

单词 紧张
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕The failure of the peace talks has led to increased tension on the streets. 和谈的失败使街上的气氛更趋紧张。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕Your first appearance on stage is always a nerve-wracking experience 第一次上台总是会让人紧张的。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕The young girl, once so lively, became introverted and developed a nervous stammer. 这个小姑娘曾经是多么的活泼,现在却变得很内向,有了说话就紧张结巴的毛病。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕Mrs Bhalla started to apologise in her characteristically nervous manner. 巴拉太太开始以她惯常的紧张不安的方式道歉。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The woman's stiff, agitated walk showed how nervous she was. 那个女人僵直、局促不安的步态说明她有多紧张。朗文写作活用〔between〕There have been intensive discussions between the two governments in recent days.近几天,双方政府一直在进行紧张的磋商。柯林斯高阶〔bit〕I'm a bit nervous.我有点儿紧张。剑桥高阶〔body language〕Their body language betrayed the tension between them.他们的肢体语言暴露了他们之间的紧张关系。麦克米伦高阶〔bring〕Stress brings on his asthma.他一紧张哮喘就发作。牛津同义词〔bundle〕She came out of the room a bundle of nerves.她从房间里出来,神情十分紧张。英汉大词典〔cliffhanger〕The election was a cliffhanger.这次选举胜负难分,极为紧张。英汉大词典〔counteract〕These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension.这些运动旨在抵消压力与紧张的影响。牛津高阶〔cover〕He laughed to cover(= hide)his nervousness.他哈哈大笑以掩饰他紧张的心情。牛津高阶〔cracked/collapsed/buckled under the strain〕He talked about the stresses and strains of owning a business.他谈了谈自己经营公司的紧张和压力。韦氏高阶〔defuse〕The government is trying to defuse tensions over cuts in public spending.政府正尽力缓和公共开支削减问题上的紧张气氛。麦克米伦高阶〔ease〕After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to ease.联合国维和士兵到达后,这个地区的紧张局势开始得到缓解。剑桥高阶〔ease〕Tensions between the two countries are beginning to ease.两国间的紧张关系开始缓和。牛津搭配〔eat〕I was too nervous to eat.我紧张得饭都吃不下。牛津高阶〔electric〕The atmosphere became suddenly electric.气氛突然紧张起来。英汉大词典〔electric〕The atmosphere here tonight is absolutely electric.今晚这儿的气氛实在是太紧张刺激了。麦克米伦高阶〔explode〕The continued tension could explode into more violence.持续的紧张局势会引发更多的暴力事件。朗文当代〔exterior〕Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.他表面上自信,内心极度紧张。牛津高阶〔flustered〕She was so flustered that she forgot her reply.她太紧张了,都忘记了该如何作答。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕He looked at the teacher and shuffled his feet nervously.他看着老师,紧张地把脚在地上蹭来蹭去。麦克米伦高阶〔fraught〕The atmosphere in the office is rather fraught.办公室里弥漫着一种极度紧张焦虑的气氛。剑桥高阶〔gabble〕She was nervous and started to gabble.她紧张得话都说不清了。牛津高阶〔gibber〕Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.随着开演时间逼近, 所有的人都精神紧张, 疯狂地哇哇乱嚷着。外研社新世纪〔gruelling〕He had complained of exhaustion after his gruelling schedule over the past week.完成上周紧张的日程安排后,他抱怨自己累得筋疲力尽。柯林斯高阶〔heighten〕Tensions between the two groups have heightened.两集团间的关系越来越紧张。韦氏高阶〔help〕Humour often helps a tense situation.幽默常能缓和紧张局面。英汉大词典〔hover〕He hovered nervously in the doorway.他在门口紧张地来回踱步。牛津高阶〔hyped up〕I was so hyped up I totally ignored what he'd told me.我特别紧张, 彻底忘了他嘱咐过我的话。外研社新世纪〔illness〕Stress can cause mental illness .紧张会导致精神疾病。朗文当代〔in a sweat〕He's in a sweat about his exams.他为考试紧张得要命。韦氏高阶〔inwardly〕She was outwardly calm but inwardly nervous.她虽外表冷静,但内心紧张。韦氏高阶〔jumpy〕When he spoke his voice was jumpy.他说话的时候声音听起来很紧张。柯林斯高阶〔lane〕I find driving in the fast lane very stressful.我发现在快车道行驶时精神非常紧张。剑桥高阶〔letoff〕Suddenly he let off a joke and the tense atmosphere at once relaxed. 他突然说了句笑话,于是紧张气氛立即缓和下来。英汉大词典〔lively〕We had a lively time during the snowstorm.我们在暴风雪中度过了一段紧张的时光。英汉大词典〔loosen up〕I was tense at first, but I soon loosened up.刚开始我有些紧张, 但很快就放松了。外研社新世纪〔mental strain〕She's been under a great deal of mental strain.她一度精神十分紧张。外研社新世纪〔moment〕At the moment, the situation in Haiti is very tense.眼下海地的局势十分紧张。朗文当代〔mouth〕A tight mouth was the only sign of her nerves.只能从她紧闭的嘴巴看出她很紧张。牛津搭配〔natural〕It's difficult to look natural when you're feeling nervous.当你紧张的时候,很难显得轻松自然。牛津高阶〔nerve〕I remember you were a bundle of nerves on your wedding day.我记得你在婚礼那天紧张极了。朗文当代〔nerve〕I've never suffered from first-night nerves.我从未有过初次登场的紧张。牛津搭配〔nerve〕She was a bundle of nerves (= very nervous) before the audition.她试演之前非常紧张。剑桥高阶〔nervousness〕Adjusting your tie is often a sign of nervousness.调整自己的领带通常是心情紧张的表现。牛津搭配〔nervousness〕She managed to speak without betraying her nervousness.她说话时设法掩盖了自己的紧张。牛津搭配〔nervousness〕The student showed no sign of nervousness.这名学生看上去一点也不紧张。韦氏高阶〔nervous〕The film is unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition (=who are easily frightened) .这部影片不适合生性容易紧张的人看。朗文当代〔normal〕It's normal to be nervous before an interview.面试前紧张是正常的。麦克米伦高阶〔onstage〕Even today I get nervous before I go onstage .直到今天我上舞台前还是会感到紧张。朗文当代〔pinch〕The trade embargo drove up prices and pinched supplies.贸易禁令抬高了物价并导致供应紧张。韦氏高阶〔prompt〕She was too nervous to speak and had to be prompted.她紧张得说不出话来,只好听人提示。牛津高阶〔pulsate〕The sports tournament will pulsate with the thrill of desperation.体育锦标赛会充满拼搏的紧张刺激感。外研社新世纪〔rattle〕They listened anxiously to every rattle and creak in the house.他们紧张地听着房子里的每一个响动。朗文当代〔relationship〕Jack's job put a lot of strain on their relationship.杰克的工作使他们之间的关系变得很紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔relieve〕Her jokes helped to relieve the tension.她的笑话缓解了紧张气氛。牛津搭配〔remain〕The situation remains tense.局势依旧紧张。外研社新世纪〔rubber〕Deirdre nervously tossed a rubber ball back and forth.戴尔德丽紧张地把橡皮球抛来抛去。外研社新世纪〔rush〕There was a mad rush to get the house tidy before they arrived.在他们到达前,有人已经对房屋进行了一通紧张的清扫,使其变得整洁。麦克米伦高阶〔scene〕The actor was nervous about his big scene.那位演员对他要演的那出重头戏感到紧张。韦氏高阶〔screwed-up〕He's really screwed-up about these exams.他对这些考试真正感到紧张。英汉大词典〔screw〕She was nervously screwing her tissue into a ball.她很紧张,把纸巾揉成一团。麦克米伦高阶〔shake〕I always get the shakes before exams.考试前,我总是紧张得发抖。牛津高阶〔strain〕He was under enormous strain during the trial.在审讯期间他处于极度紧张之中。英汉大词典〔strain〕Their friendship is under strain.他们之间的朋友关系紧张。韦氏高阶〔strain〕You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life.你要学会怎样应付公众人物生活的紧张和辛劳。牛津高阶〔string〕I'm too strung up.我太紧张了。英汉大词典〔tensed up〕He tensed up and missed the putt.他一紧张,推球未能入穴。韦氏高阶〔tense〕She tried to relax her tense muscles.她试图放松紧张的肌肉。朗文当代〔tension〕The dramatic tension was very satisfying.扣人心弦的紧张气氛表现得非常到位。韦氏高阶〔tension〕The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made everyone else uncomfortable.沃伦和安之间明显的紧张关系让每个人都不舒服。朗文当代〔tension〕There is mounting tension along the border.边境局势日趋紧张。牛津高阶〔tensity〕Even the carefully smoothed lines of her face did not hide the tensity beneath.即使细心搽平了脸部皱纹,也掩饰不了她内心的紧张。英汉大词典〔tensive〕Physiology Giving or causing the sensation of stretching or tension.【生理学】 使人紧张的:给人或使人产生紧张感或绷紧感的美国传统〔then〕The star was nervous, but then who isn't on the first night of a new play.明星很紧张,但这并不是新戏的第一夜美国传统〔tinderbox〕The racial tension in the area makes it a tinderbox ready to ignite.这个地区的种族紧张局势一触即发。剑桥高阶〔train〕We have been training hard for the games.我们一直为这次运动会进行紧张训练。21世纪英汉〔unbearable〕The tension was almost unbearable.紧张气氛让人几乎难以忍受。外研社新世纪〔underclass〕The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs.老城区底层人群面临的基本问题是住房紧张和就业不足。柯林斯高阶〔undercurrent〕An undercurrent of tension pervaded the proceedings.整个诉讼过程中暗藏着紧张的气氛。麦克米伦高阶〔upright〕He was sitting bolt upright on his chair, looking very tense.他直挺挺地坐在椅子上,显得很紧张。牛津搭配〔uptight〕He gets so uptight about the slightest difficulty.他对一点点困难也会感到非常紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔uptight〕He's feeling a little uptight about his exam tomorrow.面临明天的考试,他感到有点儿紧张。牛津搭配〔venture〕They ventured nervously into the water.他们紧张地硬着头皮下水。牛津高阶〔work〕She had worked herself up into a state .她把自己弄得很紧张。朗文当代Because the accused had been under great stress at the time of the crime, he pleaded not guilty on grounds of diminished responsibility.因被告作案时处于十分紧张的精神压力下,他以无完全刑事责任为由不承认有罪。剑桥国际Diplomats have been working hard behind the scenes in preparation for the peace talks.外交家们一直在秘密而紧张地为和谈做着准备工作。剑桥国际He is suffering from nervous tension. 他正受神经紧张之苦。译典通He would probably have done well in the examination, only that he got nervous. 要不是紧张怯场,他也许会考得很好的。译典通My mother was in a fuss (=in a nervous state) this morning because the house was untidy and she had people coming round for dinner.今天早上我的母亲很紧张不安,因为房子里乱七八糟的而她又有客人顺便来访吃顿饭。剑桥国际PMT is one of the symptoms of PMS.经前紧张是经前期综合征的表现之一。剑桥国际She laughed and that broke the tension in the room.她大笑起来,打破了屋里的紧张气氛。剑桥国际She was so tired and overwrought that she burst into tears.她这么疲劳、这么紧张,以致大哭起来。剑桥国际She's totally unflappable--you have to be when working in such a highly-pressured environment.她完全镇定自若----在这样高度紧张的环境下工作你必须这样。剑桥国际Someone made a joke, which diffused the tension in the room.有人开了个玩笑,把房间里的紧张气氛驱散了。剑桥国际The girl twitched nervously at her collar. 女孩紧张不安地扯扯衣领。译典通The thought of undergoing a surgical operation tied me into knots. 一想到要动手术,我就紧张起来。译典通




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