

单词 结成联盟
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Forming alliances with other countries was the only way to match the power of the enemy. 只有与其他国家结成联盟才能与敌人实力相匹。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Apple and online service provider America Online formed an alliance. 苹果公司和网络服务供应商美国在线结成联盟。朗文写作活用〔alliance〕A formal agreement establishing such an association, especially an international treaty of friendship.盟约:结成联盟的正式协定,特别是国际友好协定美国传统〔alliance〕The Social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens.社会民主党现在与绿党结成联盟。牛津高阶〔alliance〕The government has tried to forge alliances with environmentalists.政府试图与环保主义者结成联盟。牛津搭配〔alliance〕The government, in alliance with the army, has decided to ban all public meetings for a month.政府和军队结成联盟,决定禁止所有公众集会,为期一个月。牛津搭配〔allied〕The party is allied with the Communists.该党与共产党人结成联盟。牛津搭配〔ally yourself to/with sb〕He allied himself with the left of the party.他与该党的左翼结成联盟。剑桥高阶〔coalition〕By forming a coalition, the rebels and the opposition parties defeated the government.叛乱者与反对党结成联盟,击败了政府。剑桥高阶〔collegiate church〕A church in the United States associated with others under a common body of pastors.联合教堂:由一共同牧师团体主持的与其它教堂结成联盟的美国教会组织美国传统〔combination〕The farmers formed a combination to sell their crops at better prices.农场主结成联盟,以便以较高价格出售农作物。英汉大词典〔confederation〕A group of confederates, especially of states or nations, united for a common purpose; a league.同盟国:为了同一个目的而结成联盟的州或国家;联盟美国传统〔federalize〕To unite in a federal union.使结成联盟美国传统〔federate〕To become united into a federal union.结成联盟:联合起来组成联盟组织美国传统〔federate〕To cause to join into a league, federal union, or similar association.使结成联盟:使加入某一团体、联盟或类似组织美国传统〔forge〕The company wanted to forge alliances with other motor manufacturers.公司希望和其他汽车制造商结成联盟。麦克米伦高阶〔job〕He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn't take too much time.他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。柯林斯高阶〔join up〕Councils are joining up with their European counterparts.这些委员会将与欧洲的委员会结成联盟。柯林斯高阶〔league〕Leagues are commonly formed for mutual defense.结成联盟往往是为了共同防御。文馨英汉〔league〕They agreed to form a league for independence.他们同意为争取独立而结成联盟。麦克米伦高阶〔realign〕The political parties have realigned themselves.各政党已重新结成联盟。英汉大词典〔realign〕The political parties have realigned.各政党已重新结成联盟。英汉大词典The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair prices. 农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。译典通




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