

单词 第三者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cast〕The press were quick to cast her in the role of ‘the other woman’.新闻界很快把她描述成“第三者”。牛津高阶〔escrow〕In trust as an escrow.根据协议由第三者暂为保管美国传统〔escrow〕Money, property, a deed, or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified.契约,合同:指钱、权利、契据或契约等暂交第三者保管,待某种条件实现后再交付受让人或权利人美国传统〔escrow〕To place in escrow.将…暂交第三者保管以待条件实现美国传统〔garnishment〕A legal proceeding whereby money or property due a debtor but in the possession of another is applied to the payment of the debt owed to the plaintiff.向(第三方)下达扣押令:一种法律手续,由此属于债务人的但为第三者掌管的财物被加于所欠原告的债务费用中美国传统〔garnish〕Law To garnishee.【法律】 传讯:向有关第三者下达出庭命令美国传统〔good offices〕Beneficial acts performed for another, especially acts performed by a mediator in a dispute.斡旋,调停:由第三者做的有益于双方的事,特别是在争执中充当中间人,调解人美国传统〔other woman〕She was the other woman who broke up their marriage.她就是导致他们婚姻破裂的第三者。韦氏高阶〔poison-pen letter〕A usually anonymous letter or note containing abusive or malicious statements or accusations about the recipient or a third party.匿名诽谤信:一封通常为匿名的信或纸条,内含对收信人或第三者的辱骂或恶意性的言词或指责美国传统〔publish〕A slander is not actionable unless it is published to a third person.诽谤只有向第三者传播才能起诉。21世纪英汉〔stranger〕Law One that is neither privy nor party to a title, an act, or a contract.【法律】 第三者:与某一称号、行为或契约既无利益关系又非当事人的人美国传统〔third party〕I pay rent to a third party, not directly to the landlord.我把房租交给第三者,没有直接交给房主美国传统〔woman〕Do you think there's another woman? 你认为有第三者吗?麦克米伦高阶〔woman〕She hated being the other woman, but what could she do? 她不想充当第三者,但她又能怎么办呢?麦克米伦高阶〔woman〕She was the 'other woman' in this family drama (= the one the husband was having an affair with).她就是这场家庭闹剧中的第三者。牛津搭配Details of the escrow agreement haven't yet been finalized.第三者保管契约的细节尚未最后定下来。剑桥国际The money was placed in escrow.钱暂交第三者保管。剑桥国际The shares will be held in escrow pending completion of the sale.这些股票在售完之前将由第三者代管。牛津商务




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