

单词 继续
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ALIVE〕to continue to be alive 继续活下去朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕to continue doing something in a determined way 坚定地继续做某事朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕to continue to be the same as before 继续和以前一样朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕to make something continue 使某事继续朗文写作活用〔DISTURB〕to disturb someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing 打扰某人以致他们无法继续正在做的事朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕to keep doing something 继续做某事朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕to keep the same character, feelings, qualities etc 继续保持同样的性格、感情、品质等朗文写作活用〔PAUSE〕to stop doing something for a short time before continuing 短时间停顿,然后继续朗文写作活用〔STOP〕to make something stop happening or continuing 使某事停止发生或继续下去朗文写作活用〔STOP〕to stop normal work or services from continuing 使正常的工作或服务不能继续下去朗文写作活用〔away〕talk away 继续说下去文馨英汉〔balance〕balance the agonies of long-term separation against the advantages of continuity of education 对长期分居的痛苦和继续求学的好处两者进行权衡英汉大词典〔concerned〕be concerned about (或 at, over)the continuing pollution of the environment 对环境继续遭受污染感到不安英汉大词典〔concern〕increased concern that the war could continue for a long time 对战争会长期继续下去而日益增加的担心朗文当代〔contain〕contain the damage done by the oil spill 阻止溢油造成的损害继续扩大英汉大词典〔credit〕modules offering continuing education credits 提供继续教育学分的课程单元牛津搭配〔education〕a college of further education 继续教育学院牛津搭配〔farther〕drive farther north 开车继续向北英汉大词典〔farther〕farther along the road 沿路继续往前牛津高阶〔get〕get on with a performance. 继续保持这样的表现美国传统〔idiocy〕the idiocy of continuing government subsidies for environmentally damaging activities对破坏环境的行为继续给予政府补贴的做法的极度愚蠢之处外研社新世纪〔indirect〕indirect assurances of continued support 对给予继续支持的闪烁其词的保证麦克米伦高阶〔jump〕go farther west at each jump 一次次停留后继续西行英汉大词典〔misascription〕the continued misascription of the poem to John Cleveland 这首诗继续错误地被说成是由约翰·克利夫兰所写英汉大词典〔moderator〕persuade both sides to continue their talks with the moderator 劝说双方继续和调解人洽谈英汉大词典〔path〕the challenge of staying on his spiritual path while surrounded by temptation 在诱惑中继续心灵之旅的挑战牛津搭配〔plough〕to plough on with one’s speech继续努力讲下去21世纪英汉〔press〕press ahead with expansion 不顾一切地继续扩张 英汉大词典〔pyramid〕demand continues to pyramid需求量继续增加21世纪英汉〔recognition〕lead to a recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be continued 导致超级大国认识到军备谈判必须继续英汉大词典〔renew〕renew one's efforts to do sth. 继续奋力做某事英汉大词典〔restraint〕need for continued price restraint 继续限价的必要性英汉大词典〔rig〕the blatantly rigged elections which allowed him to retain power. 让他得以继续掌权的公然操纵的选举柯林斯高阶〔stay〕if the weather stays fine 如果天气继续晴朗文馨英汉〔step〕walk on with quick steps 继续快步向前走英汉大词典〔study〕continue one's studies abroad 继续在国外留学英汉大词典〔study〕to continue your studies 继续学业牛津高阶〔take ... up〕to take up one's story继续讲故事21世纪英汉〔titular〕continue the king as titular head of state 继续保留国王作为名义上的国家元首英汉大词典〔unit〕continue small-unit attacks 继续实施小部队进攻英汉大词典




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