

单词 翻版
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bit〕It sounds like a rural version of the coals-to-Newcastle bit: giving farmers wheat, corn, rice and cotton.给农民小麦、玉米、大米和棉花,这做法听上去无异是“运煤到纽卡斯尔——多此一举”在农村的翻版。英汉大词典〔canard〕The book repeats some of history's oldest canards.这本书是历史上一些老掉牙的谣传的翻版。韦氏高阶〔carbon copy〕She's a carbon copy of her mother.她是她母亲的翻版。外研社新世纪〔carbon copy〕Theresa's first marriage was almost a carbon copy of her parents'.特雷莎的第一次婚姻简直就是她父母婚姻的翻版。柯林斯高阶〔clone〕Most people saw her as just another blond-haired, red-lipped Marilyn Monroe clone.很多人把她看作金发红唇的玛丽莲‧梦露的翻版。剑桥高阶〔clone〕She's an exact clone of her sister! 她简直就是她姐姐的翻版!朗文当代〔derivative〕The film is highly derivative of Martin Scorsese.这部电影简直就是马丁•斯科塞斯电影的翻版。外研社新世纪〔double〕One that closely resembles another; a duplicate.相似者:和另一个酷似的人或物;翻版美国传统〔double〕Your mother sees you as her double.你母亲将你看作是她的翻版。柯林斯高阶〔echo〕The crime is a chilling echo of the murders that shocked the city two years ago.这一罪行令人不寒而栗,简直就是两年前震惊全市的那几起凶杀案的翻版。韦氏高阶〔edition〕The boy was a smaller edition of his father.这男孩是他父亲的小号翻版美国传统〔edition〕The occasion was a special hour-long edition of Meet the Press.这个场合是长达1小时的“会见新闻界”节目的特殊翻版。英汉大词典〔engrave〕To print from a block or plate made by such a process.翻版印刷:从一块儿木头或盘子上通过一种过程印刷美国传统〔image〕Betsy was a mirror image of her twin.贝特西就是她孪生姐姐的翻版。牛津搭配〔image〕He is the image of his uncle.他活象他叔叔的翻版美国传统〔mirror image〕The current economic situation is a mirror image of the situation just a few years ago.目前的经济形势完全是几年前情况的翻版。剑桥高阶〔mirror image〕This is almost the mirror image of the situation in Scotland.这几乎就是苏格兰局势的翻版。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕He tries to wrench his daughter into a mirror reflection of himself.他想把女儿扭曲培养成自己的翻版。英汉大词典〔rehash〕It was just a rehash of last year's show.这只不过是去年节目的翻版。朗文当代〔rehash〕Most of the 'new' models promised by American car makers look set to be little more than rehashes of existing products.这些美国汽车制造商承诺推出的“新款”多半都像是现有车型的翻版。柯林斯高阶〔rehash〕The Observer found the play 'a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes'.《观察家报》认为这部剧“是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻版”。柯林斯高阶〔remake〕Something in remade form, especially a new version of an old movie.翻版:重新制作后的事物,尤指在电影的新版本美国传统〔repeat〕The match was basically a repeat of last year's game at Wembley.这场比赛差不多是去年在温布利那场比赛的翻版。朗文当代〔reprint〕Reprints are less expensive than original editions.翻版书比原版要便宜。英汉大词典〔reproduce〕To produce a counterpart, an image, or a copy of.复制:制造…的相似物、翻版或副本美国传统〔reproduction〕The book contains excellent colour reproductions of Monet's paintings.这本书有莫奈作品的精美彩色翻版插图。剑桥高阶〔retread〕His plans are retreads of older projects.他的计划只是一些旧项目的翻版。英汉大词典〔retread〕The show is just another TV sitcom retread.这个节目只是另一个电视情景喜剧的翻版。韦氏高阶〔rip-off〕The si ngle is a rip-off of a 70s hit.这首单曲是 70 年代的一首热门歌曲的翻版。牛津高阶〔snap〕The Third World snaps back that such concerns are merely modern versions of colonialism.第三世界反驳说,这种关注只不过是殖民主义的现代翻版而已。 英汉大词典Her books are all variations on the same/a theme.她的书都是同一主题的各种翻版。剑桥国际She is the image of her mother. 她是她母亲的翻版。译典通The TV series is a watered-down version of the movie, especially designed for family viewing.这部电视连续剧是电影稀稀拉拉的翻版,特别为家庭观看制作的。剑桥国际The agreement forbids the photographic reproduction of written, printed, or graphic work.协议禁止对书写、印刷或绘画作品影印翻版。剑桥国际These commercials are just warmed-over imitations of earlier TV ads.这些商业广告只是早些时候电视广告的翻版。剑桥国际




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