

单词 第十
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ariel〕The satellite of Uranus that is second in distance from the planet.天卫一:距离天王星第十四远的天王星卫星美国传统〔BETTER〕Hughes is anxious for the chance to improve upon last year's 11th place finish. 休斯渴望借着这次机会来改写他去年比赛中仅获第十一名的成绩。朗文写作活用〔BETWEEN〕Barnegat Books is situated on Eleventh Street, about halfway between Broadway and University Place. 巴恩盖特书店位于第十一街,约在百老汇与大学区之间的地方。朗文写作活用〔Belinda〕The satellite of Uranus that is ninth in distance from the planet.贝林达卫星:天王星的卫星,是距天王星第十三远的卫星美国传统〔Calypso〕The satellite of Saturn that is tenth in distance from the planet.卡吕普索:土星的卫星,是该行星的第十远的卫星美国传统〔Capricorn〕The tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology.摩羯宫:占星术中的第十宫美国传统〔DO/NOT DO〕He led his team to victory for the tenth time, a feat no captain had achieved before. 他带领球队第十次获胜,在他之前没有别的队长获得过如此佳绩。朗文写作活用〔Leda〕The tenth satellite of the planet Jupiter.勒达星:木星的第十颗卫星美国传统〔TELL〕Article 10 of the directive requires all food to be clearly labelled. 这项规定的第十条要求所有食品必须清楚地贴上标签。朗文写作活用〔and〕We've dealt with items one, two, and eleven.我们已经处理了第一项、第二项和第十一项。朗文当代〔appear〕The cartoons appear on page 10.漫画刊登在第十页。英汉大词典〔article〕Article 10 provides that all businesses must be registered correctly.第十条规定所有的企业必须依法登记注册。牛津搭配〔article〕The actions of the organization violate Article 12 of the treaty.这个组织的行动违反了条约第十二款。牛津搭配〔article〕The judge ordered the child's return home under Article 12 of the Convention.法官根据公约第十二款的规定下令将孩子送回家。牛津搭配〔billionth〕Disney will claim its one billionth visitor before the end of the century.到本世纪末迪士尼将迎来其第十亿位游客。外研社新世纪〔billionth〕The ordinal number matching the number one billion in a series.第十亿个:在一序列数中处第十亿个的序数词美国传统〔blast〕With six minutes remaining, he blasted the ball through the Coleraine defences for his 19th goal of the season.还剩六分钟的时候,他攻破了高利宁队的防守,踢入了他在这个赛季的第十九个进球。朗文当代〔disguised〕In Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night", Duke Orsino falls in love with the disguised Viola.在莎士比亚的戏剧《第十二夜》中,奥西诺公爵爱上了乔装打扮的薇奥拉。剑桥高阶〔eighteenth〕He finished eighteenth in the race.他赛跑获得第十八名。韦氏高阶〔eighteenth〕He's in eighteenth place.他排在第十八位。外研社新世纪〔eighteenth〕The reigning Swiss champion finished eighteenth.本届瑞士冠军位列第十八名。外研社新世纪〔eleventh〕He finished eleventh in the race.他赛跑得了第十一名。韦氏高阶〔eleventh〕It's the world's eleventh-largest economy.它是世界第十一大经济体。外研社新世纪〔eleventh〕Manchester came eleventh out of the top one hundred places to live.曼彻斯特在百座宜居城市中排名第十一位。外研社新世纪〔eleventh〕Sergio has played several tournaments and now has the opportunity to play an eleventh.塞尔希奥已经打了几场联赛, 现在有机会打第十一场了。外研社新世纪〔eleventh〕This is their eleventh win of the season.这是他们本赛季取得的第十一场胜利。外研社新世纪〔fifteenth〕Their boat finished fifteenth.他们的船获得第十五名。韦氏高阶〔fourteenth〕He's in fourteenth place.他排在第十四位。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕I finished fourteenth in the race.我在比赛中排第十四名。韦氏高阶〔fourteenth〕If you've got thirteen Madonna sites, then you probably don't need a fourteenth.如果已经有了十三个关于麦当娜的网站, 那么应该不需要第十四个了。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕The reigning champion finished fourteenth.卫冕冠军位列第十四名。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕The siege is now in its fourteenth day.围攻已经进入第十四天。外研社新世纪〔heart〕After the tenth rejection, Gwendolen started to lose heart a little.在第十次被拒绝之后, 格温德琳开始有点失去信心了。外研社新世纪〔hexadecimal〕A sixteenth.第十六的:第十六个美国传统〔j〕The tenth in a series.第十个:序列中的第十个美国传统〔j〕The tenth letter of the modern English alphabet.J字母:现代英语字母表中的第十个字母美国传统〔nineteenth〕He was the country's nineteenth president.他是这个国家第十九任总统。韦氏高阶〔nineteenth〕I was the nineteenth person to cross the finish line.我第十九个冲过终点线。韦氏高阶〔nineteenth〕She finished nineteenth in the race.她在这场比赛中得了第十九名。韦氏高阶〔op.〕Webern's Five Pieces, Op. 10 韦伯恩的第十号作品的五支乐曲牛津高阶〔opus〕Beethoven's Opus 18 贝多芬第十八号作品牛津高阶〔page〕Open your books to [【英】at] page 15.翻开书本的第十五页。文馨英汉〔page〕You will find the quotation on page 18.你会在第十八页找到那个引用句。文馨英汉〔pole〕He poled his twelfth home run in the sixth inning.在第六回合他打出了他的第十二次本垒打。21世纪英汉〔publish〕He has just published his tenth novel.他刚刚发表了他的第十本小说。21世纪英汉〔reckon〕The expression 'full moon' means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance.“满月”这个说法是指从新月首次出现那天算起的第十四天。朗文当代〔restudied〕Let's restudy Lesson Fifteen.让我们再学一遍第十五课。21世纪英汉〔seventeenth〕Great Britain came seventeenth.英国名列第十七位。外研社新世纪〔seventeenth〕He finished in seventeenth place.他最后获得第十七名。韦氏高阶〔seventeenth〕She finished seventeenth in the race.在这场赛跑中她排名第十七。韦氏高阶〔seventeenth〕She's in seventeenth place.她排在第十七位。外研社新世纪〔singles〕Hopes of a 10th Wimbledon singles title were dashed in by Seles.第十次获得温布尔登网球锦标赛单打冠军的希望被塞莱斯断送。外研社新世纪〔sixteenth〕He finished in sixteenth place.他获得了第十六名。韦氏高阶〔sixteenth〕She finished sixteenth in the race.她在比赛中获得了第十六名。韦氏高阶〔sixteenth〕She finished sixteenth.她最终位列第十六。外研社新世纪〔sixteenth〕She's in sixteenth place.她排在第十六位。外研社新世纪〔sixteenth〕The top-ranked team will play against the sixteenth.排名第一的球队将和排名第十六的球队交手。外研社新世纪〔sophomore〕A tenth-grade student in a U.S. high school.十年级学生:美国中学中第十年级的学生美国传统〔tenth〕He finished tenth in the race.他最后跑了第十名。外研社新世纪〔tenth〕He was tenth in line.他排在第十。韦氏高阶〔tenth〕He's in tenth place.他排第十。外研社新世纪〔tenth〕It's the world's tenth-largest economy.这是世界第十大经济体。外研社新世纪〔tenth〕The ordinal number matching the number ten in a series.第十:相当于数列中基数十的序数美国传统〔tenth〕They have won nine championships and are hoping to add a tenth.他们已经获得了九个冠军头衔, 希望能再拿下第十个。外研社新世纪〔ten〕The tenth in a set or sequence.第十:在一个序列或数列中的第十个美国传统〔thirteenth〕He finished thirteenth in the race.他最后跑了第十三名。外研社新世纪〔thirteenth〕He's in thirteenth place.他排第十三。外研社新世纪〔thirteenth〕She finished thirteenth.她第十三个完成。韦氏高阶〔thirteenth〕Today's rise in the unemployment figures is the thirteenth in a row.今天是失业人数连续上升的第十三天。外研社新世纪〔twelfth〕He finished twelfth in the race.他最后跑了第十二名。外研社新世纪〔twelfth〕Our son finished twelfth in the race.我们的儿子在比赛中获得了第十二名。韦氏高阶〔twelfth〕She's in twelfth place.她排第十二。外研社新世纪〔twelfth〕The victory was her twelfth this year.这是她今年第十二次获胜。外研社新世纪〔twelve〕The twelfth in a set or sequence.第十二个:在一套或一系列中的第十二个美国传统〔victim〕The train crash claimed its tenth victim yesterday when the driver died in hospital.司机昨天在医院里不治身亡,成为这起火车撞毁事件的第十名遇难者。牛津搭配At the end of the first round, he was (lying) nineteenth.第一轮结束时他排名第十九。剑桥国际December is the twelfth month. 12 月份是第十二个月。剑桥国际Do the exercises on page 10. 做第十页上的练习。译典通He currently is/ranks eighteenth in the world.目前他排名世界第十八位。剑桥国际He was angered to be seeded 11th in the nationals, two below his world ranking of No. 9.他对自己全国第十一的排名很生气,比他世界第九的排名还差两位。剑桥国际He was tenth in the batting order/He batted tenth.他在击球率记录上排名第十。剑桥国际He won the fight by a knockout in the tenth round.他在第十回合击倒对手获胜。剑桥国际He's ranked fifteenth in the world.他在世界排名第十五。剑桥国际Number the pages from one to ten.将页码从第一页编到第十页。剑桥国际See p.17 below. 见下面的第十七页。译典通She squeezed lemon on to her eleventh oyster and sucked it up from the shell.她将柠檬汁挤到她第十一只牡蛎上,然后从壳里把它吸出。剑桥国际She was / came sixteenth in the class in the exams.她在班级考试中得了第十六名。剑桥国际Sweden was in seventeenth place in the Olympic medal table.瑞典在奥运会奖牌榜上名列第十七。剑桥国际The article starts on page two and continues/is continued on page ten.这篇文章开始于第二页,在第十页继续下去。剑桥国际The author picks up the theme again on Page ten.作者在第十页又重新谈到那个主题。剑桥国际The dollar recorded its eleventh drop in twelve days.美元在十二天内出现了第十一次贬值。牛津商务The song went from tenth to second place in the charts.这首歌在排名表上从第十位上升到第二位。剑桥国际The story has a strange twist in chapter 15. 故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。译典通The story reached a climax in chapter ten. 故事在第十章到达高潮。译典通The twelfth division mustered on the hill.第十二师在山岗上集合。剑桥国际There is a vacancy on the tenth floor. 第十层楼上有一个空房间。译典通They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial. 他们在第十五次尝试时获得了成功。译典通This is his tenth year of working for the company.这是他为这家公司工作的第十年。剑桥国际You're fifteenth on the list.你是名单上的第十五个。剑桥国际Your name is / lies fourteenth on the list.你的名字在名单上列第十四位。剑桥国际




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