

单词 突厥
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chuvash〕The Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash.楚瓦什语:楚瓦什人说的突厥语美国传统〔Kazakh〕The Turkic language of this people.哈萨克语:哈萨克人的语言,属突厥语族美国传统〔Kirghiz〕The Turkic language of the Kirghiz.吉尔吉斯语:吉尔吉斯人讲的突厥语言美国传统〔Tatar〕Tartar Any of the Turkic languages of the Tatars. Tartar 鞑靼语:任一种鞑靼人所讲的突厥语美国传统〔Turkic〕A subfamily of the Altaic language family that includes Turkish.突厥语族:阿尔泰语系下的一个亚语系,包括土耳其语美国传统〔Turkic〕Of or relating to Turkic or the peoples who speak Turkic.突厥语的;突厥族的:属于或关于突厥语族或说突厥语的民族的美国传统〔Turki〕A member of a Turki-speaking people.突厥人:说突厥语的民族的成员美国传统〔Turki〕Of or relating to the Turkic language subfamily, especially the eastern Turkic languages, or their speakers.突厥语的:属于或关于突厥语亚语系的,尤指东部的突厥语的或说突厥语的人的美国传统〔Turki〕The Turkic language subfamily, especially the eastern Turkic languages.突厥语:突厥语亚语系,尤指东部的几种突厥语美国传统〔Turkmen〕A member of a traditionally nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan.土库曼人:一个传统的游牧突厥族的成员,居住在土尔其斯坦以及伊朗和阿富汗境内的邻近区域的美国传统〔Turkmen〕The Turkic language of the Turkmen.土库曼语:土库曼人说的突厥语美国传统〔Turk〕A member of any of the Turkic-speaking peoples.突厥人:说突厥语的民族的成员美国传统〔Uzbek〕A member of a Turkic people inhabiting Uzbekistan and neighboring areas.乌兹别克人:居住乌兹别克斯坦和临近地区的突厥族人美国传统〔Uzbek〕The Turkic language of the Uzbeks.乌兹别克语:乌兹别克人使用的突厥语美国传统〔Yakut〕The Turkic language of the Yakut.雅库特语:雅库特人使用的突厥语美国传统




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