

单词 第二名
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAT〕The second prisoner was a fat-faced beefy fellow who smelled of sweat. 第二名囚犯是个胖脸大块头家伙,身上一股汗味。朗文写作活用〔GRADE〕She came out with the second highest marks in the class. 她考试成绩是全班第二名。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Gordon was also presented with a cheque as runner-up of the closely fought contest. 在这场旗鼓相当的比赛中,戈登作为第二名也获得了一张支票。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Sandoz won, and Anderson was second. 山德士赢了,安德森得第二名。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The horse I was betting on finished in second place. 我押注的那匹马结果跑了第二名。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕When the players do well, I praise them -- but there are no rewards for coming second. 球员表现出色,我就表扬他们—但是拿第二名就没有奖励了。朗文写作活用〔a poor second/third (etc.)〕She was a poor second in the tournament.这次锦标赛她获第二名,但成绩远远落后于第一名。韦氏高阶〔across-the-board〕Sports Games Of, relating to, or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, or show.【体育运动】 【游戏】 全面下注的,连赢注的:把同样数目的赛马赌注下在同一匹可能赢得第一名、第二名或第三名的赛马上美国传统〔at the (very) least〕He wanted to win the race, or at the least, to finish second.他想赢得比赛,或者至少得第二名。韦氏高阶〔bet〕She bet £500,000 on the horse that came in second.她在那匹跑了第二名的马身上下了50万英镑的赌注。剑桥高阶〔but〕I came last but one in the race(= I wasn't last but next to last).我赛跑得了倒数第二名。牛津高阶〔close〕He came second in the race, but it was very close.他跑了第二名,不过差距很小。剑桥高阶〔come〕His horse came in second to last.他的马跑了倒数第二名。朗文当代〔come〕The horse had already won at Lincolnshire and come second at Lowesby.这匹马在林肯郡夺冠,在洛斯比获得了第二名。柯林斯高阶〔consolation〕She had the consolation of coming second in her last race of the day.使她感到慰藉的是,她在那天参加的最后一项赛跑比赛中获得了第二名。牛津搭配〔finish〕He finished second in the 100 metres, behind Ben Johnson.百米赛跑中他获得第二名,排在本‧约翰逊之后。朗文当代〔finish〕She finished second (= in second place) in the finals.她在决赛中获得了第二名。剑桥高阶〔finish〕She was delighted to finish second.她为竞赛得了第二名而高兴。牛津高阶〔follow〕The winners are as follows: in third place, Mandy Johnson; in second place ...获胜者如下: 第三名,曼迪‧约翰逊; 第二名…朗文当代〔home stretch〕Holmes matched Boulmerka stride for stride down the home straight to finish second.霍姆斯在最后冲刺阶段和布尔梅卡齐头并进,最后获得了第二名。柯林斯高阶〔lap〕When I lapped the runner who was in second place, I knew I'd have an easy victory.领先第二名赛跑者不止一圈时,我知道自己会轻松获胜。韦氏高阶〔leader〕She was the leader for most of the race, but she eventually finished second.在赛跑的大部分时间她一路领先,但最终只得了第二名。韦氏高阶〔leap〕He leapt 27 places to second spot.他上升了 27 位,跃居第二名。朗文当代〔metre〕She came second in the 200 metres.在 200 米比赛中,她取得了第二名。牛津高阶〔money〕His horse took second money.他的马得了第二名。英汉大词典〔move〕The player moved into second place in the tournament.这名选手在联赛中进入第二名。 英汉大词典〔next to〕He finished next to last in the race.他跑步比赛得了倒数第二名。韦氏高阶〔overall〕An overall winner and a runner-up were chosen.选出了总冠军和第二名。朗文当代〔place〕Games Second position for betting purposes, as in a horserace.【游戏】 第二名:如在以赌博为目的赛马中获第二名美国传统〔place〕He took second place in the long jump.他在跳远比赛中获得了第二名。朗文当代〔place〕He was placed second他跑了第二名。21世纪英汉〔place〕Our team finished in second place.我们队获得了第二名。剑桥高阶〔place〕Second place went to the Moroccan athlete.摩洛哥运动员获得了第二名。牛津搭配〔place〕The two teams are tied for second place.这两个队并列第二名。韦氏高阶〔place〕To arrive among the first three finishers in a race, especially to finish second.在比赛中取得前三名之一,尤指第二名美国传统〔poor〕McLean won easily, and Benson was a poor second.麦克莱恩轻松获胜,本森远远落后取得第二名。朗文当代〔race〕He came second in the race.他赛跑得第二名。文馨英汉〔race〕She finished second in the race.她比赛得了第二名。朗文当代〔red ribbon〕An emblem, a badge, or a rosette made of red ribbon that is awarded as the second prize in a competition.红绶带:用红带子制成的徽章、勋章或玫瑰形物,做为给比赛中第二名的奖励美国传统〔rival〕The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival.世界冠军领先第二名2秒多钟到达终点。柯林斯高阶〔runner-up〕They finished runners-up behind Sweden.他们紧随瑞典队之后,获得了第二名。牛津高阶〔run〕She ran a brilliant race and finished a close second.她在赛跑中表现非常出色, 获得第二名, 与第一名成绩非常接近。外研社新世纪〔scrape home〕The reigning champion scraped home just 2.9 seconds ahead of his nearest rival.卫冕冠军仅以2.9秒的微弱优势险胜第二名选手。剑桥高阶〔second〕I came second in the UK Championships.我在英国锦标赛中得了第二名。朗文当代〔second〕Jones took second place in the long jump.琼斯在跳远比赛中得第二名。剑桥高阶〔second〕One that is next in order, place, time, or quality after the first.第二名:在顺序、地点、时间、或质量上仅次于第一美国传统〔second〕Robertson won the race and Cameron was/came/finished second.罗伯逊得了赛跑冠军,卡梅伦得了第二名。剑桥高阶〔second〕She came second in the marathon.她在马拉松比赛中获得第二名。牛津高阶〔second〕You can't come second; you are the fastest man in the world.你不可能得第二名;你是世界上跑得最快的人。外研社新世纪〔settle〕I ran well but still had to settle for second.我跑得不错,但是只得了第二名。牛津搭配〔tail〕She tailed the champion to take the second place.她紧随冠军之后获得第二名。21世纪英汉〔take〕He took second place behind last year's winner.他位列上届冠军之后,取得了第二名。韦氏高阶〔tie〕They tied for second place.他们并列第二名。牛津高阶〔top〕He topped his previous best performance, coming second in the 100 metres.他超过了以往最好的成绩,在 100 米项目中获得第二名。朗文当代〔try for〕He tried for second place but finished third instead.他力争第二名,结果得了个第三。韦氏高阶〔with〕I was second in the race with a time of 14.2 seconds.我在赛跑中得了第二名,成绩是14.2秒。剑桥高阶Although he failed to win first prize he (Br and Aus) came a good/(Am and Aus) was a strong second (= his performance in achieving second place was very good).虽然他没有得到第一名,但他作为第二名的表演是非常精彩的。剑桥国际He came second in the race but it was very close.虽然他跑了第二名,但成绩差距很小。剑桥国际Her latest novel has gone to number two in the best-seller list (= the list that shows which books are the most popular at that time).她最近出的一部小说名列畅销书排行榜第二名。剑桥国际I bet on Parker's Mood to place (= finish in Br second or third place/Am second place in the horse race).我赌帕克的穆德赛马获得第二名(在英国第二或第三名)。剑桥国际I got a second in the speech contest. 我在演讲比赛中得了第二名。译典通In a 100 metres race, there's often just a razor's edge (= a very small division) between first and second place.在100米赛跑中,第一名和第二名之间往往只有分毫之差。剑桥国际Our team finished in second place.我们队获得了第二名。剑桥国际Robertson won the race and Cameron was/came/finished second.罗伯森得了冠军,卡梅伦得了第二名。剑桥国际She (Br and Aus) came second/(Am) came in second in the 100 m race.在100米赛跑中她得了第二名。剑桥国际She bet£500 000 on the horse which came in second.她下注500 000英镑的那匹马跑了第二名。剑桥国际She may not have won the race but she did finish (=end the race) second.她可能算不上赢了那场比赛,但她确实跑了个第二名。剑桥国际Ten runners-up will each receive a sweatshirt. 十位第二名将每人获得一件运动衫。译典通The horse came in second. 那匹马得了第二名。译典通The reigning champion scraped home just 2.9 seconds ahead of his nearest rival.本届冠军以2.9秒险胜第二名选手。剑桥国际The three division winners and the second-place team with the best record will advance to the postseason.三个级别的冠军和成绩最好的第二名将进入赛季后比赛。剑桥国际The two Russian ice-skaters came joint second (= They were both given second prize) in the world championship.这两个俄罗斯溜冰运动员在世界锦标赛中并列第二名。剑桥国际They read out the winners in reverse order-- third, second and then first.他们按倒过来的顺序报出胜利者----第三名,第二名,然后是第一名。剑桥国际




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