.他们突然袭击了一家夜总会,抓走了五个人。21世纪英汉〔synchronize〕There have been a series of unexpected, synchronized attacks on the embassies.各大使馆遭到了一系列同时发动的突然袭击。外研社新世纪〔unannounced〕My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father's cousins.到西贡的第一个晚上, 我给堂叔伯们来了个突然袭击。外研社新世纪〔unannounced〕My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father's cousins.到西贡的第一个晚上,我给父亲的堂兄堂弟们来了个突然袭击。柯林斯高阶He jumped (on) her as she turned the corner. [T; I + on] 他在她拐弯时突然袭击了她。剑桥国际Police raided a lower East Side shooting gallery on Thursday night.警方在星期四夜间突然袭击了东区南部的毒品注射场。剑桥国际The mutinying soldiers turned on their officers and shot them all.哗变的士兵们突然袭击他们的军官, 并把他们全部射杀了。剑桥国际The robbers descended on the village. 强盗突然袭击那村子。译典通The sudden attack caught the guards napping.卫兵们给突然袭击打了个措手不及。剑桥国际The troops made a sally into enemy territory, returning with ten prisoners.部队突然袭击了敌人的营地,带回了十个俘虏。剑桥国际




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