

单词 装运
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Grays Harbor〕An inlet of the Pacific Ocean in western Washington. It is the shipping point for a lumbering area.格雷斯港:美国华盛顿州西部太平洋畔一个小港,是伐木地区的装运港美国传统〔TAKE〕Hundreds of cars are lined up outside the factory, awaiting shipment to France and Holland. 工厂外面有几百辆车排队等候装运货物去法国和荷兰。朗文写作活用〔barrow〕The costermonger are barrowing apples and vegetables.小贩用手推车装运苹果和蔬菜。21世纪英汉〔boat〕To place in a boat.用船装运美国传统〔coaler〕Something, such as a ship or train, used for carrying or supplying coal.运煤船,运煤车:用于装运或供应煤的工具,例如轮船或火车美国传统〔consignment〕He made the last shipment on consignment.他完成了最后一批寄售货物的装运。外研社新世纪〔consignment〕The goods were shipped/sold on consignment.货物以寄售方式装运/销售。韦氏高阶〔containerize〕To convert to the use of containerized cargo.集装箱化:转变成用集装箱装运货物美国传统〔dismount for〕The machines were dismounted for shipping.这些机器被拆卸下来以便装运。21世纪英汉〔dock〕The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.那辆卡车水龙带还连着就驶离装运月台了。外研社新世纪〔dray〕To haul by means of a low, heavy sideless cart.用板车装运:用低矮无帮的重型车拉美国传统〔ergonomics〕The ergonomics of the new office furniture have reduced eyestrain and back problems among the computer users.新办公家具的设计安装运用了人类工程学原理,缓解了计算机使用者的视觉疲劳和背部病症的问题。剑桥高阶〔front-end loader〕An earthmoving machine with a hydraulic scoop in front for lifting and loading earth or rubble.前端装载机:一种带有绞链的铲斗泥土挖掘机,用来装运或搬运泥土或瓦砾美国传统〔haversack〕A bag carried over one shoulder to transport supplies, as on a hike.粗帆布背包:一种旅行时装运给养的背于肩头的包美国传统〔hayrack〕A rack fitted to a wagon for carrying hay.装草架:大车上用于装运干草的架子美国传统〔hearse〕A vehicle for conveying a coffin to a church or cemetery.柩车:装运棺材去教堂或墓地的车辆美国传统〔hold back〕The company held back the first shipment of the new product until it was completely ready.公司推迟了新产品的第一次装运,直到它完全准备好。韦氏高阶〔intercept〕An illegal shipment of arms was intercepted at the airport.一批非法装运的枪支在机场被截获。英汉大词典〔interdiction〕Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.可以把军队渡运过来阻截毒品的装运。柯林斯高阶〔load〕The boat called at Lerwick to load up with fresh vegetables.船在勒威克停靠装运新鲜蔬菜。朗文当代〔newspaper〕The glasses were wrapped in newspaper before being put in the packing case.玻璃杯放进装运箱之前已先用报纸包好。外研社新世纪〔overload〕The barge had an overload of cargo.那艘驳船装运货物超载。韦氏高阶〔overload〕The truck was overloaded with wood.这辆卡车装运木料超载。韦氏高阶〔pack〕Dishes pack more easily than glasses.盘子比玻璃杯容易装运。英汉大词典〔pack〕These small boxes will pack well.这些小盒子装运很方便。21世纪英汉〔pack〕These small cans will pack well.这些小罐头装运很方便。英汉大词典〔palletize〕To store or move (freight, for example) by means of pallets.用货盘装运:用货盘装运(如货物)美国传统〔paraphernalia〕My paraphernalia are ready to be shipped.我的行李已准备好,可以装运了。英汉大词典〔piggyback〕The railroad has been piggybacking for quite a number of years.许多年来铁路上一直用火车平板车装运。21世纪英汉〔precool〕To reduce the temperature of (produce or meat, for example) by artificial means before packaging or shipping.预先冷冻:在包装或装运之前用人工方法降低(如,产品或肉)的温度美国传统〔prefabricate〕To manufacture (a building or section of a building, for example) in advance, especially in standard sections that can be easily shipped and assembled.预制:预先制造(如,建筑或建筑的一部分),尤指用能简易装运和安装的标准部件美国传统〔run〕The street ran oil after an oil truck overturned.一辆装运石油的卡车翻车后,街道上流满石油。英汉大词典〔score〕There were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.大批的箱子和板条箱等着检验后装运。牛津高阶〔section〕The boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections.船只在苏格兰建造,分装运往埃及。朗文当代〔shed〕The packing shed is used for packing and sorting apples for shipment.包装库房用来将苹果打包、分类,以备装运。牛津搭配〔shipborne〕Transported by ship.用船装运的美国传统〔shipment〕The act or an instance of shipping goods.装运:装载货物的动作或事例美国传统〔shipment〕The boxes are ready for shipment overseas.这些箱子已经准备好装运海外。外研社新世纪〔shipment〕The goods are ready for shipment.这批货物现在可以装运了。朗文当代〔shipment〕This box is ready for shipment.这个箱子准备好装运了。韦氏高阶〔shipping〕The fruit is picked and artificially ripened before shipping.这种水果摘下来经过人工催熟再装运出去。剑桥高阶〔tramp steamer〕A commercial vessel that has no regular schedule but takes on and discharges cargo whenever hired to do so.不定航线的不定期货船:一般没有固定计划的商业船只,当受雇时则装运和卸货美国传统Add on s and h charges.附加装运费。牛津商务All the parts have been taken from stock but they need to be invoiced before shipping.所有的零件都已从存货中提取,但在装运之前必须开发货清单。剑桥国际Dock dues are charged for each ton of cargo shipped.对已装运的货物按吨计收码头费。牛津商务Grain is often transported in bulk.粮食经常采用散装运输。牛津商务His businesses range from shipping and construction to motels.他的业务范围从装运、建筑以至汽车旅馆。牛津商务The coal will be shipped by rail. 这些煤将用火车装运。译典通The fruit is picked and artificially ripened before shipping (= being sent from one place to another).这些水果摘下来经过人工催熟再装运出去。剑桥国际The goods are ready for shipment.货物已备妥可以装运。牛津商务The goods must be containerized for export.这批货物必须能用集装箱装运出口。剑桥国际The goods will be shipped in cardboard boxes.货物将用纸箱装运。牛津商务The poster is available for $20 plus $4 shipping and handling.这张招贴画价格 20 元另加 4 元装运费。牛津商务The ship unloads the bulk shipment immediately upon arrival.装运散装货物的轮船一抵达目的港立即卸货。牛津商务The truck was carrying a load of sand. 卡车装运一车沙子。译典通You are required to complete a separate customs entry for each shipment of goods.你装运的每批货物需要分开办理海关手续。牛津商务




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