

单词 第三
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕His third symphony was written some time between 1750 and 1753. 他的第三交响曲大约于1750至1753年间写成。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕Mansell has now slipped to third position. 曼塞尔现已退居第三位。朗文写作活用〔Illinoian〕Of or relating to the third glacial stage of the Pleistocene in North America.伊里诺冰期的:北美洲更新世第三代冰期的,或与之有关的美国传统〔LITTLE〕Third World debt is so massive that recent pledges to reduce it are just a drop in the bucket. 第三世界的债务如此庞大,最近承诺的减免也只是杯水车薪。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The Cuban revolution resulted in a reassessment of Washington's policy towards the Third World generally. 古巴革命导致华盛顿重新评估对第三世界的一般政策。朗文写作活用〔Presidents' Day〕The third Monday in February, observed in the United States as a legal holiday in commemoration of the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.总统日:二月份的第三个星期一,在美国为法定假日,为乔治·华盛顿和亚伯拉罕·林肯的出生纪念日美国传统〔Third World〕Minority groups as a whole within a larger prevailing culture.第三世界:在一种较流行的文化里作为有少数人的群体美国传统〔accident〕My third baby was an accident.我的第三个孩子是意外怀上的。朗文当代〔ace〕That's the third ace Lawson has served this match.那是罗森在这场比赛中第三次发球得分。剑桥高阶〔across-the-board〕Sports Games Of, relating to, or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, or show.【体育运动】 【游戏】 全面下注的,连赢注的:把同样数目的赛马赌注下在同一匹可能赢得第一名、第二名或第三名的赛马上美国传统〔appearance〕This was the defendant's third court appearance for the same offence.这是被告因为同一桩罪行第三次出庭受审。剑桥高阶〔automaker〕The nation's number three automaker set an all-time monthly sales record in June.全国第三大汽车制造商6月份创造了月销售量记录。剑桥高阶〔bang〕The third edition of the dictionary seems bang up to date.这部词典的第三版看来完全反映了语言的最新发展。英汉大词典〔blue note〕A flatted note, especially the third or seventh note of a chord, in place of an expected major interval.布鲁斯乐曲的音调:一种平缓的音调,在预期的主要间隙出现,尤指和弦的第三或第七音符的降音调美国传统〔bolt〕Supporters felt he might bolt to a third party if his opponent was nominated.他的支持者们感到, 如果他的对手获得提名, 他可能会脱党并加入某第三方政党。外研社新世纪〔bullish〕Faldo was bullish about his chances of winning a third British Open.福尔多对于自己第三次赢得全英公开赛充满信心。柯林斯高阶〔butterfly〕She was third in the 200m butterfly(= a swimming race).她得了 200 米蝶泳比赛的第三名。牛津高阶〔carry〕She is carrying her third child.她现在正怀着第三胎。外研社新世纪〔chapter〕Chapter three deals with the country's economy.第三章讲的是这个国家的经济。韦氏高阶〔chug〕I'm chugging my third brew while Kyle curses into his lemonade.凯尔骂骂咧咧喝柠檬汁时, 我正灌下第三杯啤酒。外研社新世纪〔come〕My horse came in third.我的马跑了第三。麦克米伦高阶〔consolidate〕The team consolidated their lead with a third goal.球队以第三个入球巩固了领先的优势。朗文当代〔content〕He had to be content with third place.他只好屈居第三名。牛津高阶〔cross-country〕She finished third in the world cross-country championships in Antwerp.她在安特卫普举行的世界越野锦标赛中取得了第三名。外研社新世纪〔c〕The first tone in the scale of C major or the third tone in the relative minor scale.C调主音:C大调音阶中的第一个音或C小调音阶中的第三个音美国传统〔decision〕He decisioned his opponent in the third round of the match.在第三回合的比赛中他靠判定击败了对手美国传统〔deliver yourself of〕She has finally delivered herself of her long-awaited third novel.她终于创作出了大家期待已久的第三部小说。韦氏高阶〔determinable〕During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.孩子的性别在妊娠期第三个月便可查明。牛津高阶〔disguise〕He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise.他说西方给第三世界提供的援助大多只是变相的殖民主义行为。剑桥高阶〔do〕This is the third time you've been late this week; it simply won't do.这是你本周第三次迟到了,这可不行啊。牛津高阶〔drop〕Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league.英国队在联赛中的排名已由第二位降至第三位。外研社新世纪〔dump〕Drugs that are banned in Western countries are often dumped in Third World countries.在西方国家被查的药当倾销于第三世界的国家。文馨英汉〔escrow〕All keys used for confidentiality services should be escrowed.所有用于保密服务的钥匙都应由第三方保管。外研社新世纪〔favourite〕The favourite came third.那个可望夺魁者得了第三名。牛津高阶〔follow〕The winners are as follows: in third place, Mandy Johnson; in second place ...获胜者如下: 第三名,曼迪‧约翰逊; 第二名…朗文当代〔gamma〕The third item in a series or system of classification.第三个:一第列或分类系统中的第三个事物美国传统〔garnishee〕A third party who has been notified that money or property in his or her hands but belonging to a defendant has been attached.第三债务人:被告知由其代管金钱或财产的第三方,但所有权属于已扣押的被告美国传统〔garnishment〕A court order directing a third party who holds money or property belonging to a defendant to withhold it and appear in court to answer inquiries.扣押令:一种法院的命令,命令持有被告财物的第三人保留这些财物,并且到庭应询美国传统〔increase〕The company reported a 9.5% increase in third quarter losses.这家公司报告第三季度的亏损增加了 9.5%。牛津搭配〔invocation〕Love is the principal subject of the invocation to Venus that prefaces book III.第三部开头向维纳斯所作的灵感祈求中, 爱情是主题。外研社新世纪〔justice〕It would have been rough justice had he been deprived of this important third European win.要是他被剥夺了这一意义重大的第三个欧洲冠军头衔,那对他简直是太不公平了。柯林斯高阶〔last hurrah〕He's made it clear that this Olympics, his third, will be his last hurrah.他说得很清楚,这一届奥运会 — 他的第三届奥运会 — 将是他最后的一次拼搏机会。朗文当代〔lug〕If you drive too slowly in third gear, you'll lug the engine.如果你在第三档时驶得太慢,你将不能很快带动引擎美国传统〔master mason〕Master Mason The third degree of Freemasonry. Master Mason 共济制度的第三阶段美国传统〔minor scale〕A diatonic scale having an interval of a minor third between the first and third tones and several forms with different intervals above the fifth.小音阶:在第一音和第三音间为小三度音阶、第五音之上有几个不同音程的全音音阶美国传统〔miss〕He missed out at the third round.他在第三回合中输了。英汉大词典〔money〕Sports Games Taking first, second, or third place in a contest on which a bet has been placed, such as a horserace.【体育运动】 【游戏】 在已下赌注的比赛中,如赛马,处于第一、第二或第三位的美国传统〔muster〕This was the third time the annual music muster has been held.这是第三次举行年度音乐聚会。外研社新世纪〔op〕Dvorak's Piano Concerto in G Minor, Op. 33 德沃夏克第三十三号作品,G小调钢琴协奏曲剑桥高阶〔place〕Britain won third place at the games in Barcelona.英国队在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得了第三名。外研社新世纪〔place〕I finished in third place .我得了第三名。朗文当代〔place〕The judges placed me third.裁判员评定我为第三名。牛津同义词〔position〕Alesi finished in third position .阿勒西得了第三名。朗文当代〔prefix〕A new introduction has been prefixed to the third printing of the book.本书第三次印刷时前面增加了一篇新的序言。21世纪英汉〔publish〕A slander is not actionable unless it is published to a third person.诽谤只有向第三者传播才能起诉。21世纪英汉〔race〕Their horse came third in the race last year.他们的马在去年的比赛中获得了第三名。牛津高阶〔rain〕This is the third year in a row that the rains have failed.这是连续第三个年头雨季没有下雨了。剑桥高阶〔ran〕Tom's little brother ran third in the 100-metre race.汤姆的小弟弟在百米赛跑中跑第三。21世纪英汉〔run〕His new novel has already run to three impressions.他新出版的小说已第三次印刷了。英汉大词典〔scene〕Juliet dies in Act IV, Scene iii.朱丽叶死于第四幕第三场。剑桥高阶〔second-generation〕Of or relating to a person or persons whose parents are citizens by birth and whose grandparents are immigrants.第三代的:父母在本地出生,但祖父母是移民的人的,或与这类人相关的美国传统〔secondary accent〕In the word 'agriculture' the secondary accent falls on the third syllable.在agriculture这个单词里, 次重音在第三个音节上。外研社新世纪〔snatch〕Chesterfield snatched a third goal.切斯特菲尔德队侥幸攻入了第三个球。外研社新世纪〔succession〕As third in the line/order of succession, she would only become queen if her brothers both died or became ineligible.她是第三顺位继承人,只有在她的哥哥们都去世或丧失继承资格时,她才可能成为女王。韦氏高阶〔take〕He got the answer on the third take.在第三次应答时他答对了美国传统〔tertiary〕He must have come to know those philosophers through secondary or tertiary sources.他一定是通过第二手或第三手资料了解到那些哲学家的。外研社新世纪〔the Third Way〕Tony Blair claimed that New Labour is the Third Way between capitalism and socialism.托尼‧布莱尔声称新工党奉行的是资本主义与社会主义之间的第三种理念。剑桥高阶〔the〕The third girl spoke the most clearly.第三个女孩说得最清楚。外研社新世纪〔third party〕A political party organized as opposition to the existing parties in a two-party system.第三党:在两党制下与现存的两党派相对立而建立的一个政党美国传统〔third party〕Does third party insurance cover (=pay for) this type of damage? 第三方责任险是否对这类损失进行赔偿?朗文当代〔third person〕A set of grammatical forms used in referring to a person or thing other than the speaker or the one spoken to.第三人称:一套用于指说话人或说话对象之外的人或物的语法形式美国传统〔third person〕Reference of a grammatical form to a person or thing other than the speaker or the one spoken to.第三人称:一种与谈话者及说话对象之外的人或物有关的语法形式美国传统〔thirdly〕In the third place, rank, or order.第三:处第三位、第三等或第三类美国传统〔thirdly〕Thirdly, a dictionary provides examples of usage.第三,词典提供用法的实例。韦氏高阶〔third〕We sat in the third row.我们坐在第三排。韦氏高阶〔three-dimensional〕Having or appearing to have extension in depth.三维的:有或看似有作为第三维的深度的美国传统〔trolley〕A device that collects electric current from an underground conductor, an overhead wire, or a third rail and transmits it to the motor of an electric vehicle.触轮:电力车辆的一种装置,能将地下导体、架空电线或第三个铁道上的电流接收过来并递给电力车辆的发动机的装置美国传统〔try for〕He tried for second place but finished third instead.他力争第二名,结果得了个第三。韦氏高阶〔turndown〕The current economic turndown has moved into its third year.目前, 经济衰退已进入第三个年头。外研社新世纪〔unpopular〕Her third album has been unpopular with fans.她的第三张专辑一直不受粉丝喜欢。韦氏高阶〔way〕She is married with twin sons and a third child on the way.她已经结婚,有一对双胞胎儿子,第三个宝宝也即将出世。柯林斯高阶〔woman〕Do you think there's another woman? 你认为有第三者吗?麦克米伦高阶〔work rate〕We lacked that little bit of skill in the final third, but our work rate and commitment were tremendous.在最后第三节的比赛中我们的技巧有所欠缺,但是总体工作率和拼搏精神是非常出色的。剑桥高阶After two failed marriages, he is planning to marry for a third time.两次婚姻失败后,他在计划第三次结婚。剑桥国际For the third time this week the opposition has attacked the government's posture on defence.本周反对派已是第三次攻击政府的防务政策了。剑桥国际He could play second base or third base and in the outfield.他能打第二垒或第三垒,也能打外场。剑桥国际He enjoyed the jazzy element in the third movement of the symphony.他很喜欢交响乐第三乐章的爵士乐成分。剑桥国际He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that (= despite the fact that) he has hardly any money left.他今年已是第三次去度假了,也不管他的钱已所剩无几。剑桥国际I bet on Parker's Mood to place (= finish in Br second or third place/Am second place in the horse race).我赌帕克的穆德赛马获得第二名(在英国第二或第三名)。剑桥国际I debuted in primary school as third shepherd in the Nativity play.小学时我在基督降临记中出演第三牧羊人而初露头角。剑桥国际It was my third doctor's appointment in two weeks and I think he dismissed me as just a hysterical female.这是我两周中第三次约见医生,我认为他把我当作一个歇斯底里的女人打发走。剑桥国际Our hope of winning began to ebb in the third round. 比赛进入第三回合时我们打赢的希望变得渺茫了。译典通Products and the manufacturing process seem to have priority, and marketing is only of tertiary importance.产品和生产过程似乎是重点,而营销仅处于第三位。牛津商务Southend beat Mansfield by two goals to one, stretching (= increasing) their lead to six points at the top of the Third Division.索斯安德队以2比1击败了曼斯菲尔德队,将他们在第三组中的领先优势扩大到6分。剑桥国际The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight. 第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。译典通Third-generation technology allows you to download videos to a mobile phone.第三代移动通讯技术可以将视频下载到移动电话上。牛津商务Third-world debt is a major theme of the G8 summit this year.第三世界国家的债务是今年八国集团首脑会议的一个主要议题。牛津商务This is my third vodka (= glass of vodka).这是我第三杯伏特加。剑桥国际This was his third conviction. 这是他第三次被判罪。译典通While the German moved into the third round Connors won a first-round encounter (= game) with Udo Riglewski of Germany 6-4, 6-4.德国队进入第三循环赛时,康纳斯队在第一循环赛赛局中以两个6-4赢了德国的乌都里格斯基队。剑桥国际




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