

单词 b
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔A〕use one's car simply as a means of getting from A to B 把自己的汽车仅用作从一地到另一地的交通工具英汉大词典〔B〕a B road 乙级道路英汉大词典〔B〕a sonata in B minor 一首B小调奏鸣曲英汉大词典〔R & B〕an R & B band = a band that plays R & B 节奏布鲁斯乐队韦氏高阶〔above〕put A far above B as a writer 就作家成就而论把甲远置于乙之上英汉大词典〔affinity〕feel more affinity with A than with B 觉得甲比乙更亲近英汉大词典〔affirmation〕make an affirmation that A is better than B 申明甲优于乙英汉大词典〔analogize〕analogize A to B 把甲与乙作类比英汉大词典〔blackcurrant〕a b lackcurrant bush 黑茶藨子灌木牛津高阶〔b〕a B movie 一部B级电影文馨英汉〔b〕a mark of B on an English theme.英语论文的分数为良好美国传统〔b〕a song in the key of B *B调歌曲韦氏高阶〔b〕got a B in math 数学成绩得了个B韦氏高阶〔b〕play/sing a B 演奏/演唱B调韦氏高阶〔controvert〕a point much controverted between A and B 在甲与乙之间争论不休的一个问题英汉大词典〔deck〕a cabin on B deck *B层甲板的舱位韦氏高阶〔deficiency〕a deficiency of Vitamin B 缺乏维生素 B牛津高阶〔deficient〕a diet deficient in vitamin B.缺乏维生素 B 的饮食柯林斯高阶〔dhīg〕dig , from Middle English diggen , to dig, from a source perhaps akin to Old French digue , trench. Both a and b from Germanic *dīk- . dig , 源自 中古英语 diggen , 挖, 可能和 古法语 digue 来自同一个语源, 渠沟. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *dīk- . 美国传统〔downgrade〕the Government's plan to downgrade cannabis from a Class B to a Class C drug政府将大麻从B级毒品降级到C级毒品的计划外研社新世纪〔en〕indigent , from Latin indigēre , to be in need ( egēre , to be in need). Both a and b from indu- , within, from Old Latin endo ; indigent , 源自 拉丁语 indigēre , 处在需要中( egēre , 处在需要中). a 和 b 都源自 indu- , 在…之内, 源自 古拉丁语 endo ; 美国传统〔exhibit〕introduced the weapons into evidence as exhibits A and B 展示作为证据甲和证据乙的两件凶器韦氏高阶〔fortify〕foods fortified with vitamin B 添加维生素 B 的食品朗文当代〔ghost〕the ghost of her father that had come b ack to haunt her 回来缠绕她的她父亲的幽灵牛津高阶〔gulf〕a gulf of doubt and mistrust between A and B 甲与乙之间怀疑与不信任的鸿沟英汉大词典〔halfway〕in the halfway between A and B 在A地与B地中间的地方英汉大词典〔hop〕fly from A to B in three hops 从甲地分三程飞抵乙地英汉大词典〔intersection〕the intersection of line A and/with line B *A线和B线的相交韦氏高阶〔k〕whilom , from Old English hwīlum , sometimes. Both a and b from Germanic *hwīlō . whilom , 源自 古英语 hwīlum , 有时. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *hwīlō . 美国传统〔link〕take on a link role between A and B 在甲与乙之间起连接作用英汉大词典〔mark〕have a mark of B in history 历史得B英汉大词典〔minor〕in the key of B minor B小调的英汉大词典〔minus〕get a grade of B minus in algebra 代数成绩得到B-英汉大词典〔misdeem〕misdeem A for B 把甲错当作乙英汉大词典〔modulation〕a modulation from F to B 由F调转为B调文馨英汉〔ne〕negate ; abnegate , deny , renegade , ( renege ), from Latin negāre , to deny. Both a and b from Italic *nek , not. negate ; abnegate , deny , renegade , ( renege ), 源自 拉丁语 negāre , 否认,拒绝. a 和 b 都源自 意大利语 *nek , 表示“否定,拒绝,禁止”之意. 美国传统〔over〕vote for A over B 选举甲而不选举乙英汉大词典〔penk〕foist , from Dutch vuist , fist. Both a and b from Germanic *funhstiz foist , 源自 荷兰语 vuist , 抓牢. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *funhstiz 美国传统〔per〕for- , from Old English for- , prefix denoting destruction, pejoration, exclusion, or completion. Both a and b from Germanic *fur , before, in. for- , 源自 古英语 for- , 前缀意为破坏, 堕落, 排除, 或完成. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *fur , 在…之前, 在…之内. 美国传统〔per〕porrect , from Latin por- , forth, forward. Both a and b from Latin por- from *p—- . porrect , 源自 拉丁语 por- , 往前, 向前地. a 和 b 都源自 拉丁语 por- 源自 *p—- . 美国传统〔plus〕get a grade of B plus in English 英文成绩得B英汉大词典〔range〕to range in size/length/price from A to B 尺寸╱长度╱价格在 A 到 B 间变动牛津高阶〔showing〕a midnight showing of a B-movie at the Phoenix 菲尼克斯 B 级影片的午夜场牛津搭配〔sign〕the sign for the letter B 字母B的手语动作韦氏高阶〔stream〕pupils who ended up in the B streams and C streams最后被分在B组和C组的学生外研社新世纪〔strike〕strike a B flat 奏降B调英汉大词典〔strike〕strike a B flat; strikew, t, and y on the typewriter. 发出比B调低半音的音调;在打字机上打出w,t 和 y 美国传统〔syntactic〕to b e syntactically correct 在句法上正确牛津高阶〔team〕team A with B 把甲和乙编成一队(或使甲与乙合作) 英汉大词典〔terk〕thwart , from Old Norse thverr , transverse. Both a and b from Germanic *thwerh- , twisted, oblique. thwart , 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 thverr , transverse. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *thwerh- , 扭曲的, 斜的. 美国传统〔uper〕orlop , from Middle Low German over , over. Both a and b from Germanic *uberi . orlop , 源自 中古低地德语 over , 在…之上. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *uberi . 美国传统〔vitiate〕vitiate the relations between A and B 离间甲与乙之间的关系英汉大词典〔water-soluble〕water-soluble vitamin B 水溶性维他命B文馨英汉〔way〕the best/quickest/shortest way from A to B 从甲地到乙地最好的╱最快的╱最近的路线牛津高阶




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