

单词 秋分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔autumnal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a southerly motion.秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动美国传统〔equinoctial〕A violent storm of wind and rain occurring at or near the time of the equinox.二分点风暴:春分或秋分或前后出现的暴风雨美国传统〔harvest moon〕The full moon that occurs nearest the autumnal equinox.获月:秋分后的第一次满月美国传统〔line storm〕A violent storm or a series of storms of rain and wind believed to take place during the equinoxes.二分风暴:认为发生在春分或秋分时期的猛烈风暴或暴风雨美国传统〔spring〕The highest spring tides of the year occur after the equinoxes in March and September.一年中最大的朔望潮发生在 3 月的春分和 9 月的秋分后。牛津搭配




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