

单词 私营
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔business person〕a self-employed business person. 私营企业家柯林斯高阶〔complementarity〕the complementarity between public and private authorities. 公营机构与私营机构互补性柯林斯高阶〔critic〕a critic of private health care 对私营医疗保健服务持批评态度的人牛津高阶〔delivery〕private-sector involvement in the delivery of public services私营企业参与提供公共服务外研社新世纪〔enterprise〕private enterprise of commerce and industry 工商业的私营英汉大词典〔enterprise〕the government's plans to sell state companies to private enterprise政府打算把国有公司卖给私营企业的计划外研社新世纪〔facilitate〕specialized organizations developed to facilitate communication between the public and private sectors为促进公共部门和私营部门交流而设立的专门机构外研社新世纪〔independent〕independent television/schools 私营电视台;私立学校牛津高阶〔independent〕the independent sector 私营部门牛津高阶〔medium-term〕medium-term loans to private industry给私营企业的中期贷款外研社新世纪〔messenger〕the privately run messenger services 私营的信件投递服务部门英汉大词典〔mortality〕the high mortality among family-run farms. 私营农庄的高破产率美国传统〔own〕a privately owned company 私营公司朗文当代〔partnership〕a unique partnership of private companies and unions 私营公司和工会之间独特的伙伴关系牛津搭配〔personal〕a personal pension plan(= a pension organized by a private company for one particular person) (私营公司的)个人养老金计划牛津高阶〔private sector〕private-sector businesses/gains 私营部门业务/收益韦氏高阶〔private sector〕small firms in the private sector. 私营产业的小公司柯林斯高阶〔private sector〕the gap between the salaries of public and private sector employees. 国营和私营企业员工的工资差别柯林斯高阶〔private sector〕the gap between the salaries of public and private sector employees国营部门和私营部门员工工资的差距外研社新世纪〔private〕a joint venture between the state and private industry国有与私营企业成立的合资企业外研社新世纪〔private〕a joint venture with private industry. 与私营企业建立的合资企业柯林斯高阶〔private〕a private college; a private sanatorium. 私立学院;私营疗养院美国传统〔private〕a privately owned company 私营公司牛津高阶〔private〕private banks 私营银行牛津高阶〔private〕tax policies to encourage private industry 鼓励私营企业的税收政策韦氏高阶〔proprietary〕a proprietary clinic 私营诊所英汉大词典〔purvey〕one who would, for a hefty fee, purvey strategic advice to private corporations. 一个会为了一笔数目可观的酬金而将策略性建议透露给私营企业的人柯林斯高阶〔register〕an enterprise registered as a private company 登记为私营公司的企业英汉大词典〔sector〕the private (public) sector of industry 私营(公有)工业部门英汉大词典〔slack〕take up (the) slack in a depressed private building industry 整顿调节不景气的私营建筑业英汉大词典〔sponsorship〕private sector sponsorship of sport 私营企业的体育赞助朗文当代〔transformation〕a lack of transformation in the private sector 在私营部门缺乏民主改革牛津高阶〔utility〕a privatized power utility 私营电力服务牛津搭配a small independently owned airline 小型私营航空公司牛津商务government medical laboratories working in collaboration with the private sector 政府医疗实验室与私营部门相互合作牛津商务independent television/schools 私营电视台;私立学校牛津商务private-sector banks/organizations 私营银行/机构牛津商务salary increases in the private sector 私营部门工资的增加牛津商务the independent sector 私营部门牛津商务the world's largest private electricity utility 全球最大的私营公用电力公司牛津商务




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