

单词 种群
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Caucasoid〕A member of the Caucasian racial division. No longer in scientific use.高加索种群成员:高加索种群的成员。已不在科学界使用美国传统〔Caucasoid〕Of or relating to the Caucasian racial division. No longer in scientific use.高加索种群的:高加索种群的或有关高加索种群的。科学界已不使用美国传统〔call〕Human beings belong to a large group of animals called “mammals.” 人类属于“哺乳动物”这样一个大的动物种群。韦氏高阶〔coalesce〕Gradually the different groups of people coalesced into one dominant racial group.不同种群的人逐渐合并成为一个大的种族群体。朗文当代〔consociation〕Ecology A subdivision of an association having one dominant species of plant.【生态学】 单优种群体:具有一种优势植物的亚门美国传统〔continuous variation〕Variation within a population in which a graded series of intermediate phenotypes falls between the extremes.连续变异:在一个种群的两个极端之间产生的一系列杂交改良的中间型生物群体变异美国传统〔cross-breed〕Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe.拉塞尔博士正通过把全球各地的山羊品种进行杂交来培育一个优良种群。柯林斯高阶〔devastate〕The disease has devastated the area's oak tree population.疾病破坏了这个地区的橡树种群。韦氏高阶〔discontinuous variation〕Variation within a population in which few or no intermediate phenotypes fall between the extremes.不连续变化,间断变化:种群内的变化,在种群里两极之间很少或没有中间表现型美国传统〔ecesis〕The successful establishment of a plant or animal species in a habitat.定居:植物或动物种群在新环境中的成功移植美国传统〔experimentally〕In the ecology laboratory, communities of species can be studied experimentally under controlled conditions.在生态实验室, 能够对物种群落在受控环境中进行实验研究。外研社新世纪〔flourishing〕Britain has the largest and most flourishing fox population in Europe.英国拥有欧洲最大也是最具繁殖能力的狐狸种群。外研社新世纪〔flourishing〕Britain has the largest and most flourishing fox population in Europe.英国拥有欧洲最大也是最具繁殖能力的狐狸种群。柯林斯高阶〔gene〕A gene pool of at least 300 animals is necessary to maintain a healthy tiger population.需要一个至少有 300 头动物的基因库才能维持一个健康的老虎种群。牛津搭配〔herd〕Bad weather has decimated the national herd.恶劣的天气使得国内动物种群大批死亡。牛津搭配〔hierarchy〕Some monkeys have a very complex social hierarchy.有些猴群中出现了非常复杂的种群等级。剑桥高阶〔living fossil〕An organism, such as a coelacanth or the ginkgo, that is the sole surviving member of an otherwise extinct taxonomic group.活化石:一种生物体,是濒临灭绝的种群中唯一存活的成员(例如空棘鱼或银杏)美国传统〔monogamous〕The prairie vole is a sociable creature, one of 3% of mammal species that appear to form monogamous relationships.橙腹田鼠是一种群居动物, 是3%似乎具有一雄一雌关系的哺乳动物之一。外研社新世纪〔noted〕The lake is also noted for its bird population.该湖还以其鸟类种群闻名。牛津搭配〔panmixia〕Random mating within a breeding population.自由交配:在一个育种群中自由交配美国传统〔paper wasp〕Any of various social wasps, such as the hornet, that builds papery nests from chewed wood pulp.纸巢蜂:例如大黄蜂等多种群居蜂中的任意一种,它们用吮吸的树木的浆后,建造极薄的蜂巢美国传统〔parasitism〕The characteristic behavior or mode of existence of a parasite or parasitic population.寄生,寄生行为:寄生物或寄生种群存在时具有显著特征的行为或方式美国传统〔pass over〕Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.许许多多只有少许黑人特征的人每年都被当作白人而被吸收为占优势的高加索种群人口。21世纪英汉〔population〕Ecology All the organisms that constitute a specific group or occur in a specified habitat.【生态学】 种群,族群:构成某一群体或生活在某一栖居地的所有生物美国传统〔population〕The estuary is home to the largest breeding population of birds in Australia.该河口是澳大利亚最大的鸟类种群繁殖场所。牛津搭配〔population〕The total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area.人口分布:构成某地区的人种、类群或种群的居住者的总数美国传统〔predation〕Predation reduces the size of the prey population.动物的捕食造成了被捕食动物种群的减少。英汉大词典〔province〕Ecology An area of land, less extensive than a region, having a characteristic plant and animal population.【生态学】 亚区:土地的一个区域,比地区要小,有其独特的植物和动物种群美国传统〔regression〕Biology The return of a population to an earlier or less complex physical type in successive generations.【生物学】 退化:种群在连续几代中退回以前的或较简单的身体结构美国传统〔sample〕The research was based on samples from 29 populations.该研究以取自 29 类种群的样本为基础。牛津搭配〔self-sustaining〕Biologists say the area might be large enough to support a self-sustaining population.生物学家称这个地区的面积可能足以让一个自我维系的种群生存下来。柯林斯高阶〔sense〕Clubs try to create a sense of community.俱乐部力求营造一种群体意识。牛津搭配〔sympatric〕Occupying the same or overlapping geographic areas without interbreeding. Used of populations of closely related species.分布区重叠的,同域的:其分布的地理区域相同或部分重叠,但相互间并不杂交的用于紧密相联的物种群体美国传统〔type genus〕The taxonomic genus that is designated as representative of the family to which it belongs.模式属:被指定为所属种群的生物分类美国传统〔vagility〕The capacity or tendency of an organism or a species to move about or disperse in a given environment.漫游:某机体或种群在特定环境里游移或传播的能力或倾向美国传统〔variety〕A group that is distinguished from other groups by a specific characteristic or set of characteristics.种类:由于一种具体的特性或一组特性而区别于其它种群的一群美国传统〔web spinner〕Any of various social insects of the order Embioptera, having two-winged males and wingless females, both of which produce silk from glands in the front legs.结网毛虫:纺足目的各种群居昆虫,雄性有两个翅膀,雌性没有翅膀,但都能从前腿的分泌腺中吐出丝线美国传统〔wildlife〕The local fish and wildlife population may be lost forever.当地的鱼类和野生动植物种群可能会永远消失。牛津搭配〔wipe out〕The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的海龟种群灭绝。外研社新世纪




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