

单词 结实
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-breasted〕She was slim and muscular and full-breasted.她身材苗条但结实,乳房丰满。柯林斯高阶〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕Will that box be strong enough? 那只箱子够结实吗?朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕I need strong nylon thread. Cotton won't do. 我需要结实的尼龙线,棉的不行。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕You'll need strong walking boots in the mountains, if you don't want to sprain an ankle. 在山里行走,如果不想扭伤脚踝的话,就需要一双结实的轻便靴。朗文写作活用〔Rome〕A variety of apple having round firm fruit with tough red skin.罗米苹果:苹果的一种,结实的圆形果实外包有坚韧的红色果皮美国传统〔STOP〕Only a flimsy barrier stops the crowd from spilling onto the field. 只有一道不是很结实的护栏挡着观众,不让他们涌到球场上去。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕He kept his firm muscular body in shape with an hour's run every morning. 他每天晨跑一小时,使身体保持结实强壮。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕If you are going to put an electric cable underground, you must use the special heavy-duty type. 如果要在地下埋电缆,必须使用特别结实耐磨的那种。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The table seemed solid enough, so I climbed up onto it. 桌子看上去够结实的,所以我就爬了上去。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕I hope the ice is strong enough to take my weight. 我希望这冰足够结实,能承受得住我的重量。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕The package had been tied with strong green string. 包裹是用结实的绿绳捆起来的。朗文写作活用〔a fine figure of a man〕The football coach is a fine figure of a man.那位橄榄球教练身材高大、健壮结实。韦氏高阶〔anchorage〕A heavy metal ring provides anchorage for the cable.结实的金属环成为铁索有力的固定物。韦氏高阶〔backing〕It's strong cloth - it might be useful as (a) backing.这种布很结实——可以用作里衬。剑桥高阶〔bear〕The chair, too fragile to bear her weight, collapsed.椅子太不结实了,她一坐上去就散架了。剑桥高阶〔bench〕A strong worktable, such as one used in carpentry or in a laboratory.工作台:结实的工作台,如用于做木工或做实验的美国传统〔bind〕To furnish with an edge or border for protection, reinforcement, or ornamentation.镶边:为保护、结实和装饰的目的而给…加边美国传统〔brogue〕A strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips.拷花皮鞋:一种结实的浅口便鞋,通常带有装饰性小孔和翼尖美国传统〔chain〕The crate was secured with a strong chain.货箱用一条很结实的链条加固。麦克米伦高阶〔compaction〕The process of compacting or the state of being compacted.紧束:使结实的过程或被弄结实的状态美国传统〔concrete〕Abbr. conc.A hard, strong construction material consisting of sand, conglomerate gravel, pebbles, broken stone, or slag in a mortar or cement matrix.缩写 conc.混凝土:一种用沙子、石灰、卵石、碎石等制成的坚硬、结实的建筑材料美国传统〔concrete〕To build, treat, or cover with hard, strong conglomerate construction material.凝结物:用结实的混凝土建造,处理,或覆盖美国传统〔consolidate〕To make firm or coherent; form into a compact mass.使合并:使…结实或聚合在一起;使…形成坚实块体美国传统〔cretonne〕A heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers.大花窗帘棉布:一种色彩绚丽的结实的无光棉布、亚麻布或人造丝织物,用于作窗帘和家具套美国传统〔edition〕He is a heavier but handsomer edition of his brother.他活像他哥哥,不过长得更结实、漂亮一些。英汉大词典〔fiber〕Nylon is a very strong man-made fiber.尼龙是一种很结实的人造纤维。韦氏高阶〔firm sth up〕Cycling is one of the best ways to firm up your thighs.想让大腿变得结实,骑自行车是最好的方式之一。剑桥高阶〔firmly〕If you have to climb up, use a firm platform or a sturdy ladder.如果非要爬上去,就踩在一个稳固的台子上或者找把结实的梯子。柯林斯高阶〔flexible〕She's been doing exercises to become stronger and more flexible.她一直勤于锻炼,以使身体更加结实和柔韧。韦氏高阶〔footwear〕You'll need some fairly tough footwear to go hiking in the mountains.爬山的话要穿上结实的鞋子。剑桥高阶〔fructification〕The producing of fruit.结实美国传统〔fustian〕A coarse, sturdy cloth made of cotton and flax.棉亚麻混粗布:由棉和亚麻制成的粗糙而结实的布美国传统〔good〕You'll need a good length of rope to secure this properly.你需要很长一段绳子来绑结实。剑桥高阶〔grease〕Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees.在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。柯林斯高阶〔heavy〕Her flat is full of heavy old brown furniture.她的公寓摆满了结实的老式棕色家具。外研社新世纪〔hold〕The chair was too weak to hold him up.那椅子不够结实,承受不了他的体重。英汉大词典〔homespun〕A similar sturdy fabric made on a power loom.手工纺织呢:纺织机织出的结实的织物美国传统〔jab〕He was simply too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs.对对手而言,他实在是太强大了,一顿结实的左刺拳打得对手摇摇晃晃。柯林斯高阶〔jaw〕He has a strong/square jaw.他长着结实的/方下巴。剑桥高阶〔jean〕A heavy, strong, twilled cotton, used in making uniforms and work clothes.斜纹布:一种厚重、结实的斜纹棉布,用来制作制服和工作服美国传统〔khaki〕A sturdy cloth of this color.卡其布:一种土黄色颜色的较结实的布料美国传统〔lean〕Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular.跟大部分运动员一样,她身形清瘦,肌肉结实。柯林斯高阶〔line〕Strong cloth lined the trunk.这箱子用很结实的布做衬里。英汉大词典〔loose〕Her cheeks were loose and flabby.她的双颊肌肉松弛而不结实。英汉大词典〔lumpy〕Thickset or cumbersome.结实粗笨的:结实的或碍手碍脚的美国传统〔mainstay〕Nautical A strong rope that serves to steady and support the mainmast of a sailing vessel.【航海】 主桅支索:用来稳定和支撑帆船主桅的结实的绳子美国传统〔mole〕A massive, usually stone wall constructed in the sea, used as a breakwater and built to enclose or protect an anchorage or a harbor.防波堤:一个结实的,通常建于海上的石头墙,用作防波堤并建成以包围或保护一个锚地或一个港口美国传统〔muscular〕She was fast and strong, with a slender, muscular body.她动作敏捷,身体强壮,苗条而结实。朗文当代〔packthread〕A strong two-ply or three-ply twine for sewing or tying packages or bundles.捆包绳,捆扎线:一种结实的两股或三股的绳,用来缝或捆绑包裹或包装物美国传统〔parthenocarpy〕The production of fruit without fertilization.单性结实:未以受精作用结出果实美国传统〔pima cotton〕A very strong, high-grade cotton of medium staple developed from selected Egyptian cottons in the southwest United States.皮玛棉:由产于美国西南部的精选埃及长绒棉的中等原料制成的结实的高级棉美国传统〔plank〕It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.它由3块坚固的木板做成,很结实。柯林斯高阶〔plump〕The chicken looked nice and plump but not too fatty.这鸡看上去结实、肉多, 但又不是太肥。外研社新世纪〔ply〕Will three-ply (= woolmade from three layers stuck together) be strong enough for making a shelf? 三层夹板搭的架子是否够结实?剑桥高阶〔powerfully〕His body was taut and powerfully muscled.他身体结实, 肌肉强健。外研社新世纪〔robustly〕We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。柯林斯高阶〔rock-solid〕Freeze it until firm but not rock solid.把它冻结实, 但不要太硬。外研社新世纪〔rocky〕The paths are often very rocky so strong boots are advisable.路上通常石头很多,所以最好穿结实耐磨的靴子。柯林斯高阶〔rope〕I closed and roped the trunk.我把箱子盖上,用绳子捆结实。牛津高阶〔sack〕A large bag of strong, coarse material for holding objects in bulk.大袋:用结实粗糙的材料制成的用来装成堆的东西的大袋美国传统〔scrambler〕A motorcycle with thick ridged tires and strong suspension, designed for riding and racing across rough terrain.越野车:有厚边的车轮和结实悬架的一种摩托车,设计用于骑过和竞赛时翻越崎岖地形美国传统〔seam〕The bags we sell have very strong seams, so they will last for years.我们卖的包线缝处非常结实,所以经久耐用。剑桥高阶〔ski boot〕A stiff padded plastic or leather boot that is fastened to the foot with strong buckles or laces and locked into place in a ski binding.滑雪靴:一种坚硬的有衬垫的塑料或皮革的靴子,用结实的扣子或鞋带缚在脚上并能在滑雪遇到困难时紧急停住美国传统〔snooper〕The second house that Grossman had a snoop around contained 'strong simple furniture'.格罗斯曼打探过的第二座房子有着“结实而简单的家具”。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕Out of condition; flabby.松弛的:保存不好的;不结实的美国传统〔solid〕These chains seem fairly solid.这些链子看着挺结实。牛津高阶〔spanking〕Andrea gave her son a sound spanking.安德烈娅给了儿子结结实实一顿痛打。柯林斯高阶〔squatty〕Somewhat short and thick; rather squat.略微矮和结实的;略微矮胖的美国传统〔strongly〕The fabric is strong enough to withstand harsh processing.这种织物非常结实,能经受粗加工。柯林斯高阶〔sturdily〕It was a good table too, sturdily constructed of elm.这也是张很不错的桌子,榆木的,很结实。柯林斯高阶〔substantial〕Solidly built; strong.结实的,健壮的美国传统〔supple〕The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years.该皮革柔软而结实,足以用上数年。柯林斯高阶〔sure-footed〕My horse is small but wiry and sure-footed.我的马虽矮小,但精瘦结实,走路稳当。柯林斯高阶〔sweet spot〕The new tennis rackets are lighter, stronger, and have a bigger sweet spot.新网球拍更轻、更结实,而且有效击球区更大。剑桥高阶〔tabaret〕A strong upholstery fabric having alternating stripes of satin and moiré.塔巴勒绸:一种结实的室内装璜布,其中缎子与波纹的条纹替出现美国传统〔tactile〕Tweed is timeless, tactile and tough.粗花呢从不过时, 手感很好, 结实耐磨。外研社新世纪〔tactile〕Tweed is timeless, tactile and tough.粗花呢从不过时,手感很好,结实耐磨。柯林斯高阶〔tear〕It won't tear, it's very strong.它非常结实, 不会破的。外研社新世纪〔than〕Nylon is considerably stronger than cotton.尼龙比棉线要结实得多。麦克米伦高阶〔tone〕Exercise can strengthen and tone muscles.锻炼能使肌肉更强健结实。朗文当代〔tone〕Exercise tones up your body.锻炼使身体结实强健。柯林斯高阶〔tough〕Some plastics are as tough as metal.有些塑料和金属一样强韧结实。外研社新世纪〔tough〕These toys are made from tough plastic.这些玩具是由结实的塑料制成的。剑桥高阶〔twist〕The fibres are twisted together during spinning to form a strong yarn.这些纤维在纺织的过程中被织成结实的纺线。外研社新世纪〔usage〕Sports equipment is designed to withstand hard usage.运动装备在设计上要结实耐用。剑桥高阶〔weaken〕The beams had been weakened by water damage.横梁因遭水损已经不结实了。韦氏高阶He has a very strong/prominent jawline (= line made by the bone at the bottom of your face).他下巴的轮廓很结实/突出。剑桥国际He is a wiry little person. 他是个结实瘦小的人。译典通He looked up and saw a burly policeman approaching him.他抬眼望去,见到一个高大结实的警察向他走来。剑桥国际He was sturdily built. 他长得很结实。译典通His uncle is a man of compact build. 他叔父身体结实。译典通I bought a pair of stout boots. 我买了一双结实的靴子。译典通If you're going to walk those sort of distances you need proper walking boots.如果你要走那样长的距离,你需要一双合适的结实靴子。剑桥国际Nylon ropes are extremely strong.尼龙绳非常结实。剑桥国际Solid wood furniture is much more sturdy and durable than chipboard furniture.实木制家具要比胶合板家具结实耐用得多。剑桥国际The chandelier arrived in a big box, tightly packed around in wadding.那盏枝形吊灯送来了,装在一只大盒子里,四周结实地塞着垫料。剑桥国际The ground has frozen so hard, it's like granite (= is very hard).地面冻得结实得像花岗石。剑桥国际They bound him to a stake with a strong rope. 他们用一根结实的绳子将他绑在一根柱子上。译典通We'll need heavy lifting tackle (= ropes, etc.) to move that block of stone.我们需要结实的起重工具来把那一大块石头搬走。剑桥国际When a muscle contracts it becomes smaller and tighter.肌肉收缩时变得更小更结实。剑桥国际




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