

单词 种子
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PUT〕put seeds or plants in the ground 将种子或植物种到地里朗文写作活用〔airborne〕airborne seeds (bacteria) 空气传播的种子(病菌)英汉大词典〔airborne〕airborne seeds/viruses 空气传播的种子╱病毒牛津高阶〔broadcast〕broadcast of seed 种子的撒播英汉大词典〔broadcast〕seed sown broadcast 遍撒的种子英汉大词典〔catalogue〕the world's biggest seed catalogue. 世界上内容最丰富的种子目录柯林斯高阶〔catalogue〕the world's biggest seed catalogue世界上最大的种子目录簿外研社新世纪〔catalog〕a catalog of fall fashions; a seed catalog. 秋季时装名录;种子名录美国传统〔certified〕certified seed 合格种子英汉大词典〔development〕the development of a seed into a plant 种子成长为植物的发展过程英汉大词典〔dispersal〕the dispersal of seeds 种子的传播牛津高阶〔dispersal〕the role of birds in the dispersal of seeds 鸟类在传播种子方面的作用朗文当代〔dispersion〕seeds relying on birds for dispersion 依靠鸟类传播的种子英汉大词典〔eat〕a bird that eats insects, fruit, and seeds; stopped eating red meat on advice from her doctor. 习惯吃昆虫、水果和种子的鸟;她听医生的劝告停止吃红色肉类美国传统〔farinaceous〕farinaceous seeds 具粉种子英汉大词典〔fertile〕fertile seeds 可生长的种子英汉大词典〔germinate〕methods used by gardeners to germinate seeds 园丁使种子发芽的几种方法韦氏高阶〔germinative〕the germinative power of a seed 种子的发芽力英汉大词典〔giveaway〕a great giveaway of free seeds种子免费大赠送外研社新世纪〔hole〕dug a hole in the earth and planted the seed; 在地上挖个洞并撒上种子;美国传统〔hull〕hulling seeds 除去种子外壳韦氏高阶〔husk〕the husk of a seed.种子的外壳。牛津同义词〔packet〕a packet of seeds 一小包种子麦克米伦高阶〔plant〕plant the seeds of hatred in sb.'s heart 在某人心中播下仇恨的种子英汉大词典〔produce〕a seed that finally bore fruit; 最终可结果的种子;美国传统〔scatter〕scatter seeds on the field 把种子撒播在地里英汉大词典〔scratch〕scratch up a few stray seeds 扒出几颗散落的种子英汉大词典〔seeded〕a seeded player 种子选手牛津高阶〔seeded〕seeded players 种子选手剑桥高阶〔seed〕number one seed, Pete Sampras 1号种子选手麦克米伦高阶〔seed〕the number one seed 一号种子选手牛津高阶〔seminivorous〕seminivorous birds. 食种子鸟美国传统〔sow〕to sow seeds.播种子。牛津同义词〔sprout〕a sprout growing from a seed.种子长出的新芽。牛津同义词〔sterile〕a sterile seed 不育种子英汉大词典〔unseeded〕an unseeded player 非种子选手英汉大词典〔unseeded〕unseeded players 非种子选手牛津高阶〔viable〕viable seeds 可存活的种子朗文当代〔viable〕viable seeds/eggs 能发芽生长的种子;能孵成小鸡的鸡蛋韦氏高阶〔wind-borne〕wind-borne pollen (seeds) 靠风传播的花粉(种子) 英汉大词典




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