

单词 老校
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔basement〕They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement.他们买了一处老校舍当住房,然后在地下室里建了一个作坊。柯林斯高阶〔chance on〕I chanced on an old school-friend in the street yesterday.我昨天在大街上偶然遇到一个老校友。外研社新世纪〔chum〕They were old school/college chums.他们是老校友/大学校友。剑桥高阶〔come〕Some old school friends came to see me last week.一些老校友上周来看我了。外研社新世纪〔fall into sth〕The old school fell into disuse (= people stopped using it).老校舍废弃不用了。剑桥高阶〔meet〕I met an old school friend today.今天我遇到了一位老校友。21世纪英汉〔should〕I was just getting off the bus when who should I see but my old school friend Pat! 我刚要下车时竟然看到了我的老校友帕特!剑桥高阶〔the old school tie〕The old school tie still has enormous power in such companies.在这样的公司里,老校友关系网仍然有很大的影响力。剑桥高阶After a lot of detective work, I managed to find out where my old school friend was living.经大量调查,我设法查明了老校友的住处。剑桥国际I was just getting off the bus when who should I see but my old school friend Pat Grantham! 我竟然一下车就看到了我的老校友帕特·格兰瑟姆。剑桥国际I'm trying to track down (= find) one of my old school friends.我正努力寻找我的一个老校友。剑桥国际My old headteacher said he would write me a glowing (= very good) reference.我的老校长说他会给我写一封热烈赞扬我的推荐信。剑桥国际The old school had fallen into disuse.老校舍已经废弃不用。剑桥国际The old school headteacher remembered him as an insubordinate child.老校长记得他是一个不听话的孩子。剑桥国际




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