

单词 穿过田野
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔access〕The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。牛津高阶〔across country〕The group walked across country.这群人步行穿过田野。韦氏高阶〔across〕She walked across the field/road.她穿过田野/横过马路。剑桥高阶〔clod〕Their hoofs threw up clods of earth as they galloped across the field.马匹飞奔穿过田野时,马蹄溅起一块块泥巴。剑桥高阶〔country〕They rode across country.他们骑马穿过田野。牛津搭配〔cut〕He cut across the fields so as not to be late.为了不迟到,他抄近路穿过田野。英汉大词典〔double〕We doubled back through the fields to the village.我们沿原路穿过田野返回村子。麦克米伦高阶〔gallop〕Jo galloped across the field towards him.乔骑马穿过田野向他奔去。牛津高阶〔jump〕Tanya jumped the fence and walked across the field.塔尼娅跃过篱笆,穿过田野。麦克米伦高阶〔mung〕I munged up my shoes walking across the field.穿过田野时我弄脏了鞋。英汉大词典〔plod〕I watched her plodding her way across the field.我注视着她步履艰难地穿过田野。牛津高阶〔pursue〕The dogs pursued the fox across the fields.狗群追逐狐狸穿过田野。英汉大词典〔run〕He ran the horse through the fields.他策马穿过田野。韦氏高阶〔short cut〕We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields.我们看球赛晚了,但找到了一条穿过田野的近路。朗文当代〔stride over〕He came striding over the fields.他大步流星地穿过田野而来。外研社新世纪〔trot〕Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field.皮特跨上马, 开始策马小跑着穿过田野。外研社新世纪〔trot〕The grey horse came trotting gracefully across the field.那匹灰马优雅地小跑着穿过田野。麦克米伦高阶〔trudge〕We trudged slowly through the fields.我们步履艰难地慢慢穿过田野。牛津搭配After walking through the fields he had big clumps of soil on his boots.在他穿过田野后,靴子上都是大块的泥土。剑桥国际As he walked along the path through the field, he could hear the squish of the damp ground beneath his boots.当他走在穿过田野的小径上时,他能听见靴子底下潮湿的土地发出的嘎吱声。剑桥国际In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。译典通It was just starting to rain as we struck out across the field.我们正要穿过田野时却下起雨来了。剑桥国际The dog set off across the field in pursuit of the rabbit.狗开始穿过田野追猎兔子。剑桥国际




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