

单词 科文
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANCE〕If you like dancing to drum and bass, come to the Coven on Saturday night. 如果你跳舞喜欢有鼓和低音吉他伴奏,周六晚上到科文舞厅来。朗文写作活用〔Gdn〕The Piazza, Covent Gdn, WC2科文特花园广场, WC2外研社新世纪〔clubbing〕Covent Garden is known for its shopping, eating, and clubbing.科文特花园以购物、餐饮和夜总会而闻名。外研社新世纪〔debut〕Cooper made his debut at Covent Garden in 1989.库珀于1989年在科文特花园歌剧院首次登台演出。麦克米伦高阶〔debut〕She debuted at Covent Garden in Norma.她以《诺尔玛》中的角色在科文特花园首次亮相。外研社新世纪〔début〕She debuted at Covent Garden in Norma.她以《诺尔玛》中的角色在科文特花园首次亮相。外研社新世纪〔heritage〕The site has UNESCO World Heritage status.这个遗址是联合国教科文组织确认的世界文化遗产。牛津搭配〔late〕Mr. Brown, late of the UNESCO 以前在联合国教科文组织服务的布朗先生文馨英汉〔occasion〕I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden.我时常愉快地回想起几年前在科文特花园的一个时刻。柯林斯高阶〔occasion〕I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden.我经常愉快地回想起几年以前在科文特花园的那一次。外研社新世纪〔pick up〕I picked her up at Covent Garden to take her to lunch with my mother.我在科文特花园接上了她,然后带她和我母亲一起去吃午饭。柯林斯高阶〔protection〕The site is under the protection of UNESCO.该遗址受联合国教科文组织的保护。牛津搭配〔spin off〕Corven plans to help large companies spin out smaller, entrepreneurial firms.科文计划帮大公司分立出一些小型企业。柯林斯高阶Covent Garden has made some attempt to make opera accessible to a wider public.科文特·加登已做出一些努力,使更多的人能听懂歌剧。剑桥国际Created in 1945, UNESCO is currently focused on the sustainable development of this world. 于1945年创立的联合国教科文组织目前主要专注在世界的永续发展。译典通In Covent Garden, London has its only working piazza, complete with shops, stalls, cafes, jugglers and musicians.科文特加登是伦敦唯一的热热闹闹的广场,商店,货摊,咖啡馆,变戏法的,演奏音乐的,应有尽有。剑桥国际




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