

单词 统治着
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Saxon〕The banking profession was dominated by Anglo-Saxon males.金融行业被英裔美国白种男人统治着。麦克米伦高阶〔Cronus〕A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.克罗诺斯:希腊神话中的一个提坦,在被他的儿子宙斯废黜之前一直统治着宇宙美国传统〔Prester John〕A legendary medieval Christian priest and king thought to have reigned over a Christian kingdom in the Far East or Ethiopia.祭司王约翰:传说中的中世纪基督教牧师兼国王,据传他在远东或埃塞俄比亚地区统治着一个基督教王国美国传统〔coalition〕A multiparty coalition ruled the country.一个多党联合政府统治着那个国家。韦氏高阶〔control〕One country controls the whole island.一个国家统治着整个岛。韦氏高阶〔de facto〕He continued to rule the country de facto.实际上,他继续统治着这个国家。牛津高阶〔dominate〕Men dominate the field. = It's a male-dominated field.男性统治着这个领域。韦氏高阶〔establishment〕The Church was not simply the religious but also the intellectual Establishment of its time.教会不单单统治着当时的宗教界,而且还统治着当时的文化知识界。英汉大词典〔heel〕For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime.多年来这个国家一直被独裁政权统治着。牛津搭配〔impunity〕For 30 years the same political party has run that country with absolute impunity.30年来,就是这个政党安然无恙地统治着那个国家。英汉大词典〔incompetent〕The country's being governed by a bunch of incompetents.这个国家目前由一群无能之辈统治着。剑桥高阶〔king〕The kings of Sicily also ruled over the southern part of Italy.西西里岛的国王还统治着意大利南部。牛津搭配〔marvellous〕With his spear of ash Gungnir and his marvellous ring Draupnir he ruled Asgard.靠着他神树灰制成的长枪冈尼尔和神戒德罗普尼尔, 他统治着阿斯加德。外研社新世纪〔oligarchy〕An oligarchy rules their nation.寡头统治集团统治着他们的国家。韦氏高阶〔over〕He ruled over a great empire.他统治着一个大帝国。牛津高阶〔over〕He ruled over an empire that stretched from Europe across to Asia.他统治着一个横跨欧洲和亚洲的帝国。朗文当代〔phrase〕We are governed, in Lord Hailsham's famous phrase, by an "elective dictatorship".套用一下黑尔什姆勋爵的名言,我们被“选举出来的独裁者”统治着。剑桥高阶〔rule〕Alexander the Great ruled over a huge empire.亚历山大大帝统治着一个庞大的帝国。朗文当代〔rule〕At that time John ruled England.当时是约翰统治着英格兰。牛津高阶〔temporal〕Edgar ruled over the Church as well as his temporal kingdom.埃德加除了统治世俗的王国之外,还统治着教会。朗文当代〔the sun sets on sth〕It used to be said that Britain ruled an empire on which the sun would never set.过去人们常说英国统治着一个日不落帝国。剑桥高阶For years he has ruled (his country) with a rod of iron (= complete and severe control).多年以来,他用高压手段统治着(他的国家)。剑桥国际Military leaders have overthrown the president and are now governing the country.军事领导人推翻了总统,现在正统治着这个国家。剑桥国际The country is ruled by a ruthless dictator.那个国家被残酷的独裁者统治着。剑桥国际We are governed, in Lord Hailsham's famous phrase, by an ‘elective dictatorship’.按海尔沙姆勋爵的名言,我们被“选举出来的独裁者”统治着。剑桥国际




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