

单词 based
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕Janis was forced to concede that much of her argument was based on prejudice. 贾尼斯被迫承认,她的不少论点是有偏见的。朗文写作活用〔Ames test〕A test used to determine the mutagenic potential of a substance based on the mutation rate of bacteria that are exposed to the substance.埃米斯测试:一种根据曝露在物质周围的细菌的突变率来确定物质基因突变能力的测试美国传统〔BELIEVE〕Their experiments were based on the belief that you could make gold from other metals. 他们进行这些实验,是基于人们认为可以从别的金属中提炼出金子。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The 1970s saw the beginnings of a new technological revolution, based on microelectronics. 20世纪70年代在微电子学基础上兴起了一场新技术革命。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕The film is based on a popular Bengali novel. 这部影片根据一本孟加拉畅销小说改编而成。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕Your test questions will be based on the work you have done in the past year. 测验题目将以你们在过去一年中做的作业为基础。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Venetian cuisine is based on seafood and rice. 威尼斯菜以海鲜和米饭为主。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕The government's case was based on evidence gathered over a two-year investigation. 该政府依据两年调查收集的证据提出起诉。朗文写作活用〔Creole〕Often creole A person of mixed Black and European ancestry who speaks a creolized language, especially one based on French or Spanish. 常作 creole 黑白混血种人:黑人和欧洲血统白人的混血儿,讲克里奥尔化语言,尤指以法语或西班牙语为基础语的混杂语言美国传统〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕Your pension will be based on the amount that you are earning when you retire. 你的养老金将根据你退休时的工资金额而定。朗文写作活用〔DESCRIBE〕The report is based on visits to schools in five cities. 这篇报道是根据对五个城市的学校的走访写成的。朗文写作活用〔Islam〕The civilization based on Islam.伊斯兰文明:以伊斯兰教为基础的文明美国传统〔LETTER〕The biography is based on Marx's correspondence with Engels over 40 years. 这本传记是根据马克思与恩格斯四十多年的往来书信写成的。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕The European numbers 1, 2, 3 and so on, are based on Arabic numerals. 欧洲人用的数字1,2,3等是以阿拉伯数字为基础的。朗文写作活用〔Neo-Lamarckism〕The theory, based on Lamarckism, that response to environmental influence can be inherited and transmitted through the action of natural selection.新拉马克主义:以拉马克主义为基础的理论,认为环境影响的结果会通过大自然的选择遗留和传递下来美国传统〔PLACE〕More than 200 aircraft will be based at Miramar Air Force Base. 200多架飞机将驻扎在米拉马尔空军基地。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕The United Nations is based in New York. 联合国总部设在纽约。朗文写作活用〔Parcheesi〕A trademark used for a board game based on the ancient game of pachisi.巴棋戏:一种用作基于古代巴棋戏游戏的棋盘游戏的商标名美国传统〔Ptolemy〕Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth.托勒密:亚历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上美国传统〔Solon〕Athenian lawgiver and poet. His reforms preserved a class system based on wealth but ended privilege by birth.棱伦:古雅典的立法者及诗人。他的改革保留了建立在财富基础之上的阶级系统,但却以出生特权而告终美国传统〔Sunna〕The way of life prescribed as normative in Islam, based on the teachings and practices of Mohammed and on exegesis of the Koran.圣行:伊斯兰教认为规范的一种生活方式,建立在穆罕默德的教诲与行为以及对《古兰经》的解释上美国传统〔TAKE〕Jean works for a road haulage company based in St Etienne. 琼在一家总部设在圣埃蒂安纳的公路运输公司工作。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕The traditional Indian world view is based on certain definite concepts. 印度人传统的世界观是建立在某些明确观念上的。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕The movie is based on a true story. 这部影片以一个真实的故事为基础。朗文写作活用〔accusation〕The decision to invade Iraq was based on accusations that turned out to be false.决定入侵伊拉克所依据的指控事后证明是错误的。外研社新世纪〔actuarial〕These figures are based on actuarial calculations of the risks involved.这些数字建立在对所涉及风险的精确计算之上。剑桥高阶〔adhere〕Conrad adhered to a rather obscure Christian sect based in North Dakota.康拉德信奉一个不知名的源自北达科他州的基督教教派。外研社新世纪〔appeal〕I tried to appeal to (= ask for support based on) his sense of loyalty, stressing how good the company had been to him.我努力请他对公司保持忠诚,着重强调公司一贯待他不薄。剑桥高阶〔apportion〕The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the population of each state.众议院的席位是根据各州的人口分配的。牛津高阶〔associative learning〕A learning principle based on the belief that ideas and experiences reinforce one another and can be mentally linked to enhance the learning process.联想性学习:一种学习原则,认为观点与经验互相加强并能联成一体以促进学习过程美国传统〔assumption〕My calculations were based on the assumption that house prices would remain steady.我的计算以这个假设为基础,即房价将保持稳定。朗文当代〔assumption〕Your argument is based on a set of questionable assumptions.你的论证建立在一套有问题的假设上。牛津搭配〔base sth on sth〕The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.这部电影是根据托马斯·曼的短篇小说改编而成的。剑桥高阶〔based〕The movie is based on a real-life incident.这部电影以真实事件为蓝本。牛津高阶〔based〕The report is based on figures from six different European cities.报告的依据是欧洲六个不同城市的数据。牛津高阶〔base〕He based the book on his own life.他根据他自己的生活写这本书。21世纪英汉〔base〕Our tour group based itself in a hotel in the heart of the city.我们旅行团在市中心的一家宾馆里安顿了下来。韦氏高阶〔base〕The Fourth Armoured Division was based at Fort Benning.第四装甲师驻扎在本宁要塞。21世纪英汉〔base〕Their research was based largely on anecdotal evidence.他们的研究主要以传闻为基础。牛津搭配〔base〕They had based on Greenland at one time.他们一度曾在格林兰岛上建立基地。21世纪英汉〔base〕This movie is based on [upon] historical facts.这部电影是根据史实(拍)的。文馨英汉〔basis〕The rumour is totally without foundation(= is not based on any facts).这谣传毫无事实根据。牛津高阶〔beguine〕A ballroom dance similar to the rumba, based on a dance of Martinique and St. Lucia.比津舞:类似伦巴的舞厅舞,源于马提尼克群岛和圣卢西亚的民间舞美国传统〔blurs the line/distinction between〕His novel is based on historical occurrences but it blurs the line/distinction between fact and fiction.他的小说以历史事件为依据,但模糊了事实与虚构之间的界限。韦氏高阶〔broth〕A thin, clear soup based on stock, to which rice, barley, meat, or vegetables may be added.清汤:用熬好的汤汁做的清汤,可加大米、麦片、肉或蔬菜美国传统〔calendar〕The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.基督教历法最初是基于罗马人的儒略历。外研社新世纪〔case law〕Law based on judicial decision and precedent rather than on statutes.判例法:建立在司法判决和先例基础上而非成文法条基础上的法律美国传统〔caste〕A social system or the principle of grading society based on castes.等级制度:以种姓为基础的等级社会的社会体制或原则美国传统〔collate〕He spent years collating the data on which the study was based.他花费了数年时间整理此项研究所需的数据。外研社新世纪〔common law〕Canadian libel law is based on English common law.加拿大的诽谤法是以英国的习惯法为基础的。柯林斯高阶〔company〕The company is based in Paris.这家公司总部设在巴黎。韦氏高阶〔comparison〕Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.建议是建立在对国营部门与私营部门进行详细比较的基础上的。柯林斯高阶〔conception〕My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England.我对花园的概念是基于我在英格兰观赏过的花园。柯林斯高阶〔conductometric titration〕Titration based on changes in the electrical conductance of a solution.基于溶液导电性能变化了的滴定美国传统〔conjecture〕Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.推测:基于非结论性的或不完全的证据作出的推论或判断;猜测美国传统〔count〕The diet is based on counting calories.这个饮食安排以计算热量为根据。牛津高阶〔credit〕Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others.信誉:对他人有好感或信任的基础上所受到的影响美国传统〔credit〕Tuition costs are based on the number of credit hours enrolled.学费的多少根据所选学分时数而定。牛津搭配〔data〕The study was based on data from 2,100 women.该项研究是建立在从2,100名女性那里收集来的信息基础之上的。外研社新世纪〔dated〕Spy thrillers with plots based on the Cold War look particularly dated nowadays.冷战题材的惊险间谍影片现在看起来尤为老套。剑桥高阶〔demotic〕Demotic Of or relating to a form of modern Greek based on colloquial use. Demotic 现代希腊语的:基于口语应用的现代希腊语的一种形式的或与之有关的美国传统〔dependence〕Their relationship is based on a strong mutual dependence.他们的关系建立在强烈的相互依赖的基础上。牛津搭配〔derive〕For Locke, knowledge is based on experience as derived through our senses.在洛克看来, 知识建立在通过感官获得的经验之上。外研社新世纪〔differential〕Pay differentials are legal and appropriate if they are based on merit, seniority or any other factor than sex.如果工资级差建立在业绩、资历或其他非性别因素的基础上, 那就是合理合法的。外研社新世纪〔direct〕Her theory was based on direct observation.她的理论基于直接观察。韦氏高阶〔distillation〕The advice is based on the distilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists.该建议是在汇集提取了心脏专家小组的意见后作出的。柯林斯高阶〔distribute〕The workers were distributed based on their special talents.根据各自特长工人们被分了类。英汉大词典〔dogma〕Their opposition to the reforms is based on pure dogma.他们对这些改革的反对纯粹是基于一些僵化的教条。麦克米伦高阶〔double〕A lot of the jokes were based on double meaning .许多笑话都语带双关。朗文当代〔duress〕Charges based on such material are vulnerable to a prima facie defence of duress.根据这类材料提出的指控, 很容易被表面受到胁迫的辩护驳斥。外研社新世纪〔earnings〕The calculation is based on your average earnings during this period.这一计算是以你在这段时期内的平均收入为根据的。麦克米伦高阶〔electrostatic unit〕Any unit of electricity or magnetism in the centimeter-gram-second system based on the forces of interaction between electric charges.静电单位:一种根据电荷之间的相互作用力建立起来的各种电或磁的基本单位制美国传统〔engagement〕Her views are based on years of engagement with the problems of the inner city.她的观点是以多年对内城区问题的了解为基础的。牛津高阶〔expectation〕These high expectations are based on the fast pace of technological developments.这些很高的预期以高速的科学技术发展为基础。牛津搭配〔expedient〕Based on or marked by a concern for self-interest rather than principle; self-interested.基于私利的:依自身利害而定的,基于私利而非原则考虑的;自私自利美国传统〔factual〕Was this based on a factual event?这是不是以真实事件为根据?外研社新世纪〔fact〕I don't know whether the rumour was based on fact or not.我不清楚这传言是否有事实根据。外研社新世纪〔faulty〕His argument ignores the multitude of factors that go into reducing poverty. It's based on faulty logic.他的论点无视减少贫困涉及的多方面因素。它的逻辑基础是错误的。外研社新世纪〔gather〕Our report is based on information gathered from all parts of the country.我们的报告是以收集来自全国各地的信息为基础的。麦克米伦高阶〔geostrategy〕Governmental strategy based on geopolitics.地缘政治战略实施:建立在地缘政治学基础上的政治战略实施美国传统〔glaring〕However, this calculation was based on a glaring error.然而, 这个计算结果是基于一个明显差错得出的。外研社新世纪〔grandly〕The grandly named European Cricketer Cup is based at Worksop College.名头响当当的欧洲板球运动员杯比赛实际在沃克索普私立中学举行。外研社新世纪〔grandly〕The grandly named European Cricketer Cup is based at Worksop College.名字叫得响当当的欧洲板球运动员杯实际在沃克索普私立中学举行。柯林斯高阶〔gynophobia〕Behavior based on such an attitude or feeling.恐惧女性态度,藐视女性行为:以此态度或感觉为根据的行为美国传统〔hearsay〕Law Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony.【法律】 传闻证据:证人根据别人讲述的内容而不是本人所了解的情况作出的证词,因此一向不作为可接受的证据美国传统〔hero〕O'Reilly enjoyed hero status based on his ability with a ball.奥赖利很享受自己因球技而获得的英雄身份。牛津搭配〔hillbilly music〕A type of country music originating in the Appalachian Mountains and based on the traditional folk music of the British Isles.乡土音乐:一种发源于阿巴拉契亚山脉的乡村音乐,以不列颠群岛的传统民族音乐为基础美国传统〔home port〕The port in which a vessel is registered or permanently based.船籍港:船只登记或作为永久基地的港口美国传统〔horoscope〕A diagram of the signs of the zodiac based on such an aspect.算命天宫图:根据如上诸星位置情况制成的星座图美国传统〔hypertext〕The Web is based on hypertext links that allow people to easily move from document to document.网络是基于超文本链接的,这可以使人们方便地从一个文档跳转到另一个文档。剑桥高阶〔hype〕My products aren't based on advertising hype, they sell by word of mouth.我的产品销售靠的不是天花乱坠的广告宣传,而是良好的口碑。柯林斯高阶〔idea〕The policy is based on the idea that some industries need to be protected from market forces.该项政策所依据的原则是某些产业在市场压力下应当受到保护。麦克米伦高阶〔illegitimate〕Another kind of illegitimate argument is based on analogy between one area of grammar and another.另一类不合逻辑的论证是基于语法领域之间的类比的。外研社新世纪〔immunoelectrophoresis〕The separation and identification of proteins based on differences in electrical charge and reactivity with antibodies.免疫电泳:基于电泳和对抗体反应的差异对蛋白质的分离和确认美国传统〔in its own right〕Though it's based on a best-selling novel, the movie is great in its own right.虽然这部电影取材于一本畅销小说,但它本身的制作也非常成功。韦氏高阶〔inaccurate〕The reports were based on inaccurate information.这些报告依据的是不准确的信息。外研社新世纪〔income〕Profit figures are based on reported income.利润数字是以申报收入为根据的。牛津搭配〔infant〕The infant company was based in Germany.这家新公司总部在德国。柯林斯高阶〔input〕We have made some adjustments based on user input.我们已经根据用户意见作出了一些调整。牛津搭配〔inquest〕The finding based on such an inquiry.基于如上调查所得出的发现美国传统〔international unit〕A unit of potency for similarly active substances, based on this quantity and accepted as an international standard.国际单位:一个相似活性物质的效能单位,以此量为基础并被作为国际标准单位美国传统〔kanji〕A Japanese system of writing based on borrowed or modified Chinese characters.汉字体系:日语中的字母体系,以借用的或修改过的汉字为基础美国传统〔law〕A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.道德规范:基于道德、良心或本性之上的一套原则美国传统〔legend〕The dance was based on several Hindu legends.这个舞蹈是根据几个印度传说创作的。剑桥高阶〔liberty〕The movie takes considerable liberties with the novel that it is based on.影片对小说原著作了相当大的改动。牛津高阶〔lifetime〕Payments are based on expected lifetime income.根据预期的终身收入来决定付款金额。牛津搭配〔logic〕The plan was based on sound commercial logic.此计划基于合理的商业逻辑。柯林斯高阶〔loosely〕The book follows four characters loosely based on my uncles.该书描述了4个角色, 大致上以我的几个叔叔为原型。外研社新世纪〔loose〕The film is loosely based on the novel.影片大致上根据这部小说改编。朗文当代〔meritocracy〕A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.实力主义:根据个人能力或功绩而进行提升的体制美国传统〔metaphysical〕Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.哲学上的,理论上的:建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的美国传统〔modified American plan〕Details of the modified American plan will vary based on the hotel or resort you choose.根据你选择的旅馆和度假村,有关修正式美式计价的细节将会有所不同。剑桥高阶〔morality〕He believes that morality is based on instinct and feeling.他相信道德基于本能和情感。牛津搭配〔mystery play〕A medieval drama based on scriptural events especially in the life of Jesus.神秘剧:一种中世纪戏剧,它建立在圣经事件、尤指耶稣生活事件的基础上美国传统〔narrowly〕They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.他们是在基于狭隘的世界观作出判断。外研社新世纪〔nerves〕Her authority was based on inner calm and strong nerves.她的权威建立在她内心的镇定和强大的意志力之上。外研社新世纪〔nomothetic〕Based on a system of law.根据法律的:在法律系统基础之上的美国传统〔non-Euclidean〕Of, relating to, or being any of several modern geometries that are not based on the postulates of Euclid.非欧几里得的:属于、关于或是一种不是建立在欧几里得的基本原理基础之上的现代几何的美国传统〔nonjudgmental〕Refraining from judgment, especially one based on personal ethical standards.非裁决的:制止裁决,尤指建立在个人伦理标准基础之上的美国传统〔novel〕The novel was based on a true life story.这部小说是根据真人真事写成的。牛津搭配〔nylon〕Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。外研社新世纪〔on〕His latest movie is based on a fairy tale.他的新电影是根据一个童话故事改编的。剑桥高阶〔ostensible〕The story is ostensibly fiction, but some of the events are based on real life.这个故事从表面上看是虚构的,但其中一些情节源自真实生活。韦氏高阶〔paper〕Your grade will be based on four papers and a final exam.你的成绩将根据四篇研究报告和期末考试决定。牛津高阶〔paradox〕An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises.逆说,悖论:一种尽管从可接受的假设中推导出来但其核心是自相矛盾的论断美国传统〔parcel ... out〕Similarly, lawyers parcel out work based on who does that best.同样,律师按各人所长分派工作。21世纪英汉〔pastoralism〕A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.畜牧主义:以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统美国传统〔philosophy〕Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.自然科学:基于逻辑推理而不是凭经验得来的方法来探究事物的本质美国传统〔polarity〕The film is based on the polarity of the two main characters.这部电影以两个主角在性格上的迥异为基础。剑桥高阶〔polymer〕Most modern paints are based on polymers.大多数现代涂料都是用聚合物作基础的。英汉大词典〔power play〕A strategic maneuver, as in politics, diplomacy, or business, based on the use or threatened use of power as a means of coercion.强权行为:如在政治、外交或商业等中以使用或威胁使用权势作为压制手段的战术策略美国传统〔practically〕The course is more practically based than the Masters degree.该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。柯林斯高阶〔precedent〕The judge based his decision on precedents set during the previous century.法官基于上个世纪的判例作出了判决。牛津搭配〔premise〕A proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.前提:可作为论据基础或可从中得出结论的命题美国传统〔premise〕The conclusions in the report were based on a false premise.报告中的结论是以一个错误的前提为基础得出的。麦克米伦高阶〔premise〕The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.这项研究计划是基于早先提出的假设之上的。剑桥高阶〔presumption〕The argument is based on certain presumptions about human nature.这个论点以对人性的某些假设为基础。牛津搭配〔presuppose〕The argument is based on prejudice and presupposition.论证是建立在成见和假设基础上的。韦氏高阶〔primary〕The book is based mainly on primary sources rather than secondary sources.这本书主要基于一手资料而不是二手资料。韦氏高阶〔prototype〕Homer's Iliad became the prototype upon which Virgil, Milton and others based their epic poems.荷马的《伊利亚特》成为维吉尔、弥尔顿等人创作其史诗所依据的蓝本。英汉大词典〔province〕There are a number of press agencies based in London and in the provinces.在伦敦和外省设有一些通讯社。牛津搭配〔re-create〕The scene of the crime was re-created based upon police photographs.犯罪现场以警方照片为基础得以重现。韦氏高阶〔recollection〕The novel is based on recollections of his childhood in Shanghai.这部小说是根据他在上海的童年记忆写成的。牛津搭配〔regard〕These nouns refer to a feeling based on perception of and a measure of approval for the worth of a person or thing.这些名词指基于对一个人或物的价值肯定的感受及衡量而建立的感情。美国传统〔report〕I based my statement on reports circulating at the time.我的说法是基于当时流传的报道。牛津搭配〔researcher〕She based her work on that of earlier researchers.她的工作是以先前研究者的研究结果为基础的。牛津搭配〔right-minded〕Having ideas and views based on what is right or intended to be right.思想正直的,有正义感的:持有基于正直的或意图正确的观点或观念的美国传统〔rumour〕Many of the stories are based on rumour.这些说法很多都是道听途说。牛津高阶〔sample〕The research was based on samples from 29 populations.该研究以取自 29 类种群的样本为基础。牛津搭配〔sexism〕Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.性别主义:基于性别的改进社会角色固定模式的态度、情形或行为美国传统〔solely〕His rank was based solely on merit.他的军衔完全是基于他的功绩。韦氏高阶〔solely〕Selection is based solely on merit.选拔唯贤。牛津高阶〔solid〕His argument is based on good solid reasoning.他的论点建立在充分而正确的推理之上。英汉大词典〔soundly〕Changes must be soundly based in economic reality.变革必须以经济现状作为切实依据。外研社新世纪〔source book〕A primary document, as of history, literature, or religion, on which secondary writings are based.原始资料:历史、文学或宗教的基本资料,二手文章建立在它的基础之上美国传统〔speculation〕The witness's statement was pure speculation (=not based on any facts) .这名证人的陈述纯粹是猜测。朗文当代〔story〕The film was based on a true story .这部影片是根据真实的故事改编的。朗文当代〔superstition〕These ideas are based on myths and superstitions.这些想法都基于神话和迷信。牛津搭配〔supposition〕That article was based on pure supposition.那篇文章纯粹是基于推测。剑桥高阶〔supposition〕The report is based entirely on supposition.这篇报道完全建立在推测的基础上。牛津高阶〔syllabic〕Of or being a form of verse based on the number of syllables in a line rather than on the arrangement of accents or quantities.音节节律的:一行诗中以音节的数目而不以重音或音量形成韵文的美国传统〔systematic〕Of, characterized by, based on, or constituting a system.系统的:有系统的、系统化的、基于系统的或由系统组成的美国传统〔theory〕An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.学说:基于有限信息或知识的假说;推测美国传统〔this〕Based on Edith Wharton's novel, this latest film stars Gillian Anderson.这部根据伊迪丝·沃顿的小说改编的最新电影是由吉莲·安德森主演的。麦克米伦高阶〔time-of-flight mass spectroscopy〕A method of separating ions of different masses based on the time needed for the ions to traverse a fixed distance.离子化质谱术:根据离子横越一固定距离所需时间来将不同质量离子加以分开的方法美国传统〔tonic〕Music Of or based on the keynote.【音乐】 主音的:主音的,以主音为基础的美国传统〔totemism〕A social system based on affiliations to totems.图腾制度:基于图腾的紧密联系之上的一种社会制度美国传统〔travel〕The novel is based on his travels in India.这部长篇小说是根据他的印度之行写成的。牛津高阶〔truth〕The entire system of belief is based on a few simple truths.整个信仰体系是建立在几条简单的原则基础之上的。剑桥高阶〔unsophisticated〕These forecasts are based on rather unsophisticated economic analyses.这些预测是根据比较简单的经济分析得出的。英汉大词典〔vamp〕With no hard news available about the summit meeting, the reporters vamped up questions based only on rumor.在没有这次最高会议真实新闻的情况下,记者们只好拼凑上道听途说的消息美国传统〔variation〕One of a series of forms based on a single theme.变奏:建立在唯一的主旋律基础上的一系列形式之一美国传统〔weakly〕The Law recognises the weakness of claims based on retrospective knowledge.法律基于追溯效力的相关规定认定索赔证据不足。柯林斯高阶〔weak〕The case is weak because it is based on very little real evidence.这一案例没有说服力,因为它的真实证据非常少。麦克米伦高阶Based on the actual circumstances of the country, the party leaders finally decided to adopt Maxism to help develop the economy.基于国内的实际情况,政党领袖决定采纳马克思主义来推动经济发展。剑桥国际Donations should be sent to the Disaster Emergency Committee, an umbrella organization for UK based aid agencies.捐款应该送到赈灾委员会, 那是设在英国的援助机构的一个总机构。剑桥国际Few clients today would put up with a report containing vapid generalizations based on a largely academic study of business.如今很少有客户能够容忍一份这样的报告----以商业学术研究为主要基础的枯燥乏味的泛泛之谈。剑桥国际Her objection to/against the plan is based on incorrect facts.她对这项计划的反对基于错误的事实之上。剑桥国际I'm based in Osaka but I spend most of my time travelling.我以大阪为据点,但我的大部分时间都要外出公干。牛津商务It's a bad film, based on a hopelessly insubstantial plot.这是一部糟糕的、以一个毫无实质的情节为基础的影片。剑桥国际Judaism is based on the Torah, which is the Old Testament of the Bible, and the Talmud.犹太教是在《律法书》,即《圣经旧约》和《塔木德经》的基础上建立的。剑桥国际Marxism states that change in society is brought about by the interaction of different economic and social classes, that people's actions are based on their economic circumstances, and that Communism will replace Capi talism following social revolution and the victory of the working class.马克思主义认为,社会变革是由不同的经济和社会阶层之间的相互作用导致的,人们的行为基于其经济状况,在社会革命和工人阶级取得胜利后,共产主义将取代资本主义。剑桥国际Our forecast of demand for next year can only be speculative (= based on a guess).我们对明年需求的预计只是猜测性的。剑桥国际Spy thrillers with plots based on the Cold War look particularly dated nowadays.以冷战为背景来安排情节的惊险间谍片现在看来已相当过时了。剑桥国际The 82-year-old director teamed up with scriptwriter Steve Jackim for the $44 million dollar project based on Conrad's novel. 82 岁的导演和编剧斯蒂夫·杰金姆合作筹拍一部根据康拉德的小说改编的耗资4400万美元的片子。剑桥国际The President's election campaign was based on misinformation (= information intended to deceive) about the rival candidates.总统竞选是建立在关于竞争对手错误信息基础上的。剑桥国际The article was based on a single case history (=a record of a person's health, development or behaviour by an official such as a doctor).这片文章是以一份病历为基础的。剑桥国际The dispute is based on two widely differing interpretations of the law.争论是基于对法律的两种大不相同的解释。剑桥国际The film doesn't try to be historically accurate, but it is based loosely on real events and people.这部电影不求与历史完全相吻合,但它在一定程度上取材于真人真事。剑桥国际The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann (= the film was developed from the story).这部电影是根据托马斯·曼的短篇小说改编的。剑桥国际The film is based on the polarity (= quality of being opposite) of the two main characters.这部电影以两个主角在性格上的对立为基础。剑桥国际The minister's reforms are pedagogically questionable (= not based on good teaching theory).部长的改革方案从教学法上来讲有待商榷。剑桥国际The new style of hamburger is based on lean meat with water replacing much of the fat.新型的汉堡包主要是采用以水分代替大部分脂肪的瘦肉。剑桥国际The play was closely based on fact.这个剧本差不多是根据真实事件创作的。剑桥国际The report is based on statistics compiled by the Treasury.这份报告的依据是财政部编写的统计资料。牛津商务The survey was based on a nationally representative sample of 200 schools.这个调查是建立在全国范围内以200所学校为代表的抽样基础上的。剑桥国际The workforce was divided into peer groups based on their jobs.员工按工种被分成不同的同等群体。牛津商务They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.他们声称失业率的下降是基于对统计欺骗性的操纵。剑桥国际This so-called proof is mere assumption based on circumstantial evidence.这种所谓的证据仅仅是建立在间接证据上的假设。剑桥国际Unfortunately, her decision was based on rather scanty information.不幸的是,她的决定建立在资料不足的基础上。剑桥国际




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