

单词 种马
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Arabian〕an Arabian stallion阿拉伯种马外研社新世纪〔at stud〕a horse that has been put out to stud 留作种马的马韦氏高阶〔blooded〕a blooded horse 纯种马,良马文馨英汉〔bloodstock〕a bloodstock auction 纯种马拍卖朗文当代〔bloodstock〕bloodstock sales 纯种马买卖文馨英汉〔chestnut〕a chestnut stallion 栗色种马韦氏高阶〔generous〕a generous race of horses 名种马英汉大词典〔pedigreed〕a pedigreed horse/school/family 一匹纯种马;历史悠久的名校;有良好血统的家族韦氏高阶〔pedigree〕pedigree horses. 纯种马柯林斯高阶〔pedigree〕pedigree horses纯种马外研社新世纪〔proud〕a proud horse/stallion 威风凛凛的马匹/种马韦氏高阶〔purebred〕a purebred horse 纯种马韦氏高阶〔race〕produce a new race of potatoes 栽培新品种马铃薯英汉大词典〔shower〕a shower of thoroughbred horses; a shower of great affection. 纯种马的展出者;显示出极大爱慕之情的人美国传统〔sire〕the foal's sire 公种马韦氏高阶〔stock〕a stock mare. 母种马美国传统〔stud〕a stud farm 种马场牛津高阶〔stud〕retired racehorses being used as studs 用作种马的退役赛马韦氏高阶〔thoroughbred〕a thoroughbred stallion 一匹纯种种马朗文当代〔thoroughbred〕a thoroughbred stallion纯种种马外研社新世纪〔travel〕travel the stallion to different farms 运送种马去各农庄英汉大词典〔unblooded〕an unblooded horse 非纯种马英汉大词典




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