

单词 经受
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔STRONG〕strong and healthy, and able to deal with illnesses, difficult conditions etc 强壮健康,能经受疾病、艰苦的条件等朗文写作活用〔abide〕abide the onrush of the enemy 经受住敌人的冲击英汉大词典〔analysis〕come under intense and close analysis 经受认真周密的分析英汉大词典〔anguished〕an anguished mother 一位经受极大痛苦的母亲英汉大词典〔autoclavable〕autoclavable laboratory equipment 能经受住压热器作用的实验室设备英汉大词典〔compression〕nerve compression 神经受压剑桥高阶〔conform〕the command that she should conform herself to Christ in his suffering要求她经受和基督相似苦难的命令外研社新世纪〔consecrate〕a principle consecrated by the weight of history 经受历史考验而受到尊崇的原则英汉大词典〔crashworthy〕crashworthy cars. 能经受碰撞的车美国传统〔cubital〕cubital nerve injuries 尺骨神经受损剑桥高阶〔element〕be exposed to the elements 经受风吹雨打英汉大词典〔element〕to be exposed to the elements 经受风吹雨打牛津高阶〔endure〕buildings that have endured for centuries. 经受数世纪风雨的建筑美国传统〔endure〕to endure great financial pressures with equanimity以镇定自若的态度经受住财政上的巨大压力21世纪英汉〔flame〕be tempered in the flames of revolution 在革命的烈火中经受锻炼英汉大词典〔furnace〕be tried in the furnace of affliction 在苦难的熔炉中经受锻炼英汉大词典〔griddle〕sit on the griddle 经受严厉的盘问英汉大词典〔heat〕a material which can withstand heats of up to 2 000°C 一种可以经受高达 2,000 摄氏度高温的材料牛津搭配〔ignominious〕suffer an ignominious defeat 经受一次声誉扫地的失败英汉大词典〔impregnate with〕an egg that has been impregnated with male seed已经受精的卵子21世纪英汉〔indescribable〕experienced indescribable delight.See Synonyms at unspeakable 经受了难以形容的喜悦 参见 unspeakable美国传统〔interview〕go through a series of stringent interviews 经受一系列严格的口头考核英汉大词典〔living〕to outlive the stigma of one's imprisonment经受住因入狱带来的耻辱21世纪英汉〔mishandle〕a much tougher ware than bone china, which stood up more robustly to being mishandled一个比骨灰瓷硬实得多、更经受得住磕碰摔打的器皿外研社新世纪〔outride〕outride a storm at sea. 在大海中经受住风暴的袭击美国传统〔overhaul〕undergo a thorough overhaul 经受彻底的检修英汉大词典〔plumb〕plumb the depths of humiliation 经受奇耻大辱英汉大词典〔poise〕poise oneself for an ordeal 准备好经受严峻考验英汉大词典〔possessed〕be possessed in time of trial 在经受考验时刻表现得沉着坚定英汉大词典〔proof〕stand a severe proof 经受严峻考验英汉大词典〔resilience〕buildings built with resilience to withstand earthquake shock 一幢幢具有回弹能可经受地震冲击的建筑物英汉大词典〔rigour〕suffer the rigours of life (fund raising) 经受生活(筹款)的艰苦 英汉大词典〔stand〕to stand suffering of the life经受生活的磨难21世纪英汉〔temper〕troops tempered in battle 经受战斗锻炼的军队英汉大词典〔tested〕time-tested principles 经受了时间考验的原则英汉大词典〔time〕stand the test of time 经受时间的考验英汉大词典〔trap〕pain from a trapped nerve 神经受压迫引起的疼痛朗文当代〔undergo〕to undergo tests/trials/repairs 经受考验;接受检修牛津高阶〔withstand〕withstand hardships 经受种种艰难困苦英汉大词典products that can stand up to rough handling 能够经受碰撞装卸的产品牛津商务




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