

单词 种数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔charge conjugation〕A mathematical operator that changes the sign of the charge and of the magnetic moment of every particle in the system to which it is applied.理论性换算:一种数学运算符,可改变电荷符号以及它所应用的系统里的每一个粒子的磁力矩符号美国传统〔conserve〕To keep (a quantity) constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary changes.守恒:在物理、化学反应过程中或演化过程中保持(一种数量)恒定不变美国传统〔data type〕In databases or spreadsheets, a classification identifying one of various kinds of data, as a name, date, or dollar amount, found in a specific data field.数据种类:在计算机数据库或空白表格程序中,辨别在特定数据领域中,各种数据的其中之一的分类,例如名字、日期或钱量美国传统〔figures shift〕Computer Science A data control character after which characters are interpreted as having been typed in the uppercase mode.【计算机科学】 符号变换,字符切换:一种数据控制字符,按下后字符被解释为已按大写字母模式键入美国传统〔leap〕The total number of species on the planet appears to be growing by leaps and bounds.地球上的物种数目似乎正飞速增长。柯林斯高阶〔null character〕A data control character that fills computer time by adding nonsignificant zeros to a data sequence.零字符,空字符:一种数据控制符,把一些没有意义的零加到一数据串上以占用计算机时间美国传统〔pewter〕Any of numerous silver-gray alloys of tin with various amounts of antimony, copper, and sometimes lead, used widely for fine kitchen utensils and tableware.白镴:一种银灰色的锡合金,带有多种数量的锑、铜,而且有时还有铅,广泛地用于优质的厨房器皿和餐具美国传统〔relational database〕A database system in which any database file can be a component of more than one of the database's tables.关系数据库:一种数据库系统,其中任何数据库文件可以构成一个以上的数据库表单的一项美国传统Digital compact cassettes are one of several digital recording media.数字式压缩存储磁带是几种数字式的记录介质之一。剑桥国际




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