

单词 科特
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔canon〕the small canon of Alcott novels 奥尔科特的袖珍版小说集韦氏高阶〔collection〕a collection of Scott Fitzgerald's short stories斯科特•菲茨杰拉德的短篇小说集外研社新世纪〔epic〕the epic of Scott's expedition to the South Pole斯科特南极考察的壮举外研社新世纪〔expedition〕the 1910 expedition to Antarctica led by Captain Scott 1910年在斯科特舰长带领下远赴南极的考察麦克米伦高阶〔front〕the debut single from the new five-piece fronted by singer Melissa Heathcoate. 以歌手梅利莎·希思科特为主唱的新5人组合的首支单曲柯林斯高阶〔old girl〕the St Mary's Ascot Old Girls' Reunion Lunch. 圣玛丽阿斯科特女子寄宿学校校友团聚午餐柯林斯高阶〔old girl〕the St Mary's Ascot Old Girls' Reunion Lunch阿斯科特圣玛丽女子学校校友团聚午餐外研社新世纪〔primacy〕the end of Archbishop Scott's primacy斯科特大主教权力的终结外研社新世纪〔reciprocate〕he reciprocated Mr Prescott's good wishes. 他对普雷斯科特先生的良好祝愿报以同样的祝福柯林斯高阶




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