

单词 紧张
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ANGRY〕words for describing an angry meeting, argument etc 描写会议、争论等气氛紧张的词语朗文写作活用〔attack〕an attack of nerves/melancholy 突然感到紧张/悲伤韦氏高阶〔bowstring〕nerves taut as a bowstring 紧张得有如绷紧弓弦的神经英汉大词典〔buildup〕a military buildup; a buildup of tension during the strike. 军备增加;(进攻)罢工期间的紧张感增强美国传统〔charged〕the highly charged atmosphere of the trial 审判过程中高度紧张的气氛麦克米伦高阶〔cough〕to cough nervously/politely/discreetly 紧张地╱斯文地╱小心翼翼地咳嗽牛津高阶〔current〕currents of tension and anticipation 一阵阵的紧张与期待英汉大词典〔edge〕be all on edge 十分紧张不安(或恼怒) 英汉大词典〔escalate〕escalate the tensions in this region 加剧该地区的紧张局势英汉大词典〔experiment〕an experiment to assess the effect of stress on athletes 评估紧张对运动员所产生的影响的实验朗文当代〔high-pitched〕a restless high-pitched life 奔忙的紧张生活英汉大词典〔intense〕intensive bombing, training, marketing. 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。 美国传统〔issue〕tension between families on lifestyle issue 因生活方式的矛盾引起的家庭与家庭间的紧张关系英汉大词典〔knot〕a knot in a tense muscle 紧张肌肉中的硬结英汉大词典〔lead to〕tensions that could lead to civil war会引发内战的紧张局势外研社新世纪〔low-level〕a low-level tension headache 轻度紧张性头痛朗文当代〔maritime〕efforts to reduce tensions along their disputed maritime border为缓解有争议的海洋边界的紧张局势而做出的努力外研社新世纪〔overstrain〕overstraining the environment. 使气氛紧张美国传统〔packed〕a thrill-packed television series. 一部充满了紧张感的电视系列剧美国传统〔permanence〕a permanent state of tension. 长久以来的紧张局势柯林斯高阶〔pinch〕be pinched for supplies 供应紧张英汉大词典〔prehistory〕the prehistory of existing racial tensions 导致当前种族关系紧张的历史背景英汉大词典〔purple〕passages of purple prose describing intense experiences一段段描写紧张经历的辞藻华丽的散文外研社新世纪〔radically〕political tension between radical and conservative politicians. 激进派和保守派政治人士之间的紧张对峙柯林斯高阶〔screamy〕persons of screamy and jittery types 喜发尖叫和神经过度紧张型的人英汉大词典〔strain〕the stresses and strains of police life 警察生活的紧张和压力朗文当代〔stress〕the stresses and strains (=problems and worries) of public life 公众生活的紧张和压力朗文当代〔temperament〕a nervous temperament.See Synonyms at disposition 易紧张的性格 参见 disposition美国传统〔tensed〕feeling tensed up 感觉紧张韦氏高阶〔tense〕a tense game 紧张的比赛英汉大词典〔tension〕ethnic/racial tension 民族/种族间的紧张关系剑桥高阶〔tension〕relieve sb.'s nervous tension 消除某人的神经紧张英汉大词典〔tension〕the tension of waiting for an answer.等候答覆时的紧张心情。牛津同义词〔testy〕have a testy relationship with sb. 与某人动辄争吵关系紧张英汉大词典〔tic〕a nervous tic 紧张的下意识动作韦氏高阶〔tightening〕a headache caused by tension which results in tightening of the muscles in the neck. 由于紧张导致颈部肌肉僵硬而引起的头痛柯林斯高阶〔tonic〕a tonic convulsion or spasm. 肌肉因紧张而颤动或痉挛美国传统〔tonic〕a tonic reflex. 肌肉紧张反射美国传统〔well-made〕a well-made play 佳构剧(19世纪流行于欧洲的一种戏剧,以布局雕琢、情节和场面紧张离奇为特点)英汉大词典〔wingding〕a wingding of a fight 一场非常紧张激烈的格斗英汉大词典




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