

单词 brief
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔account〕a brief account of the meeting 会议的简要记录麦克米伦高阶〔account〕give a brief account of what has happened 就发生的情况作一简短陈述英汉大词典〔adjournment〕a six-hour meeting with only two brief adjournments 期间有两次短暂休会的一个六小时会议韦氏高阶〔brief〕brief a bombing pilot and his men 向轰炸机驾驶员及机组发布简要指令英汉大词典〔brief〕brief a report 作一份报告的概要英汉大词典〔brief〕brief oneself on the upcoming visit beforehand 事先熟悉行将出访途中可能碰到的各种情况英汉大词典〔brief〕brief skirts/shorts 超短裙/裤韦氏高阶〔brief〕a brief comment.简洁的评语。牛津同义词〔brief〕a brief description of the film 影片的简短介绍朗文当代〔brief〕a brief description/summary/account 简明扼要的描述╱总结╱敍述牛津高阶〔brief〕a brief holiday (visit) 短期休假(访问)英汉大词典〔brief〕a brief journey.短暂的旅行。牛津同义词〔brief〕a brief shower 短时间的阵雨英汉大词典〔brief〕a brief skirt 超短裙牛津高阶〔brief〕a brief visit 短暂的访问麦克米伦高阶〔brief〕a brief visit.短暂的访问。牛津同义词〔brief〕a cold and brief welcome 草草过场的冷淡欢迎英汉大词典〔brief〕a very brief bikini 非常暴露的比基尼泳装朗文当代〔brief〕customs officials with a brief to stop porn coming into Britain受命阻止色情作品流入英国的海关关员外研社新世纪〔brief〕the defendant's brief 辩护律师韦氏高阶〔characterization〕a list of places of interest, with brief characterizations of each.名胜古迹表中每一个都带有简短的特点描述美国传统〔chilled〕a brief chilled look 冷冷的一瞥英汉大词典〔conspectus〕a brief conspectus on rose diseases and theircontrol 有关蔷薇花病害及其控制的概要英汉大词典〔courtship〕after a brief courtship 经过短时期的追求英汉大词典〔dalliance〕my brief dalliance with higher education.我短暂的高等教育经历柯林斯高阶〔description〕a brief description of the area 对这个地区的简要描述麦克米伦高阶〔drop-in〕make a brief drop-in salutation to sb.随口向某人打个招呼英汉大词典〔episode〕during a brief episode of socialist rule 实行社会主义制度的短暂时期中牛津搭配〔existence〕our brief existence on earth.我们在地球上短暂的生存美国传统〔experiment〕the country's brief experiment in multiparty democracy 这个国家对多党民主制的短暂试验牛津搭配〔exposure〕her brief exposure to pop stardom 她对流行乐明星生活的短暂体验朗文当代〔flirtation〕a brief flirtation with communism 对共产主义的一时兴趣剑桥高阶〔flirtation〕a brief flirtation with left-wing politics 对左翼政治的一时兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔glimpse〕a brief glimpse of a figure hurrying by对一闪而过的人影的匆匆一瞥外研社新世纪〔initiation〕a brief initiation into basic teaching skills 基本教学技能的简要介绍麦克米伦高阶〔interlude〕a brief interlude of peace before a return to the battlefield 重返战场之前的短暂平静朗文当代〔interruption〕a brief interruption 短暂的中断剑桥高阶〔introduction〕a brief introduction 简短的序言牛津高阶〔kit〕an electronic press kit that features brief interviews with the movie's actors 一套以影片演员的简短采访为主要内容的电子版新闻发布材料牛津搭配〔lucid〕a brief and lucid summary 简单明了的摘要英汉大词典〔lull〕a brief lull in the conversation 谈话中短暂的沉寂朗文当代〔lull〕a brief lull in the fighting 战斗的短暂间歇期牛津搭配〔memorandum〕a brief memorandum on Monday's meeting 关于周一会议的简报英汉大词典〔multiplex〕brief and scattered letters of the multiplex correspondence 庞杂函件中四散的短简英汉大词典〔outline〕a brief outline of American history 美国史简明纲要韦氏高阶〔outline〕a brief outline of Chinese history 中国史纲要牛津搭配〔poignant〕make some brief but poignant observations 提出一些简练然而中肯的看法英汉大词典〔respite〕a brief respite from the ringing of the phone 没有电话铃响的片刻牛津搭配〔résumé〕a brief résumé of the news 新闻摘要韦氏高阶〔season〕a brief season of films in which Artaud appeared.阿尔托出演的系列影片的短暂上映期柯林斯高阶〔sojourn〕a brief sojourn in Europe 在欧洲小住朗文当代〔span〕a brief span of time 短暂的时间跨度韦氏高阶〔span〕a brief time span 短暂的时间跨度韦氏高阶〔stint〕her brief stint as chief executive她作为首席执行官的短暂任期外研社新世纪〔suppressant〕the brief period in her life when she took Dexedrine as an appetite suppressant.她服用德克塞根来抑制食欲的短暂时期柯林斯高阶〔understated〕give a brief and grossly understated account of what has happened 就发生的事作一简短和极度低调的描述 英汉大词典〔window〕a brief window of opportunity for a space mission; a window of vulnerability during which the air force was subject to attack.从事太空飞行任务的最佳时机;空军力量易受攻击的危险阶段美国传统a design brief for a new product 新产品的设计简介牛津商务preparing a brief for counsel (= the lawyer who will represent sb in court) 为辩护律师准备一份诉讼要点牛津商务to stick to your brief (= to do only what you are asked to do) 只做份内的事牛津商务




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