

单词 缓步
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amble〕An unhurried or leisurely walk.缓步走动,溜达美国传统〔amble〕They ambled down/up/along the road.他们沿着马路缓步走着。韦氏高阶〔amble〕To walk slowly or leisurely; stroll.缓步,慢行,漫步:徐步走或悠闲地走;漫步美国传统〔bury〕He walked slowly, his hands buried in his pockets.他双手插在口袋里缓步而行。牛津高阶〔delight in〕I walked slowly, delighting in the crisp autumn air.我缓步前行,尽享凉爽的秋风。韦氏高阶〔filter into〕People filtered into the auditorium.人们缓缓步入会堂。外研社新世纪〔jog along〕The old horse jogged along without a moment's stopping.那匹老马一刻不停地缓步行进着。21世纪英汉〔jog〕To cause (a horse) to move at a leisurely pace.使(马等)缓步前进美国传统〔meander〕Cows still meander through these villages.奶牛依然在这些村庄里缓步穿行。朗文当代〔mellow〕He is now mellowing into middle age.他现在正缓缓步入中年。外研社新世纪〔putter〕I like to putter around in the park.我喜欢在公园里缓步。文馨英汉〔run〕He took the first two miles at a run before slowing down to a slightly more leisurely pace.最开始的两英里他是跑着的, 后面就放缓步伐, 稍稍放松了些。外研社新世纪〔slow〕He slowed the horse to a walk.他放慢马速,使之缓步而行。英汉大词典〔tardigrade〕Of or belonging to the Tardigrada.属于或关于缓步类动物的美国传统〔through〕They walked slowly through the woods.他们缓步穿过树林。剑桥高阶〔trammel〕A shackle used to teach a horse to amble.马梏:用来训练马匹缓步行走的束缚装置美国传统〔trickle〕People began trickling into the hall.人们开始缓步进入大厅。牛津高阶〔walk〕She slowed the horses to a walk.她让马放慢速度缓步而行。剑桥高阶〔walk〕The horse slowed to a walk.那匹马慢下来缓步而行。牛津高阶〔whistle〕He whistled a tune as he strolled down the corridor.他口里吹着一首曲子沿着走廊缓步走去。朗文当代He ambled nonchalantly over to the phone.他冷漠地缓步走向电话。剑桥国际He blinked in the sunlight and ambled off towards the post office.他在阳光下眨着眼睛,缓步走向邮局。剑桥国际In the distance, we could see a herd of elephants lumbering across the plain.我们看到在远处,一群大象正缓步穿越平原。剑桥国际She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.她沿着街道缓步走着,偶尔停下来看一看商店橱窗。剑桥国际The horse slowed to an amble (=a slow walk, lifting both the legs on one side at the same time).马慢下来开始缓步而行。剑桥国际The lion loped across the grass.那头狮子缓步奔过草地。剑桥国际




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