

单词 类似的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔G-string〕A similar garment, usually decorated, that is worn especially by stripteasers.脱衣舞服装:一种类似的服装,常带有装饰,尤指由脱衣舞女郎穿戴美国传统〔Gewürztraminer〕A similar wine produced elsewhere.杰乌兹拉米纳酒:产于其它地方的类似的酒美国传统〔along the same lines〕My sister works in publishing, and I’m hoping to do something along the same lines.我姐姐在出版业工业,我希望做类似的工作。剑桥高阶〔amaranthine〕Of, relating to, or resembling the amaranth.苋属植物的:苋属植物的,与之相关的或与之相类似的美国传统〔analogous〕I could not think of a situation analogous to this one.我想不起和这个类似的情景。韦氏高阶〔bloom〕A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.涂抹粉霜:类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币美国传统〔briar〕A pipe made from the root of this plant or from a similar wood.烟斗:用这种植物的根或类似的木头制成的烟斗美国传统〔champagne〕A similar sparkling wine made elsewhere.香槟酒:别处产的一种相类似的起泡沫的葡萄酒美国传统〔chip〕Wood, palm leaves, straw, or similar material cut and dried for weaving.编织条:用来编织的削好并且经过干燥处理的木头、棕榈叶、稻草或类似的材料美国传统〔cite〕The lawyer cited two similar cases.律师援引了两个类似的案例。剑桥高阶〔clarion〕The sound of this instrument or a sound resembling it.号角声,嘹亮的声音:这种乐器的或类似的音响美国传统〔coincidentally〕Coincidentally, I had once found myself in a similar situation.碰巧的是, 我曾经遇到过类似的情况。外研社新世纪〔coincidentally〕Two Manchester City fans, Geoff Watts and Howard Davies, coincidentally wrote similar letters to the club.说来也巧,两个曼城队球迷杰夫·沃茨和霍华德·戴维斯给俱乐部写了类似的信。柯林斯高阶〔complete〕A similar project for the Stirling area is almost complete.斯特灵地区一个类似的项目即将竣工。麦克米伦高阶〔crab〕Any of various similar related crustaceans, such as the hermit crab or the king crab.寄居蟹:任一种与其类似的甲壳纲动物,例如寄居蟹或蜘蛛蟹美国传统〔cross-reaction〕The reaction between an antigen and an antibody that was generated against a different but similar antigen.交叉反应:一种抗原和与其不同但类似的抗原产生的抗体之间发生的反应美国传统〔cypress〕Any of several similar or related coniferous trees, such as the bald cypress.似柏树树种:一种类似的或相关的结球果的树,如秃柏美国传统〔donnée〕Several of the stories employ similar données.其中几篇小说采用了类似的主题。英汉大词典〔downturn〕There will be a similar downturn in industry.工业将有类似的衰退现象。文馨英汉〔drama〕A similar drama took place in Washington three years ago.三年前, 华盛顿发生了一场类似的戏剧性事件。外研社新世纪〔dreidel〕A toy similar to a spinning top used in games of chance played by children and adults at Hanukkah.刻有希伯来字母的陀螺:一种类似的玩具,在修殿节时孩子和成人在碰运气游戏中使用美国传统〔elastic〕A flexible, stretchable fabric made with interwoven strands of rubber or an imitative synthetic fiber.弹性织物:由橡皮线或类似的合成材料织成的柔韧的容易拉伸的织物美国传统〔examine〕We need to examine how an accident like this can be avoided in the future.我们需要研究将来如何能避免类似的事故再次发生。剑桥高阶〔exorcise〕To expel (an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer.驱赶:用念咒、命令或祈祷的方法驱走(恶魔),或采用类似的方法美国传统〔first〕There are now many similar housing projects but this was the first.现在有了许多类似的住宅项目,但原来这是首创。朗文当代〔flat pick〕A flat, often triangular plectrum held between the finger and thumb, used in picking and strumming a guitar or similar stringed instrument.琴拨:一种扁平的、通常捏在拇指与其它手指间的三角形拨子,用来拨奏和弹奏吉他或类似的弦乐器美国传统〔flour〕Any of various similar finely ground or powdered foodstuffs, as of cassava, fish, or bananas.似面粉事物:任何一种类似的、精磨成粉的食物,如参茨根粉、鱼粉或香蕉粉美国传统〔flute〕A similar groove or furrow, as in a pleated ruffle of cloth or on a piece of furniture.凹槽,褶痕沟:如在布的折皱边或家具上的类似的槽或纹美国传统〔guano〕Any of various similar substances, such as a fertilizer prepared from ground fish parts.类似鸟粪的肥料:与鸟粪类似的物质中的一种,如由鱼粪中提取的肥料美国传统〔gum〕A similar plant exudate, such as a resin.树脂:一种类似的植物渗出液,如树脂美国传统〔hallux〕A homologous digit of a bird, a reptile, or an amphibian. In birds, it is often directed backward.后趾:鸟、爬行动物或两栖动物类似的一个趾头,对鸟而言它通常向后美国传统〔happy〕By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.很巧的是, 罗伯特碰到了理查德和朱莉娅, 发现他们都遇到了类似的问题。外研社新世纪〔haw〕A hawthorn or similar tree or shrub.山楂或类似的树或灌木美国传统〔heave〕To turn an engine-powered vessel in a similar situation so that its bow heads into the seas while proceeding at low speed.将引擎动力船向风停位:在与上条类似的境况中转动机动船,以便船首吃进水中同时以低速向前航行美国传统〔herbage〕Herbaceous plant growth, especially grass or similar vegetation used for pasturage.草本植物群:草本植物群,尤指牧草或类似的用于放牧的植被美国传统〔hussar〕A member of any of similar, ornately uniformed European units of light cavalry.轻骑兵成员:类似的、军服花哨的欧洲轻骑兵部队成员美国传统〔industry-wide〕Similar changes are happening industry-wide.类似的变化在整个工业界不断发生。剑桥高阶〔insect〕Any of various similar arthropod animals, such as spiders, centipedes, or ticks.虫:各种类似的节肢类动物,如蜘蛛,百足虫或蝉美国传统〔juror〕One who serves on a deliberative body analogous to a jury.评委:与陪审团类似的起审议作用的团体中的成员美国传统〔kindred〕They sell dried fruit and nuts and other kindred products.他们售卖水果干和坚果,以及其他类似的东西。剑桥高阶〔lard〕To cover or coat with lard or a similar fat.涂油于:在……上涂猪油或类似的脂肪美国传统〔licorice〕Any of various similar plants.一种类似的植物美国传统〔like〕The second dispute was sorted out in a like manner.第二次纠纷也是用类似的方式解决的。朗文当代〔loving cup〕A large ornamental vessel given as an award in modern sporting contests and similar events.奖杯,纪念杯:在现代的体育竞赛中或类似的事件中作为奖励给予的一种大的装饰性杯美国传统〔mortar〕Any of several similar devices, such as one that shoots life lines across a stretch of water.发射器:任一类似的装置,例如一种用来通过一水道射击出一救生索的装置美国传统〔motive〕An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action.动机:一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力美国传统〔mouth〕A pout, grimace, or similar expression.噘嘴,鬼脸:扮出的噘嘴的怪相、鬼脸或类似的表情美国传统〔mulberry〕Any of several similar or related trees.桑树属树:相类似的或有关的树美国传统〔nature〕We could all be wiped out by an A-bomb, an earthquake, or something of that nature.人类可能会被一颗原子弹、一场地震或其他类似的灾难灭绝。外研社新世纪〔nucleoid〕The part of a bacterium or virus that contains nucleic acid and is analogous in function to the nucleus of a eucaryotic cell.类核,病毒核心:含核酸并且功能与真核细胞核功能类似的细菌或病毒的部分美国传统〔observe〕A similar pattern was observed among Hispanics.在拉丁裔人群中观察到一种类似的模式。牛津搭配〔observe〕Similar trends may be observed in most modern societies.在大多数现代社会里都可以看到类似的趋势。麦克米伦高阶〔occur〕There's a chance that a similar event will occur in the future.类似的事将来也可能发生。韦氏高阶〔ordinarily〕Similar arrangements apply to students who are ordinarily resident in Scotland.类似的安排适用于长期居住在苏格兰的学生。柯林斯高阶〔pandora's box〕This court case could open a Pandora's box of similar claims.这宗诉讼案会为类似的申诉开启潘多拉魔盒。牛津高阶〔parallel〕This attempt at government reform has parallels in several other countries.在其他几个国家有类似的政府改革尝试。麦克米伦高阶〔past〕He has made similar promises in the past.过去他也作过类似的承诺。麦克米伦高阶〔pattern〕The book set the pattern for over 40 similar historical romances.这本书为 40 多本类似的历史爱情小说树立了典范。朗文当代〔phenomenon〕I observed a similar phenomenon in Bolivia.我在玻利维亚观察到了类似的现象。牛津搭配〔pinna〕Zoology A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage.【动物学】 羽、翼或鳍状结构:羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬着物美国传统〔placenta〕An organ with similar functions in some nonmammalian animals, such as certain sharks and reptiles.(类似的)胎盘:在一些非哺乳动物身上有类似功能的器官,如某种鲨鱼和蛇美国传统〔plaza〕A public square or similar open area in a town or city.广场:城镇或城市中的公众广场或类似的开阔的区域美国传统〔prism〕A crystal form consisting of three or more similar faces parallel to a single axis.斜方晶:有三个或三个以上类似的面,且各面均平行于一根轴的一种晶体形式美国传统〔punchball〕A game having rules similar to baseball but played with a rubber ball that is batted with the fist.拳球:规则与棒球类似的球类运动,但使用橡胶球并以拳头击球美国传统〔relate〕You must be feeling awful. I went through something similar myself last year, so I can relate.你一定很难受吧。去年我自己经历了类似的事,所以我能够理解。韦氏高阶〔reworking〕Her latest novel seems at first sight to be a reworking of similar themes.她最新的那部小说乍一看像是以主题类似的作品改编成的。柯林斯高阶〔rib〕A similar bone in most vertebrates.脊椎动物的类似部分:大多数脊椎动物中类似的骨头美国传统〔roll〕To reinvest (funds from a maturing security) into a similar security.投资:把(从到期证券中得来的资金)再投资到类似的证券中美国传统〔rudder〕A similar structure at the tail of an aircraft, used for effecting horizontal changes in course.方向舵:飞机的尾部的与船舵类似的结构,用于影响航程中水平方向的变化美国传统〔saxony〕A fine soft woolen fabric similar in weave to tweed.似撒克逊呢的:一种与粗花呢类似的精制软羊毛织品美国传统〔scan〕Medicine To examine (a body or a body part) with a CAT scanner or similar scanning apparatus.【医学】 检查身体:用CAT扫描仪或类似的扫描器械检查(身体或身体的某一部位)美国传统〔sea eagle〕Any of various fish-eating eagles or similar birds, such as the bald eagle or the osprey.海鹰:任一种食鱼类的或类似的鸟,如白头鹰或鹗美国传统〔sea trout〕Any of several trouts or similar fishes that live in the sea but migrate to fresh water to spawn.类似海鳟鱼:任一种生长在海里却游到淡水中产卵的几种鳟鱼或类似的鱼美国传统〔shut-in〕Meals on Wheels or similar programs that bring outside life to shut-ins.使卧病在家的人无需外出的“送餐上门”服务及类似的服务项目柯林斯高阶〔slice〕A similar implement for spreading printing ink.油墨铲:一种用于涂抹印刷用油墨的类似的工具美国传统〔somewhere〕Wouldn't you like to go to Disneyland or somewhere (= or to a similar place)? 你不愿意去迪斯尼乐园或类似的什么地方吗?剑桥高阶〔square dance〕Any of various similar group dances of rural origin.类似的乡村群体舞蹈美国传统〔such〕He'll probably say his car broke down or give some such excuse.他很有可能会说他的车坏了或找个类似的借口。麦克米伦高阶〔such〕Some of the dialogue is in Russian or some such language.对话中有一些用的是俄语或某种类似的语言。麦克米伦高阶〔swallow〕Any of various similar birds, such as a swift.各种类似的鸟,如褐雨燕美国传统〔symphysis〕The coalescence of similar parts or organs.愈合,黏联:类似的身体部位或器官的联合美国传统〔syndic〕A civil magistrate or similar government official in some European countries.政府官员,地方行政长官:在某些欧洲国家里的文职地方行政长官或类似的政府官员美国传统〔tie-up〕The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。柯林斯高阶〔tie-up〕The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易有望促使大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。外研社新世纪〔tiger〕Any of various similar wild felines, such as the jaguar, mountain lion, or lynx.各种猫科动物:美洲虎、山狮或山猫等类似的野生猫科动物美国传统〔tinkle〕A light, clear metallic sound or a sound suggestive of it.一种轻的、清晰的、金属般的声音或类似的声音美国传统〔tomahawk〕A similar implement or weapon.战斧:类似的工具或武器美国传统〔tondo〕A round painting, relief, or similar work of art.一种圆形画,圆形浮雕或类似的艺术品美国传统〔toot〕To make the sound of a horn or whistle blown in short blasts or a sound resembling it.吹喇叭:使喇叭或号角发出短暂的声音或发出类似的声音美国传统〔upas〕The poison obtained from this tree or from similar trees.见血封喉毒汁:从这种树或类似的树上提取的毒汁美国传统〔washboard〕Music A similar board used as a percussion instrument.【音乐】 敲击板:用作打击乐器的一种类似的板美国传统〔yeast〕Any of various similar fungi.酵母:一种类似的真菌美国传统A similar sort of scandal racked the government some years ago.几年前一个类似的丑闻给政府带来了麻烦。剑桥国际Chess is played on a similar board to draughts.国际象棋是在一块与跳棋棋盘类似的棋盘上下的。剑桥国际His job is to liaise with other similar organizations and to plan a joint campaign.他的任务是与其它类似的组织建立联系然后筹划一个联合行动。剑桥国际I like watching American football, but I can't be bothered with all those ridiculous cheerleaders, and the marching bands and all that malarkey.我喜欢看美式足球,但不能忍受那些可笑的啦啦队长,行进乐队及类似的无聊行为。剑桥国际Parallel experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London.类似的试验正在罗马、巴黎和伦敦同时进行。剑桥国际They speak a language akin to French.他们讲一种与法语类似的语言。剑桥国际We need to examine how an accident like this can be avoided in the future.我们正在研究将来怎样避免类似的事故发生。剑桥国际You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these prehistoric organisms. 你不必走远就可以找到与这些史前有机体相类似的生物。译典通




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