

单词 终于
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔END〕in the end/finally 最后/终于朗文写作活用〔at〕at first [last] 首先,起初[最后,终于]文馨英汉〔big time〕a bit-part actor who finally made/hit the big time 一位终于走红的小角色演员牛津高阶〔bone〕bone through medical school 多年寒窗终于学完医科英汉大词典〔break〕break into the headlines 终于成为标题新闻英汉大词典〔come〕a concert pianist who has at last come into his own. 终于获得成功的协奏曲钢琴演奏家美国传统〔daylight〕finally began to see daylight concerning the root of the problem. 终于开始理解关于这个问题的根源美国传统〔fetch〕fetched port after a month at sea. 经过一个月的海上航行终于到达了港口美国传统〔find〕a young film-maker who has finally found his voice 终于能表达自己心声的一位年轻的电影制作人朗文当代〔free〕a people who were at last freed from fear. 终于解除了恐惧的人美国传统〔get〕eventually got well. 终于好了美国传统〔grade〕make the grade to stardom 终于当上了明星英汉大词典〔match〕a politician who has finally met his match 终于遇到了对手的政治人物韦氏高阶〔over〕eventually got my point over. 最后终于把我的观点讲清楚了美国传统〔pin〕was finally able to pin down the cause of the disease. 最后终于确定病因美国传统〔point〕finally reached the point of exhaustion. 终于到达筋疲力尽的程度美国传统〔quarry〕finally quarried out the genealogy from hundreds of sources. 终于从上百份原始资料中发现了家谱美国传统〔rack〕was finally able to get some rack. 终于能睡会儿觉了美国传统〔reach〕gained the confidence of the workers. 终于获得了工人们的信任。美国传统〔remember〕finally remembered the address. 最后终于想起了那个地址美国传统〔return〕when peace finally returns to this country 当这个国家终于恢复和平时朗文当代〔rise〕finally got a rise out of her. 她终于怒火中烧美国传统〔run〕run a criminal to earth 追踪再三而终于找到罪犯英汉大词典〔sack〕finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude. 不称职地工作一年后终于被解雇美国传统〔sight〕when the ship at last came into sight 当这艘船终于出现时朗文当代〔snuffle〕snuffle into silence 抽着鼻子终于渐渐安静下来英汉大词典〔win〕apply for a scholarship and win 申请奖学金并终于获准英汉大词典〔win〕struggled to overcome the handicap and finally won. 努力克服困难最后终于成功美国传统〔win〕win the summit 终于登上顶峰英汉大词典




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