

单词 置身于
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔absent〕She was able to absent herselffrom trouble.她得以置身于是非漩涡之外。英汉大词典〔alice in wonderland〕I felt I was in an Alice-in-Wonderland world.我感觉就像置身于奇幻世界之中。牛津高阶〔among〕I was never happier than when I was among these familiar faces.我感到再没有比置身于这些熟人中更快乐的事了。麦克米伦高阶〔bargaining〕Governing board members should stay out of the bargaining process.理事会成员应该置身于谈判过程之外。外研社新世纪〔changeless〕Surrounded by this changeless landscape, one can imagine the world as it was many thousands of years ago.置身于这永恒不变的风景之中,可以想象出好几千年前世界是什么样子的。剑桥高阶〔commune〕Lying naked in the grass, among the trees and birds, he felt he was communing with nature.赤裸裸地躺在草地上,置身于树木和鸟儿中间,他觉得自己与大自然融为了一体。剑桥高阶〔distance〕When he retired, he tried to distance himself from politics.退休后,他便尽量使自己置身于政治之外。牛津高阶〔doff〕Among his intimate friends his studied reserve was doffed.置身于亲朋好友之中,他不再故作姿态地保持沉默。英汉大词典〔exposed〕The broken windows left them exposed to the sub-zero temperatures.破窗子使他们置身于零下温度的严寒之中。英汉大词典〔expose〕A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.明智的母亲决不会让她的孩子置身于一丁点儿危险之中。柯林斯高阶〔expose〕A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.明智的母亲决不会让她的孩子置身于丝毫可能的危险之中。外研社新世纪〔fray〕You must place yourself beyond parties and above the political fray.你必须置身于党派及党派竞争之外。外研社新世纪〔illude〕At the cinema I am completely illuded.在电影院里我完全置身于幻觉之中。英汉大词典〔island〕They go to drive-in movies, and sit islanded in a sea of fornication.他们驱车至露天影院看电影,宛若置身于情欲横流之洋的孤岛上。英汉大词典〔jeopardy〕He placed [put] himself in jeopardy in order to save her life.他置身于危险,以拯救她的生命。文馨英汉〔landscape〕We moved to Northamptonshire and a new landscape of hedges and fields.我们迁往北安普敦郡,置身于一派树篱和田野的新景致中。柯林斯高阶〔mainstream〕His views place him outside the mainstream of British society.他的观点使他置身于英国主流社会之外。麦克米伦高阶〔party politics〕The President should stand above party politics.总统应当置身于政党政治之上。牛津高阶〔politics〕The president should stand above party politics (=working only for your political PARTY) .总统应当置身于党派政治之外。朗文当代〔queer〕To put (someone) in a bad position.使(某人)置身于不利位置美国传统〔stay〕He was forced by his condition to stay put and remain out of politics.他的健康状况迫使他留在原处,置身于政坛之外。柯林斯高阶〔transport〕The show transported Alvin back to nightclubs of the 1920s.那场演出使阿尔文仿佛置身于20世纪20年代的夜总会。麦克米伦高阶British people who live abroad often surround themselves with other anglophones in their social activities.居住在国外的英国人通常在社交活动中使自己置身于讲英语的人们之中。剑桥国际George stayed out of the social life of the school. 乔治置身于该校社交生活之外。译典通He found himself in a room full of intellectuals discussing philosophy and politics.他发现自己置身于一屋子讨论哲学和政治的知识分子中间。剑桥国际He found himself in the drab surroundings of yet another government building.他发现自己又置身于一个死气沉沉的政府大楼里。剑桥国际She ranged herself with (= agreed with the opinions of) my opponents.她置身于我的对手之中。剑桥国际




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